Necromancer or Bard Class?

This. This is exactly what I was referring to in the OP.


Iā€™ll say it again.

By dragon rider I mean some dragon themed class. Dragon knight, dragon wizard, dragon aspect, whatever you want to call it. Something way out of left field with no basis in established lore, basically.

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Thereā€™s actually two. And neither one of them uses music to damage or heal.

Give me Bard

I wanna beat people with a lute

Or tinker and have it be like Gazlowe in Hots + a mech-riding mode like Gallywix/Mekkatorque

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if yall want a new class maybe try 2 stop requesting actual stupid classes


When I think Tinker, I think The Motherlode dungeon.

But also bosses from Operation: Mechagon and Gnomeregan.


Necromancer is something i would consider to level a toon again :stuck_out_tongue:


While I was mostly joking, no reason sound magic couldnā€™t be used. Common enough trope, and wouldnā€™t be particularly out of the realm of possibility.

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Yes, I think Mekkatorque/Gallywix mech as either a tank spec or big CD (like meta), a medic healer spec that uses cauterizers, shielding bots, healing bots, etc, and then a dps spec that places turrets, throws grenades, shoots rockets, etc.

Playable by most tech-savvy/intelligent races.

Monk kind of flopped (relative to dh/dk) because itā€™s weird, so I know weā€™ll never get anything as cool as tinker, if we ever get another class ever again.

Except we donā€™t have sound magic in WoW. Never have. We already have Tinkers in WoW, though. Theyā€™ve existed since WCIII.

There are literally song spells/sonic magic spells in game that cause healing/damageā€¦

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Given the choice between charismatic song slingers or edgy mc clothknight? Bard, all the way.

I would like to see an actual sword and board class that is not a tank. Something like gladiator stance was for warriors.
In medieval times most soldiers had a shield and sword or pike.
Shields were used for hunting long before they were used for warfare, partly for defense and partly for concealment in stalking game, and it is likely that the military shield evolved from that of the hunter and herdsman.
Maybe a shield could be added to survival hunters even.

Tinker would fit both of these. It could be mail wearing, and be ranged using Guns and Turrets.


Iā€™m not saying there isnā€™t sonic damage, buffs, and debuffs. Like the Sonic Booster, Shriekwing, Piercing Howl, and a few others. But where would music, like a bard uses, come from? They canā€™t all be screams and howls.

Tinkers, on the other hand, have tons of abilities they could use. Some of which can be taken from old engineering recipes that donā€™t get used anymore. Thereā€™s a lot to draw from there and would make way more sense in the context of the game.

necro seems like it would just be a combo of a mage type class and a pet type class. i could see it steeping on alot of toes, mostly mages, hunters, dhs, lock and mabye others. best to put the time and effect from making a necro into the above classes. we already have it that hunters can tame undead animals, dk that can have undead gaurds (goul and the bowman) and dh that can ā€œtameā€ demons (or was that dk taiming undead for a bitā€¦ i dont play thos 2 classes alot). best to just slap it as a lock spek

for bard it matters now its done. can see it being very annoying with all there music (and how alot of d&d people act as bardsā€¦). also, how would they fight 1 on 1? hit the mob over the head with there lute? lol. theres also having to make all new items for the bard, being all there music type items, even more if you want them to look like a typical bard

even if blizz makes a few class it will be a clusterF for ages. the balancing will be a sh**show. best to try and fix the classes we have now, be it the ones that are underpowered, overpowered or jusr full out broken

mail should just be removed. bump hunters to leather and shaman to plate (like they were for a time)

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Neither, Tinker!

looks at Murmur

Sure. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also this.

And not mentioned Bastion uses sound quite a lot itself.

Or the Night Faeā€¦

Pretty sure I could think of other times over the years. Its just not commonly used.


Itā€™s just bizarre to me that the people suggesting Tinker are like ā€œIt needs to be a ranged mail armor class(hunters) but with a full plate armor mech which totally negates the point of it being a mail armor class!ā€

Also, one class restricted to only one race per side is enough. At least Necromancer wouldnā€™t be race locked and there are some solid arguments with the Necrolord theme. Everything about the tinker would be superfluous, which is the same argument yā€™all are making against necromancers :rofl:

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