Necromancer or Bard Class?

Exactly why Artificer/Tinkerer works so well because most of the races have unique technology and magical infusions for their tech. So each one of the races could have great unique appearances.

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Well based on what actually happened the last time they tried to do that I will be dubious to say the least.

Like I said earlier if anyone can come up with a list of abilities and how the class works etc I’ll happily jump on board with them. I think about 15-20 basic abilities then 10 spec specific ones and 10 passive effects should be enough to get spells and talents at least mostly covered.

The argument that individuals make regarding the implimentation of a new class affects overall balance is valid, but it’s not a reason that should prevent the implementation in general. Do you not remember how ridiculous Death Knights were upon release? Do you remember what Blizzard said in regards to that very fact? They said it was intentional. Regardless Class balancing has always been an issue with this game even back in Vanilla.

There’s literally a cinematic in Warcraft 2 of battle drumming orcs…

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And they don’t fight! Besides, since when has a bard used anything other than a lute and their voice for weapons? I’ve never seen a little drummer orc fight anyone.

Necromancer is superfluous since we have Death Knights AND Warlocks.

Bard is only a support class, in older games like Everquest, so I don’t see it fitting in Wow where everyone can solo.

Of any “new class” idea I think “Tinker” works best. I’d rather see them really balance existing classes, to everyone’s satisfaction, though. :wink:

Sometimes the need of players to get a New Class, or a New Race, reminds me of that couple who thinks having a child will fix their relationship. :wink: At the end of the day, they’ll still be the same people with the same problems; this will still be the same game.

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Well, I was referring to Bard and Necromancer, but yeah, I don’t see why we couldn’t have Death Knights and Necromancers.

Both would function completely different, one being a plate wearer that smacks enemies with a sword while the other casts magic that does things different than a Death Knight’s skills. To say we shouldn’t have Necromancers because we have Death Knights is like saying we have Paladins, so we don’t need Priests.

Not to mention that other MMO’s have had similar classes in the same game. Necromancers and Shadow Knights in Everquest 1 were completely different despite the latter using some spells that Necromancers had. They were also completely different in Everquest 2 and Everquest Online Adventures. It isn’t impossible to share some skills and still be completely different functionally.

Anyway, while I would prefer Necromancers to be their own class, I’d be fine with them as a skin for Warlocks. I just want them playable in some fashion, honestly. :skull:


the notion of bard just sounds dumb. they already eliminated the real hybrid classes from supporting… next thing you know, you be expecting healers to dps!

Yeah…nevermind. I can see you’re not actually being serious now.

How is tinker not superfluous since we have mechanical hunter pets AND engineering?


Amen brother.


hahaha this

bard is so amazingly stupid. they’d either be so weak, no one would want them in their groups, or their buffs so important, each group would have to have one.

no thanks.

it’s also just a straight up silly concept “here let me music you to death”. like the only thing I can think of that would be sillier would be “here let me dance you to death”. just asinine.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


honestly, i wish they remade unholy into necro.

I mean… that’s technically how Discipline Priests and Holy Paladins function.

Check out the two class concepts I shared. The author made 3 specs for each class. Including talents for the Necromancer.

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I was thinking similarly, but with Warlocks being reworked into necromancy. Would bet the same class mechanically, but since we kinda stopped the Burning Legion and demons are no longer immortal, making all the animations undead/necromancy themed would make a lot of sense.

talking about pure heals, not the hybrids that wanna be buffed to do the same output.

There is a guitar Axe in the game right now. lol

My mistake but my point stands. lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Its an odd take.


Aye. In the end as long as they show up I’ll live with the result.


I think mechanically speaking adding a Bard would be the most challenging out of the 3 classes that are commonly discussed in this thread. Similar to the benefits of bloodlust, the Bard could potentially have spells that inspire and buff your dps, tank or even the healers. Not to say that can’t have spells of their own as well. But if they were primarily a support class, the support they offer would have to be potent enough to warrant swapping out a DPS in a mythic+ setting for example. Do we take 3 DPS or just take 2 with a bard there to buff everyone else?

Personally I’d love Necromancers,

At first they use to be to similar to Death Knights and Warlocks, but Shadowlands has fully fledged out its own lore, uniqueness and definitely visually aesthetics to be its own class.

The class definitely should take inspiration straight from the Necrolords, they definitely have all the abilities that can be developed into its own class and the Lore to back it up.

I personally just hope that we get a new caster class that can heal, that could have the potential to wear Mail Armour as we are in desperation to have more Mail wearers.