Necromancers MUST be the next class

The DPS spec is for DPS and has control abilities to differentiate it and give it some flavor separate to other DPS specs. Its fine if you don’t want the thing but lets not keep going in circles.

And as I already gave a tease about, Priests are vastly inferior when it comes to its class and what it can do and what it excels at compared to Paladin.

Essentially Priests have the table scraps compared to Paladin. An afterthought if you will.

Paladins have very useful utility all the time where as Priests are hamstrung by its very niche utility.

Paladins have 3 very different roles and play differently yet still utilize a wide array of the same spells. Each spec of Priest essentially has its own suite of spells to use which makes any central cohesion between the specs very nebulas at best and downright nonexistent at worse.

Priests have 2 healing specs and because of this, the devs really pushed different playstyles which assist in the nebulas connection between similar used spells which makes the class tree very difficult to build since each spec wants different things and as a result, most of the the choices are absolutely worthless for each spec. Toss in Shadow and it being diametrically opposed to Holy and it’s even more egregious.

I could go on at length but I’m just trying to state that using Priest as a good comparison with Paladins in terms of melee vs ranged class tapping into the same theme is NOT a good example, in fact it illustrates precisely WHY it should not be repeated again with any class let alone with Necromancer as it has both Death Knight and Warlocks to contend with in terms of similar themes it would cross over and tap into that already exist in a solid state with those aforementioned classes.

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All of this explains why Necromancer would be just fine. This is an excellent example of how Necromancer would not, in fact, be at all like a Death Knight and fulfill the desired death caster vibe people want.

You put a negative spin on this but honestly this is exactly why such things work fine in WoW. They’re two different classes that use the same cosmic force. (mostly) They have different utilities different uses and different effects while still sharing several abilities even. Necromancer could easily do the same if any of you would just listen to how we’ve proposed it would be setup. You’re just so set on trying to say no you’re not actually participating in the discussions.

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For the last 20 years players have wanted:

  • Dedicated Alliance High Elves
  • Ogres for the Horde
  • Spellbreakers
  • More customizations for races for example: Trolls can change appearance to Forest/Ice/Sand etc… not more allied races.

I’ve seen the above asked for a lot more than Necromancers, but yes, Necros and tinkers have been asked for as well.

Pointing out that more popular things have been asked for and Necro will probably be lower prio you clown. TBH just ignoring you, you’re insignificant. GL HF.

I’m not going around in circles, you aren’t thinking of how what you want would impact the game and the balance between the other classes.

You don’t even remotely know how it will. None of us do. You THINK you know, but you don’t. The best any of us can do is guess and your guess is as close to accurate as mine is until its actually added.

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I’m not the one saying “this is how the new class would play”, so try again.

We don’t have to think about it because it’s not going to happen. Blizzard isn’t going to override two classes for a Necromancer class. If they were seriously considering one, we would have gotten one in Shadowlands. Instead, Blizzard gave Death Knights MORE Necromancer abilities.

If it ever becomes an issue where Blizzard feels the game absolutely needs a caster necromancer, they’ll simply give DKs a 4th spec or make Unholy ranged to put the proverbial nail in the coffin.

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If they ever add Hero Paths that only a single spec can tap into… Or perhaps multiple classes that have similar themes can tap into, you can easily have a Necromancer Hero Path that both Demonology Warlock and Unholy Death Knight could both become.

Dunno how you would balance it but that would be the best chance to add a Necromancer into the game via added Hero Paths as it would not break the current classes crossover which doesn’t require a lot of material to build and create multiple base abilities and interesting talent trees from the ground up. Just a small talent tree that can adjust current abilities to lean into Necromancer fantasy is all it would take.

They tasted like chicken…

I’m outlining how it could play. But again you’re not listening to what I’m saying and just going in circles.

Your argument is just “nu-uh” it’ll be this way. It’s not worth continuing with you because you’re not trying to have a discussion.

Sure. That’s why necromancer was on that poll. Blizzard would never do it.

More seriously, you don’t know what they may choose to do or not. Sounds like Blizzard isn’t really sure at the moment what kind of class they want to add.

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Don’t we have enough dead folk running around now? They’re everywhere.

Necromancers wouldn’t (at least not all of them) be dead. They’d be living folk more akin to the cult of the dead folk.


so… its “dumb” because you don’t understand?.. lmao… i dont think the statement that you replied to is the “dumb” one. and so quick too to lash out instead of understand… in hallowfall… the arathi are using light magic to raise the dead… you know… necromancy?.. do you even read the quest texts? there is no “resurrections” in wow, only for the player character there is … for gameplay reasons… but in universe… to raise the dead is necromancy… and is unethical… Khadgar is undead bec Anduin resurrected him. no different than the forsaken … does no one know lore?

While this is more or less true… Anduin is one of only a very few people that in the canon does in fact cast Resurrection magic. He didn’t raise dead on Varian or Khadgar. He was able to actually bring them back from death using the light with resurrection.

Its true that players can only do this as a matter of gameplay and that MOST lore characters also cannot do so, but Anduin has done it at least twice now. Hes noted as being able to.

That all said he was also involved in our first foray into Light based Undeath with Calia Menethil which oddly took more effort for Anduin, a Naaru and Alonsus Faol. Amusingly.

I personally think that Tinkerficermancers need to be the next class. Let me ask Grok to build it for us.

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One better.

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We have warlock and death knight my guy