Need clarification on locked discussion

Well, I did not expect such a quick reply and certainly not a Blue one. I thank you for that.

It all makes me a little sad, because I remember that was how we used to win AV when I was learning to play.

However, I appreciate the information and responses. Have a good day all!


Well, I’m not risking it for even 1 game.

No one pulling me away from my HK farm now with their “Why did you all leave LM alone.” nonsense.

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It isn’t strategic if the enemy isn’t trying to take it in the first place. It has also been noted that your own team are the ones reporting you AFK, and that if an investigation is launched due to those reports, they look at multiple BGs to determine if there is consistency in your not participating.


I deleted the first response, Elitesbane, because that is not at all what I said and your response was trolling.

I would agree, there is a difference between being idle and not, which is kind of what I was referring to. You are seeing a definition where I did not give one. I was simply trying to provide some advice on certain behaviors that can be non-participation in some situations.


Defending a tower, specifically the first two towers in AV is categorically the best thing you can do to contribute to a win as a solo player in a group of 40. In the current zerg meta, games typically last 5-7 minutes, with the PvE boss pulls happening when the first two towers go down. In games we lose, 90% of the time it involves a backcap. As a solo player employing this strategy is the best contribution you can give. I’m not sure why one or multiple games matters at all. Why would you stop doing what works?

1/3 of the games on defense I don’t see a backcap attempt. You cannot know before hand whether a backcap attempt will happen. Also it is impossible to know how many back cap attempts have been thwarted by the presence of just a couple of people.

As far as, the group employing different tactics, or not seeing the value in defending the tower, who gets to make that call? There are no full premades in AV so are we just talking about the loadest person in BG chat? In my experience, a player constantly railing in bg chat is the most toxic.

In short: Defending the first towers is the optimal strategy. Employing this strategy in multiple games should not matter. Someone raging in BG chat, being wrong about the value of defending the first towers should not matter. Something about this policy and the willingness to listen and take ownership for the faults of the current system needs to fundamentally change.


Folks, this discussion, with the original statements that have been quoted endlessly, started with someone who would get flagged as /afk with the “get into combat” debuff and wanted to know what could be considered non-participation.

The original player I was replying to mentioned that they often are defending the tower. Since sitting alone in a tower can prompt someone to think you aren’t participating, they may therefore report you, resulting in the /afk debuff.

I simply provided some generalizations for someone who may have been reported as /afk by members in the Battleground and reasoning why they may have been targeted.

I’m not debating strategy. Nor is defending a tower at all an indication of non-participation.

I’m not sure what policy you are referring to. I have not once talked about policy or given specifics on afk/non-participation.