Need before Greed: Why causals and solo players quit

One time, just before DF launched, I tried LFR. I had played for awhile before the Fated Raids came out and had a decent weapon. I got an x-bow from PL that was the same ilvl as my old weapon, better stats for me though and a transmog unlock.

Another Hunter saw that I already had a weapon of that ilvl and whispered me to give it to him. I told him that I was going to keep it. He started banging on about it in raid chat for the rest of the run, insulting me, and running mechanics like bombs over to me to try to get me killed.

IMHO Blizzard should add some sort of token you get for fully completing a wing. Get enough of them and trade them in for t-mog from the wing. That way alts can get gear that might be useful for them and raiders can guarantee they get t-mog by carrying.


That’s the other thing, anyone who claims that PL solved all loot drama is full of :poop:


OP is the kind of LFR ghoul that keep whispering you about your PL loot.

“You need that? You need that? Bro its an upgrade for me, you need that?”


Another day another OP thinking they are entitled to loot over other people.


“But its BIS for me, man!”

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Lol that was fun

 /rolls eyes Good Lord. WoW is not a job
 that comparison is not remotely close

It ain’t your loot until it’s in your bag.

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I never said that, infact I didn’t even whisper him because in my experience most people who play this game are a-holes like the person above and below you. I’m simply advocating for a better system or at least return to PL.

Sometimes it’s greed before need.

You did infact, you are here whining about a mage that won an item over you.

You think you are entitled to tell people how to roll and what to roll on.


And to think that that was only the 2nd most OP combo in fated pre-patch.

In this case, both people are can use the item, both participated in the kill, both were allowed to roll need.

OP just lost the RNG, and their proposed solution does functionally nothing to change/prevent the outcome they are complaining about.

Sweetie it really wasn’t

I’m faulting the system that allows a 396 ilvl mage to roll on need on a 376 item. I’m not faulting him. Humans are gonna human, there’s no moral expectations on the most selfish mammalian species on the planet.

Then you need to come up with a different solution than PL. Because there is no functionality of PL that does anything to prevent that outcome happening.


PL wasn’t perfect but it was better than this, at least in LFR content. That’s all I’m saying

Well, well, well, how the turntables.


Then you must not actually care about solving this problem.

The announced 10.0.5 GL changes make it so that GL does MORE than PL ever did to produce that outcome (person who has an item as an upgrade gets the item)

The system isn’t faulty and ilvl is irrelevant.

The only relevant thing is that you think you can tell people who killed the boss with you how to roll.

As I said, PL wasn’t perfect, but it’s better than group loot in LFR and group finder instances.