After reading this? It’s almost like the idea behind loot being personal and not the groups meant something in shadow lands…
Speak for yourself. I’ve got no problem with anyone who participated in the fight having a fair chance at the rewards. (Especially when geared folks make all the fights a cakewalk)
None of them give a damn about your performance in LFR, after all they are like having a couple bonus stacks of determination. Yeah, it is annoying as hell when I see people just ignoring mechanics in LFR and dying in the opening moments of a fight but I just shake my head and understand that it won’t really matter anyways. It is after all LFR…
So just like the gatekeeping done in M+/Raids?
Sorry for wanting to bring qualified people into challenging content with our limited play time. Wait, actually not sorry for that.
That’s a weird way of saying you’re arguing with people for no reason if their definitions, being valid for them, result in a reasonable complaint.
“Your definitions don’t apply to me and mine don’t apply to you but my definition should be how LFR loot is handled.” Is just a…weird take.
I lost healing gloves on my shaman in RFK to a rogue in Classic a year ago.
Still hate that guy.
With you 100 percent. If you don’t need it, why need it? That’s just immaturity at it’s finest. They roll simply to deny someone else the satisfaction of an upgrade. Then they revel in the whispers and questions in raid chat. I see it every week.
The more geared player is just as entitled to loot as the low geared player, or arguable more-so because they contributed more to the boss kill. The super geared player is likely there for transmog as well. If you need gear, m0s are better for that than LFR.
It’s closer to “Your definitions are your opinion, and therefore are only applicable to you”.
If someone is rolling need because they are allowed to by the game, that should be entirely their decision to make. You should not be able to decide weather or not someone else is allowed to roll need on an item.
Did you maybe quote the wrong message? Theres no way you think this somehow follows.
Also, gatekeeping doesnt exist, you can form your group right now and go into every raid you want and do any dungeon if you have the key.
If you think the key system is gatekeeping… meh…
If we are going to get technical, you can only be gatekept in this game if you let yourself be gatekept.
Nobody here is able to decide that, which is why Blizz is making changes to the LFR loot system that will decide that, because they can…and are.
That’s exactly my point. If someone is allowed to do something, they are allowed to do that. Anyone else’s opinion on whether or not they should do that does not matter in the context of LFR.
Needed it for transmog. Gotta get em all.
No one is gatekeeping you from anything.
They do need it, just for different reasons than you do, but those reasons are still valid.
Your persecution complex is showing mate.
Nope, but it matters in the context of feedback, which is part of why the forums exist. We are not currently running LFR and telling you that you can’t roll on an item. We are giving feedback on the forums, and feedback is why changes to the loot system will roll out.
So far the only changes I see planned for the loot system are bugfixes, but I admire your confidence on this.