Necromancer or Bard Class?

My contribution:

Necromancer - mass BRez


The Mech would be best served as a big CD for mitigation. Although you could argue it would be the Tinker equivalent of Bear form.

We have plenty of races with widespread use of advanced tech.
MoP and WoD showed Orcs and Magā€™har Orcs using it like crazy.
Dwarves(normal and Dark Iron) are not far behind Gnomes.
Vulpera scavenge and repurpose tech throughout BFA.
Humans seem fairly competent with it.
Draenei are okay with tech unless it fliesā€¦
Blood Elves were able to sabotage and steal Draenei tech with ease during TBC.
Goblins and Gnomes are just the foremost examples of it via NPCs.
Thatā€™s 5 races each easily explained.

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Necromancers exist, its called unholy DK. They raise dead, use disease as weapons, change into a lich aka undead, etc.

Bard canā€™t be good because ā€œmusicā€ or ā€œsoundā€ is not a weapon in wow.

Hey! Weā€™re fine with the flying, itā€™s the landing that has issues!

Fair enough :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I would set it up so that the Tank spec uses the Mech like a bear form. Kinda like DKā€™s with unholy having a permanent pet?

Justā€¦ the tank spec gets a permanent ā€œmechā€ form option.

Whereas the DPS and Healing specs get only a temporary use of the mech and it changes its uses by spec.

I actually have a text document for my idea of the Void Sovereign which is a plate/mail class that uses the void to empower itself and call forth void creatures temporarily. It probably has most of what youā€™d like to see as far as abilities and talents. I think the most unique property of it though was the mutagenic/mutation stuff for the tanking specialization. As we donā€™t have a class that modifies individual parts of its body for abilities etc.

I think if youā€™re adding a mechanized suit for the tanking form then the other 2 specs donā€™t need access to it. They should have other abilities that really differentiate them from the tank spec. It could have similar abilities that the tank spec gets but not the mech.

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Thatā€™s fine too.

I usually split it into tank spec with a mech.

Dps using turrets bombs and rifles.

Healing using mechanized bots, potions and rifles.


I agree we should delete a Druid spec.

Another post on this topic? Man, we are running out of new stuff to talk about, arent weā€¦

We are bored. No content.


Why canā€™t we have a class that raises the dead via song? The Necrobard.

bards donā€™t make sense rn as there isnā€™t any that i can think of in game besides the muscians at like DMF and all that. the only actual bard NPC i know of is Jay the bard that they put in after he won the talent show at blizzcon like 1-2 years ago.

Necromancers of the 2 makes sense though especially since if i am not mistaken they actually had necromancers i think it was for vanilla? but the idea was scrapped. people keep saying we already have warlocks yea true but what about DKā€™s then? also warlocks and necromancers are not the same at least not imo.

of all the classes people have theories on iā€™d say the most logical one for the next expac would be tinker.

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Rogue class hall has one. Thereā€™s a few others as well.

base class has 2 summons, skeleton mage for dps and abomination for tanking
third summon is the pet focused spec only: A bone Wraith
we only need 2 specs for the class like demon hunters, one pet focused and the other one uses bone focused spells, shooting bone javelins, bone prisons, etc.
Clothy armor and weapon sets.

Not a buffer.
Jacks of all trades, a hybrid chain wearer that can dps and heal. Only two specs for this one also. Heal spec can cast light magic to heal using music as the focus. Arcane Acrobat spec focuses on agility to deal damage with some arcane magic tricks thrown in the increase the damage of their strikes.

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Iā€™d love a d2 style necromancer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Tinker class.

No more leather classes, at least tinker come close to mail. We need another mail class.

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Why not both? Necrobards!! Raise the grateful dead from the ground with the mighty powers of rock, roll, metal, and death. Master three distinct specs. Troll Funk, Blackrock and Roll, and Classical Metal (the main trainer being Zombie Privateer Mozart as was promised in Blizzconā€™s 2017 textual experience).

Necrobards special ability is to cause internal hemorrhaging of your enemies brains by playing the music at ear shattering volumes. The fallen then join your band of grateful dead men and assist in melting more brains. This will not tread on Shadow Priests fantasy since Priests melt faces.

Your welcome, Iā€™ll take my consultation fee now. :stuck_out_tongue: