Need before Greed: Why causals and solo players quit

Man, LFR community is so toxic.


Great attitude to have, no wonder WoW is thriving and bustling with new players and less toxicity.

Isnt 10.05 going to remedy this?

I guess im relieved for many years ive quit caring about loot. Im one of those people that really enjoy other people winning loot rather than myself.

I know, thats really weird
but in the end i know ill eventually be the one that will get that prize. It all comes down to how patient a person is.


You actually gonna address anything I said, or are you just gonna carry on with that entitled attitude of yours, thinking you are the one that deserves gear the most, and yours is the only valid reason?

Been there done that in MoP, made a lot of friends in repeating bosses. And it felt like I was actually playing the game.

Complain to Blizzard to give people a way to get LFR appearances without having to go do LFR and roll on your loot and I’m sure the vast majority will make your wish come true and not ever touch it.


No, I started off caring about your opinion, then I stopped when you wrote.

and realized you’re part of the problem WoW has with its player base.


Could you explain why you consider it toxic to give every participant a fair chance at loot from the boss they helped kill instead of arbitrarily excluding some?


Yeah, All I see in this thread is OP trying to force their ideas about who should be allowed to roll what on other people.


Yea and who is going to carry them?

O seen some pretty and dps tanks and heals in LFR is there is no one to carry the group most people aren’t going to down a boss.

Heck in SL S4 you still have DPS doing less then 2k DPS thought-out the fight while you have others doing 50k and more carrying people.

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Man, hitting 300k out of my opener in pre-patch when all the fated buffs activated at the right time for the ravenous frenzied shrooms was hilarious.

Honestly, It’s not even that. Would I like for things to change, yes. But obviously, it’s not my call. I’m really only stating why solo players and causal quit. Really the only thing causals can do is quit, that’s the only way to force change, since Activision is all about their $$$$

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That’d be for LFR players to figure out

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PL was definitely better at distributing loot. No one ever won 2-3 pieces on a boss.

Generally, you would get one drop with PL. Maybe you go a week without one, but you generally would get a drop at some point. Now, you can easily go weeks without a drop, or get a lot at once. The variation is bad. It might even out over-time, but this isnt 1000s of hands of poker were working with here; its a handful of bosses per week.

PL is just a superior system for your average pug/casual player. Group Loot sucks; its basically a poor man’s Master Loot for guilds, at the expense of the majority of hte playerbase. They should just give master loot back to guilds and PL back to pugs.


/thread THIS RIGHT HERE!!!

Personal loot for lfr should 1000% return.

However, everyone who does the raid with you has a claim to the gear that drops. Thats fair as they cleared the content with you as well.


First level-headed reply against my post I’ve read, thank you.

ok, but how is that different than just everyone rolling need on everything under GL?


But how does this solve your problem? You complained about well-geared players getting “your” loot. With PL, they will still get “your” loot, it will just be with a hidden roll.


Yeah, if you care about lower ilvl people getting loot, the bugfixes in 10.0.5 will make that a more likely outcome from GL than it was under PL.

It might feel better, but they will be betting less of what they want.