Necromancer or Bard Class?

I feel that adding a new class would be appropriate as the pattern seems to be that one is introduced every other expansion, such as the Death Knight, Monk, and now Demon Hunter.

That being said, I feel that a Necromancer class would be awesome. We already see a lot of Necromancers in Maldraxxus and it wouldn’t be too out of the question to have a caster class that is somewhat of a mix between a Death Knight and Shadow Priest. We’ve gotten 2 leather classes and a plate class since the launch of this game and I feel it’s time we get another cloth class.

If not Necromancer, perhaps a Bard class that can wear mail as there are only 2 classes that can wear mail?

Let’s see it happen!


we have warlocks and monks already.

what we need is a third demon hunter spec.


I do agree that Demon Hunters only having 2 specs should be addressed. Then again, Druids have 4…

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Tinker, let’s be honest


Bards don’t exist in WoW. It’s really just not a type of class or fighting style we’ve ever seen around here. And if it’s a pure support class it can never work, WoW’s trinity doesn’t have room for it.

Necromancer may be possible, but not the dark Scourge-type one. It’s way too similar to death knights and warlocks. But if maybe Blizz reinvented it into a new concept, like a spiritual necromancer using pure anima magic that we’ve been seeing then maybe it could be done. It’d have a lore context too post-SL.


Imagine what would happen to your FPS with 5 necros in your raid.

If they then limited to one or two “pets” (to avoid the lag) … then what would make them different from a lock/hunter/dk?

I feel like they would have to strip quite a bit from DK to make a necro work… likely starting with the ghoul and the other little caster. (wouldn’t be the first time they took abilities from one class in order to create another - demo → dh).

Still though… seems like too much overlap to make it worthwhile.

I doubt they would go pure support with something like a bard. I’m not even sure where that wishful thinking is coming from. I don’t recall any bards in anything in W3, TFT, or even as NPCs on any of the WoW xpacs.

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That’s what I’m saying. It makes the most sense to incorporate a Necromancer class due to the nature of the current expansion. It would have made the most sense to have added it with this expansion… but they didn’t unfortunately.

In terms of Bards I would have to disagree. There’s a few bard NPCs out there such as the “Hired Bards” that we see in Dalaran. I think you could easily design a Bard class that encompasses DPS, Tank and even healing similar to the Monk.

Someone over on the mmo-champion forums made class concepts for these two exact classes. They’re insanely detailed:


what we NEED is a new ranged spec. everything has been a melee class so far

and it should wear mail


Honestly I’m tossing my hat in with the Bard Class. I know the fan favorite seems to be tinker but what people describe is either covered by the other classes similar to the necromancer suggestion, or just too OP(this isn’t MechWarrior). Tinker would essentially just be a robot themed hunter, which you can already achieve.

Of the frequently suggested classes, Bard has the most potential for being unique and not taking from other classes.

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Yeah but those are just musicians. They hang out in taverns, sing and get paid. They’re not out there beating monsters over the head with their instruments.

Necromancer makes more sense for the expansion after SL though. Because before those necromancy was generally reviled as evil. But now we’ve learned about a whole 'nother side of Death magic that isn’t bad. So after working with the covenants we could take these teachings back to Azeroth with us. Or maybe even have covenant emissaries teach willing students. Something like that!


I do admit that it would be tricky adding a Necromancer class due to the similarities between Death Knights, Warlocks and even Shadow Priests. But if they included an arsenal of abilities that were just like the Necrolord covenant abilities, they could certainly do it.

But I totally agree with what you said about Bards. It would totally be a unique addition to the arsenal of classes that we have.


This would probably be the only thing Blizz could do to get me to play WoW again.

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Blizz dosent like to add new classes to the game cuz you would have to rebalance the whole game


Mail would have a word with you. I mean really, there are only two mail wearing classes in the game. Time for more. That means TINKERS, not bards!

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OP, I think you spelled it wrong.
It’s Tinker. T I N K E R.
The only class that makes sense because WoW hates support classes and Necro’s step on too many toes.
Tinker could be tank/ranged/melee or tank/ranged/healer
Would be a chance to finally add another mail user and a second class that uses bows and guns.


I’d like that, though I’d keep open about the idea of a Necromancer being able to use Mail.

Also good with me. Bard is my second most wanted class.

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Ill take a Priest or Monk talent that adds some aspect of the Bard in the form of Lions Roar

When the tank has ran too fast, acted too impatient and is about to get us wiped, I can blast all the NPC’s once per 30 or 60 minutes into the wall bringing them all to 1HP and removing all their gear leaving them stunned until someone smacks them into oblivion.

The sound should be a mix of a scream and the patronus from Abeforth and should break objects in the players room if they have their PC connected to a decent sound system.

This would require the game to be balanced already…

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I think the idea of a Tinker class is also interesting.

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