Necromancer Class

My goal was to state they dabble in those magics & powers, but it’s not necessarily their focus.

Similarly to how:

  • You wouldn’t call a Fire Mage an Elemental Shaman
  • or call an Outlaw Rogue a SMF warrior :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sharing various spell fields & aesthetics shouldn’t mean it takes away the entire identity of another class; if done right, it can reinforce and bolster it. :partying_face:

Cult of the Damned Necromancer is amazing! Last Titan is going back to Northrend maybe we will get lucky.


This is Dope!!
i’ve attempt to come up with concepts and i like this alot … one thing i want to ask you …and from what ive read necromancers / scourge lords have the ability to control undead Nerubians …so one or two of my suggestions was…have them raise some of the tanky spider lords and horde of Carrion beetle surfaces from the ground that infect enemies with blight? and to top it off ( not sure if you wrote this ) the player can turn into a Scourge lord ( like Kel’Thuzad) for like 20 seconds… this form will buff their stats and make them take less damage as well.

and a priest sound like a paladin in a robe…and just to make sure you’re understanding my point is… priest and Paladins are user of the light one ranged and one melee…

this goes the same with death knights and Necromancers… power source comes from The Lich King … one ranged and one Melee

Strictly speaking the power for a Necromancer doesn’t come from the Lich King. They just use necromancy. Their power comes from the realm of Death.


The Lich king power source came from the helm which is the soul of Ner’zhul …Kel’thuzad swore allegiance to the Lich King in exchange for power and knowledge…where he got his source of power from…Arthas+Ner’zhul = The Lich king

Nah he just learned things from Ner’zhul. Its not where he gets his power. The Lich King can give power to people but Necromancers are like mages and warlocks. They’re using their own ability to cast and use magic they’re just focused on Death.

Death Knights get their power from the Lich King mostly. (through their runeblades though since Legion thats been more wonky and then Shadowlands really messed that lore up.)


you mean Arthas? or Kel’thuzad the mage?

Kel’thuzad. Arthas was… soul joined? With Ner’zhul then killed him sort of…

Kel’thuzad was promised power by the Lich King to follow his path and effectively that he’d be able to be immortal. But the magic hes using isn’t “through” the Lich King its just necromancy which he could do on his own. He had actually studied it in secret a bit before he left Dalaran. The Lich King gave him a great deal more information about it and how to do it but its not a requirement.

Death Knights on the other hand technically (or more likely did I’m unsure at this point.) get their power from the Lich King, though again that kinda gets muddled in Legion and greatly muddled in Shadowlands. Now I’m kinda unsure if its still like it was in the past.

They use runic magic which I assume is based around the domination magic of Death through their runeblades from whence they at least channel their power.

Like I said its kinda muddled since Legion from when it started in Wrath.


I agree! A full class would be more fun. A class skin will just be a lazy way for blizzard to do it. Necromancer’s deserve better.


I thought that Kel’thuuzad was a necromancer before he got mixed up with the Lich King stuff? Maybe I just got that confused. Cool to know.

Either way, I’d buy a year subscription if they put a necromancer in WoW. Hell I might by a lifetime sub if it was done really well. I love necromancers. And yes I love unholy death knights, but it’s not the same. Not really.

I’m pretty sure he was described as a necromancer. Though it might have just been an old lore hold over when their vision for the future of the game was less clear. When they’d be less precise with their language.

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No I think you might be right. Like he was a necromancer in Dalaran ( I apologize if that’s spelled wrong) and that’s how he got mixed up with the Lich King stuff and then he started really experimenting and that’s when he got caught and kicked out and then formed the cult of the damned.


That is correct


Wow and Warcraft lore has plenty of Necromancers. Kel’Thuzad, Ner’zhul, Darkmaster Gandling, The Primus, and Gothik the Harvester are just a few that come to mind.


Don’t forget about me! Sshh don’t tell anyone. I’m a good necromancer. I’m just trying to raise a family… I just have to find one where they’re all buried close together.

(…I really like necromancers…>.>)


Some folk have family crypts so I’d start with those.


I like where your heads at. Modern problems require modern solutions!


“Dead men tell no tales? Wrong! As a necromancer, your honor, I literally summon my first witness - the victim!”


Although to be fair, both necromancers and warlocks would be spellcasters and most likely both be cloth users — as opposed to say Priests VS Paladins.

Hence my vouching for warlocks to get necromantic spell visuals & undead pet skins. :woman_shrugging: