Necromancer or Bard Class?

Necromancer should have also a Healer Spec, weaving soul magic (like from the Necrolords) and Blood Magic (like the blood trolls from BFA) to restore HP to Allies and ofcourse deal damage, it could also be the first Healer in WoW to utilise a Pet to help heal, which we have nothing similar. So that in itself is unique.

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Iā€™m all for something like the Crusader from Diablo 3, except wearing mail armor.

Kinda agreed, I feel like in WoW people can be bards in name but it doesnā€™t seem like itā€™d ā€œworkā€ as a classā€¦ at least in WoW.

Tinkerer please

Which is why Iā€™d prefer a void based class that does that over necromancer. Weā€™ve already got a class that utilizes death/undeath magic.

A void based class that wears mail or plate that calls on the void to modify their body through void rituals and void etchings on their armor to grow shadowy mutated limbs, chitin, spikes, eyes, and tentacles. Then the DPS ripping open portals into the void itself to strike their foes, massive tentacles slamming down on your foe, an eyebeam from beyond, swarming void spawn, and void eyes aiding the caster. And lastly the healer who summons creatures from the void to shield their allies with dark rituals that temporarily bind the creature to all so the creature suffers the damage instead. Other void creatures and obelisks brought in to heal and buff allies in combat. As well as access to a void spawn that follows your commands to aid allies within range of it, as well as damaging foes n healing allies.

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I know but many classes do overlap in theme, but hey Iā€™m all for another void class too, the more the merrier I say!.

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When done correct, such as in Allods Online, Bard is a really cool concept.

They use vibration energy and Sonic Magic, channeled sometimes through voice or various instrument to cast attacks such as Dissonance, Cacophony, Power Chord, Poetry of Death, etc.

They had CC such as Lullaby/Serenade, which did rely on captivating someone with you voice to momentarily distract them.

They were a full blown DPS class and it was well done and played a lot.

They could also all summon an Astral Blade and shield themselves with Acoustic Barrier.

They also had buffs and stuff, some personal and some party wide like Malevolent March, Rock and Roll, Symphony of Madness and Overture.

It can be done quite well.

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Unholy DKā€™s are as close to a necromancer that would be feasible within the gameā€™s lore.

I like the concepts of Bards, but not the aestetics. Harp and Notes? No thanks :slight_smile:

Iā€™d rather have a Blood Mage (or whatever) who heats the blood of their allies and fouls the one of enemies to support. Get creative :slight_smile:

In terms of gearing balanceā€¦ there are two categories that are could be fixedā€¦ there are only 2 classes out of 12 that use mail - which is something you mentioned.

In theory Blizzard should try to fix - but by that same tokenā€¦ the same logic could be applied to Strength Classes- there are only 3 out of 12 for thoseā€¦ where as Agility and Intellect have tons.

Another thing to cover is something a Blizzard Dev called unique coolness in an interview a long time ago, and specifically mentioned the necromancer in the interview. In terms of mechanics - necromancer is already covered through the Warlock - and theme wise the Death Knight already exists using that power type.

As such - keeping Blizzardā€™s own philosophy in mindā€¦ out of the two options presented - Iā€™d have to back the Bard classā€¦ There have been boss fights in both Mists and Cataclysm where the bosses have used sound to attack usā€¦ additionally Warriors and Priests have used shouts and hymns to buff the partyā€¦ but more as one offs.

Bard would also use sound as their primary attack/support methodā€¦ rather than it being a side things that they just happen to do. It could be interestingā€¦

Anyways thatā€™s my 2 cents - take it for what its worth.


Necromancer hands down

Itā€™s the only class Iā€™ve wanted in this game


I hate Bard.
Theyā€™re not quirky and cool. Theyā€™re stupid.

With that said we already have melee necromancer and anything that could be ranged necromancer should just go to Warlock. No need to dilute existing classes any further.

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Something like ffxiv dragoon class would be cool imo, could wear mail which were sorely lacking mail users.

Would fit if next xpac is dragon themed :man_shrugging:t2:

Iā€™d go for Bard.

With all this Sylvanas and the Shadowlands, Iā€™d like a rest from edgy classes or from death things. We have Death Knights and such.

Not saying Necromancer wouldnā€™t be amazing. Itā€™s just thatā€¦ a DK caster?

I agree but Dragoon without positional abilities (which is a concept WoW killed off) is just a bland melee.
Plus, if the next class is melee not ranged Iā€™ll blow my top.

Loved Allods despite itā€™s p2w rune upgrade system, really wished we got a similar ship system in BfA since that was supposed to be a sailing exploration expansion and ship to ship battles were always fun in Allods.

Minstrel from LotRO is another good example of the potential of a Bard classā€¦but these people who ā€œjust donā€™t see how it could work despite all the other examples of it working and a rich history of real life war musicians, on top of cinematics from other Warcraft games, since they donā€™t exist in WoW!ā€ just want to pretend like Tinker wouldnā€™t just be hunters with more robopet options.

Neither. Bard is just a stupid idea. Necromancer could just be a 4th spec for DKs or warlocks.

Dks are basically necromancers already. Although I would love for dks to get a caster and healing spec.

Bards have been heavily hinted this expansion throughout every covenant and items throughout shadowlands. It seems they are being planned as they have sown seeds of bards in the last few expansions.

Stuff like this is why I laugh at people who say " but but we already have locks and dk".


I would like to see the necromancer from Diablo 3 in wow. Several different build types that would be easy to transfer from set bonuses to talent selections.