Need clarification on locked discussion

Hello. I need clarification on a discussion that was locked. A friend linked it to me because I enjoy PvP and I now have concerns…
The post is here:

The quote is:
"Some may report if you are not participating in the manner they feel you should, but that doesn’t necessarily do anything. As I said, the application of those penalties are not automated. They are based on your actions, and the data your actions provide.

> With that said, it is important to keep in mind that a Battleground is a team event. You aren’t there solo, so to a degree, it is often necessary to work with your team. If you are going off by yourself to defend a lone tower, without the support of your team, and you never really encounter anyone else to defend against, well, that really isn’t participating. - Vrakthris blue post.

My question is:
Does this mean that defending flags is now a bannable offense?
Is defense now… not allowed?
And what if you’re getting beat so badly that your whole team stops accepting rez. Do you get banned for that, too?
Please clarify.


It is against the Forum policies to open a new thread about one that was already locked. As for the question, AFK reports are only a part of the metrics used to determine if a person gets banned or not. We do not know what all the metrics are, but as stated by the very same poster you should be participating in the BG by doing the teams objective. If your team decides to protect and defend all the towers, then by all means do so. If they want to zerg and kill the opposing faction boss, then do that with the team. He also stated that the AFK reports can trigger further investigation for non-participation and that when that occurs, they look at multiple matches to see if there is a consistency with a player not participating.


My apologies. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to ask questions on something that was closed. Wonder if asking will get me banned… :frowning:
Was planning on coming back to do some PvP until the next xpac but I’d rather not lose my other Blizzard games if logging in to play gets my account banned. Maybe I’ll just unsub, Seems safer.

Thank you for posting that Praetorian. Very useful information.


No, it won’t get you banned. Non-participation will though, as evidenced by some of the ones posting the threads that keep getting locked.

That’s unfortunate… I called it “spinning” with my rated friends. Would send someone out to hold a flag who could defend it for a while by themselves and call for help if they needed it. I guess we aren’t allowed to use tactics in PvP, anymore. That makes me very sad.

The ban wave was for people not participating in multiple BGs…mainly AV. For the other BGs, if a person is carrying the flag in WSG, then they are participating. If a person is helping attack bases in AB, then they are participating. A great many of the people who posted about being banned stated that they went to a lone tower in AV to defend, even though the opposing team wasn’t ever attacking those towers. They did this through multiple matches and had a clear pattern of not participating which is why the ones who deserved the bans got them. Yes, there were some bans handed out erroneously, but those will be overturned upon review when those players tickets get examined.


So genuine question. If I’m sitting on a flag on a priest… Defending. Using “Mind Vision” to look around the map and give my team intel on voice about who needs help where, and no one comes to attack me; is that non participation?

To be honest, I don’t know. Blizzard has the final say in that, but if you are doing that, are your teammates reporting you AFK???

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No my team mates don’t report AFK because I’m not. But it’s not possible to queue for randoms with a 100% premade. So, someone could, I suppose, report if they didn’t know I was providing intel over voice using Mind Vision. Was wondering if using the talents allotted to a class for the purpose they were intended was bannable.

Rather than using voice, type it in the BG chat in those situations so that your teammates know what you are doing…and also make sure that holding the flag and not capping it is what the majority of your team want to do.

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Unfortunately, due to accessibility issues, typing while playing isn’t practical. Not all maps are capture maps… AB, for example, would be a good map to spin on a flag and provide intel.
I guess, I’m just heartbroken that it’s not worth coming back to do one of the things I loved doing, if it’s now against the ToS to defend by yourself. It’s a valid tactic, not leaving bases unguarded. I guess… they own the way we play too, now.

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For AB, you are either capturing or defending bases at all times, unless you are sitting off somewhere nowhere near a base doing no damage to the opposing team or healing to your own team. The latter is what would get you banned, not the former.

There are multiple ways to play most BG’s. Can defending/backcapping/etc be a good strategy to win? Yes. But…

It’s NOT a good strategy if it’s going against what the majority of the team wants. Some people go back and backcap SH graveyard. That’s allowed based on the mechanics of the BG, but most teams will not like it because then they risk respawning there and killing the attack.

Follow your team’s strategy. If it’s rushing the enemy base, rush with them. If you don’t like the strategy, then there will be a new game in a few minutes, or leave the BG so the team can get a replacement.

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I think a good rule of thumb would be to ask your team if what you want to do is good with them–and if most say no, then don’t do it anyway, and just go with what they want.

It’s a team activity, after all.

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I believe I understand what you are saying and can agree on some levels.

However, what happens to people working on achievements? AV has several involving taking GYs and and Towers. Are you saying that I can not work on BG achievements if the team decides that strategy is no longer accepted?

I ask because the achievements are essentially based on the original play style of AV. However, the newest way is to bum rush to end in most cases. Waiting for the next BG is not likely to be any different.

I am asking because I would eventually like to finish mine and not because I was affected by this current issue. And I’m asking you because I’m curious if your interpretation of this team model allows for this.

Otherwise, Blizzard is essentially saying, those remaining achievements are unavailable for those who didn’t finish them. And if that is the case, then I wish they would just say it and be done with it.

I think a lot of people just want to know. Thanks

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Can you form a premade to get achievements? Blizzard is famous for achievements that are tactically unsound and very unpopular with a battleground team which actually wants to win the BG. That’s never been an excuse to ignore the team’s strat and just do the achievements.

That’s a fair question and I’m a casual player so I’m not sure. I thought you could only go as a group of 5 for random BGs so I would have to check.

And I see your point about some achievements being counterintuitive to strategy. However many AV ones are based on the original strategy (general one, let’s say, since there are lots of variations) and the newer approach is to run to the end and literally stand around waiting for 2 towers to burn and kill the last boss.

This is why I ask. That’s all

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No, it does not. The point of the original statement was directed more for someone who continually is defending the tower, for multiple games, where the group they are with may be employing different tactics, and doesn’t see value put on simply defending a tower. A tower, mind you, that might not be challenged at any point.

It sound like you are working with your group, which is not the same thing as I was warning against.

To be clear, you wouldn’t lose other licenses for activity that took place on one. The only time the entire Battlenet account would be impacted would be if there was egregious exploitation taking place.

As Pazorax said in their thread, we look at a lot of different data points poring over a variety of metrics that is collected. There is nothing wrong with working on achievements, though any group you are with may be appreciative if you also were focused on helping to win.