Necromancers MUST be the next class

The light can wipe my behind.

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We need true Hero classes, Battle Mage is a must.

Hero class? Tinker it is.

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Made me chuckle ngl.

Letā€™s not. Every time theyā€™ve done a ā€œheroā€ class theyā€™ve just had to go back later and dumb it down because no one liked people being OP.

Tinkerer though is fairly popular and hits most peopleā€™s definitions. Necromancer is a great choice imo and I think a battlemage that gives us a Spellbreaker tank spec a Warden dps/crowd control spec and a Spellblade dps spec would be fantastic.

Iā€™m also partial to the concept of bards.

But not ā€œhero classesā€ just regular classes.

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Hello, yes. I saw video.
Give me Witch please.

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They already have. With priest and paladins. This is no different. Anyway, Iā€™m really tired of hearing every guy who thinks heā€™s figured it all out and DK=Necromancer, when even Blizzard, the guys who created this game made sure thereā€™s a distinction between the two. So claiming otherwise is just dumb, especially considering they were planned as a class in Vanilla wow ALONG SIDE Death Knights.


Called it with the gunslinger.

Necromancers raise the dead and command them to do their biddingā€¦ Death Knights ARE the deadā€¦

Check mate

Paladin meet Priestā€¦ what? Two light wielding spellcasters but the only real difference is one is meleeā€¦ scandalousā€¦


Judging by lore the way they are kind of overlaps warlock and shadow priest so it hits the same issue, its too similar in most ways to classes we already have play style wise.

This. My god its so weird to see people say that we canā€™t have two classes doing similar things despite operating differently when we already have that with multiple classes.

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Hmm. class skin seems to me to be an easier solution in this case for warlock who would have more similarities in terms of mechanics.
Maybe change dk, as there is already a precedent for death knight caster (warcraft 2) just create a new spec or change some unholy talents/skills to become caster option.

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Priests are 50/50% Holy and shadow, Paladins are 100% Holy.
DKs are 100% Necromancy, and so would a Necromancer.

Thatā€™s the difference.

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Sorry, youā€™re nitpicking and biased

I win, bye bye

No, DKs arenā€™t 100% unholy. They are 33.3% Unholy since itā€™s a single spec, you clown.


So are we also 33.3% blood and 33.3% Frost?

Whatā€™s the other .1%?

Hero Class. Bro.

Itā€™s 33.3 repeatingā€¦ Which is 100 divided by 3.

Frost is Lich
Blood is Vampire

Those are also Necromancy.

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You have no idea what you on about. DKs arenā€™t 3 classes. They are one class. The Death Knight. Not a VampireLichNecromancer.

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