Necromancer Class

I dont understand why people would be against necromancer, just BECAUSE warlock exists. Is there not room for another summoner caster?


I know there is room for Warlock and Necromancer. Many other games have both. I think the people against it want another class. Bring on the Necromancer!


Another idea forms the Wow Ascension video


Don’t get me wrong, I more than welcome idea of Necromancer its high time we get warlock idea of Spellcaster of undead

I mean In Diablo their Necromancers that use the dead for good…why not I Don’t know have coo or something that change Cult of the Damnded to change how Necromancy be and use it for the good…

I’m would love play Necromancer.

This all sounds like a more caster oriented DK.

Well I been dreaming play wow version of Necromancer since early day of Warcraft 3 and growing up reading lore on game manual of lore was thing that keep me going as kid


Same here! I am a big Kel’Thuzad fan!


I mean… It long time Necromancer be Into class and hell it be great we get necromancer Face paint/ tattos for cult of damned and Like how Knight of ebon blade was born maybe A diffrent faction born form ashes of Cult of damned?


I think having that facial customization is essential! I love the tattoos the Cult of the Damned has!


I want to learn Necromancy in Scholomance!

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Much like they bring long time requested items and monster item that was never add for player to have

I think for many other races to have the Facial customization is must for all races as well have the grey skin for all races.

Also yes Scholomance is where we learn I would love that be class hall, Hub for Necromancers leveling.

I’ve been pondering exactly how the starting zone would be for necromancers, and everything points to Scholomance.

It’s the only still-relevant hub for necromancy according to the recent books, with almost every core figure still alive.

I always imagined the quest would be a POV: You’re Getting Doorkicked™ but from the Scholomance perspective, where the questline is the final days of graduation and you’re scrambling around collecting lorebooks, preparing traps, and all such things.

Results in a final stand within the crypts, until you’re dragged outside to the gallows at the hands of the Argent Crusade and the Ebon Blade.

You’re given an offer of joining the ebon blade or dying. Should you join the Ebon Blade, you are directed to Koltiras/Thassarian and shipped to your proper faction.

Should you discover the easter egg and walk off the platform with your noose around your neck, Alexei himself would arrive to congratulate your loyalty, but demand you to go to your faction while providing some toy for the player.


I like that. Very nice.

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They won’t even let Frost Mages have a Water Elemental …

as someone who spent time in arena when they had it, they dont need a second CC pet

Scholomance would be my preferred way to get Necromancers!


necromancer would instantly become one of the most popular classes


I know I’d 100% roll a few of them. Hell that might be the thing that got me into group content if it was done like super well and really fun to play. Like it’d be worth it just to play it as much as possible.


At minimum I’d have three.


Oh absolutely. Might just class change all 30 of my alts. That’s 10 per spec (if they go with the typical 3). That should be enough to really understand the class fully.


I feel almost indirectly under attack for how many warriors I have.