Necromancer Class

Nice, you’ve thought up some new concept work for future Death Knight abilities or specs

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I strongly suspect they considered Necromancer as they went into Shadowlands and decided against it due to constraints on time versus systems.


I really dig cloth-wearing Necromancers.

Plate-wearing DKs just don’t feel frail enough, to me.

Just that, we already have Warlocks, Shadow Priests, Frost Mages, and Evokers.

Hard to argue for another caster at this point, same for another new melee class.

I think new classes should really be something special, or at least, gameplay-wise, different.

Evokers were an attempt at that.

Well they went back and updated the Ogre models at the least. They look fantastic.


Old Gods they do don’t they… lol

Really would like to get Ogres playable soon. T_T


Exiles Reach has Ogre Necromancers — You must’ve really liked that starting zone, lol

:thinking: In all honesty though, it’d be interesting if their celebrated its release by:

  • Giving Death Knights some of their undead more customisations
  • Provide Warlocks with some necromantic spell visuals & undead skins for their summons.

Then introduced Necromancers as its whole stand-alone class alongside those :yum:

You could argue that Necromancers helped unlock the greater potential of what both those classes can tap into and thus under the right circumstances, can actually be a boon to both the Horde and the Alliance (for a bonus incentive towards allowing them into our ranks).

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I have no issues with DK’s getting more undead customizations (At least for unholy since they’re the only one that really uses them) But this is entirely separate from Necromancers imo.

I think they should keep Warlocks on demons and abominations honestly. If Necromancer is its own class there isn’t a great reason to give any undead to warlocks.

That said Warlocks need to be able to have a much larger range of demons and abominations to choose from for their summoned allies.

I’d also want that to be something for Necromancers. Different options for the various summonable “units” you could use even if those are mostly just brief summon, do action, withdraw to wherever setups.

While I’m on that I also want Mage water elementals and Shaman elementals to have similar choices for their summons and choice like warlocks (and druids I guess) got.

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I mean warlocks are warlocks – They’re meant to be masters of the forbidden arts, not just demon-mongers & nothing more. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

  • Although I also wouldn’t mind if we got some void content for warlocks, with void-entities & such that we can summon and powers we can tap into … Especially considering warlocks already have a few old-god themed transmogs.

That being said, I don’t see much of an issue towards warlocks getting a few necromantic customisations either — I’m not talking about full-depth dive, but just a few things. :slight_smile:

100% — I’m absolutely on board with that. :dracthyr_nod:

I think people are too caught up on small things and hyperfixated on this extreme take & mindset that if X class so much as has a small semblance of Y spell-category and aesthetic, then it’s “stealing” their identity in whole.

Naturally, that’s not the case and WoW has had other classes dip into fields they share since Classic.

But as I said, if we got necromancers as a stand alone class: I think it’d be interesting to see from a narrative perspective – for Necromancers to help other classes increase their power, whilst managing to grow their own …


Not so much with the modern versions of them. We don’t see mages playing around with other types of magic though they are entirely able to do so in lore and did so before.

If they add something like Necromancer to the actual class list there would be few good reasons to make such a cross over imo.

Since they already have the Voidwalker, I don’t see issues with void things. Especially since current modern warlocks have a fair bit of void crossover directly.

Thats why I normally suggest demon and Abominations as those are often of the void persuasion. :smiley:

Feels like an odd cross over when we already have DK’s who would have the same cross over. If we’re adding Necromancers as a standalone class adding this to warlock just seems like an odd choice.

Not that Warlocks totally wouldn’t be able to do it or anything.

I suppose honestly I wouldn’t really care so long as I had my Necromancer though. lol

Despite what I’ve said here I pretty much agree on this. >.>

Even if it were just a lore thing for Necromancers to be helping with interworking between those classes and not actual cosmetic options I think it would be a good idea to show that.

If they do add more customizations for all those classes mentioned… well good for all of us in the end.

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Needs a blood based healing spec or no go from me, sorry.

But that’s the thing, they have.

You have cultist warlocks that meddle with the void, old gods and dark entities and you already have warlocks creating one of the major points in lore of necromancy – The creation of the first generation Death Knights.

So they’re more than capable and it helps emphasise their whole deal of them being those who meddle with the dark, the forbidden and both volatile & mysterious powers.

I mean, the Death Knights are melee whereas Warlocks are casters, so I wouldn’t really view it in the same capacity.

We have three categories of classes that dip into fire, such as warlocks – shaman and mage, it’s hardly an alien concept to have more than two who can tap into a particular power — Just showcase it in an array of various ways :grin:

Ideally, could potentially present a questline for such cosmetic options to be unlocked and in return present how necromancers increased their powers as a trade for such knowledge.

You could perhaps show:

  • Death Knights returned the favour by teaching necromancers how to bolster their defences with the powers of death.
  • Warlocks returned the favour by teaching them how to reinforce their phylactery in such a way that when it’s destroyed or its power used, their soul will survive and they can make another in due time (inspired from their own evolved studies of the soulstone).
  • Demon Hunters you could also perhaps even have be shown how to resist the powers of death better and in return show necromancers their studies on metamorphasis, presenting Necromancers to discover a way to temporarily ascend to a Lich for a short time, before returning back to their former state.

It’d be cool to see how classes learn from each-other and grow their powers in unison.


Yeah my point was that thats not the modern Warlock though. Those warlocks are basically long gone. We have a differentiation between what a Warlock is and a Necromancer is at this point in the lore.

Aside from earlier Orcish lore we don’t see a lot of necromancy with warlocks any longer. Even then their creation of those first generation Death Knights was more a matter of Gul’dan playing with any power that could make him strong rather than what warlocks were doing as a whole (Specifically to keep Doomhammer from killing him really. lol). The entire thing of course eventually being co-opted by Ner’zhul after he became the Lich King at which point the whole Death Knight thing becomes rather wholly different than that first gen.

Warlocks as they are in game now don’t really do the necromancy thing anymore than say mages play with necromancy. In fact the honest truth of the matter is that Mages, Warlock and Necromancer are literally the same set of things. Its people who study and use magic of some form whether that be Order, Fel or Death to complete their goals. All of them may dabble in the others but the way WoW has their “classes” setup its not really a thing we get to have for our characters.

Could you… make an argument that it should be? Sure why not. Just seems beyond the general scope of trying to figure out what a Necromancer would play as overall.

The cross over with DK’s that I meant would be with Necromancers not warlocks.

It just seems to me like it would be adding something to Warlocks that you’re already going through effort to make an actual class of, and as I go into more detail above, would be kinda odd in the context of WoW classes.

Cool as that would be we’re walking into Class Skins which seems out of place in a discussion on specifically Necromancers and what they would bring to the table. :smiley:

I would see this as a potential concept for a whole expansion feature honestly. Its a good idea I think.

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I mean I could argue the necromancers this thread along with what yourself are requesting for are long gone.

Things are only gone as long as the writers intend or desire them to be, but they can very well be brought back with ease – especially if there’s already lore regarding to them having done such machinations before.

It’d also not uncommon for Blizzard to have classes touch back on origins or stuff they dabbled with in the early days far, far later.

Hence to why I later referenced the case of there being multiple classes that dabble in a specific field and that it can be depicted to the class in such a way that’s unique →

As for -

I don’t really see it as adding, simply touching back on their older lore :woman_shrugging:

I certainly don’t see it as odd in the context of WoW classes either – especially warlocks, given much of their ranks are already dark practitioners.

I was moreso correlating it to necromancers and their magic, as per the later statement of what the other classes could give in return for such broadened cosmetics or spells :yum:

That being said, another cool feature a standalone Necromancer class may have would be their own brand of healthstones, but that which restores resource instead (Mana, Energy, Runic Power, etc). :slight_smile:


Now that you mention it … soulstones are basically phylacteries …

Warlocks seem to have taken a lot of Necromancer’s ability loadout. Shadow magic that do DoT and even leech life. Summoning of disposable minions. Fear. The only thing Warlocks don’t do is Ice Magic.

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Yeah we already have necromancers in this game, just not by name. heck, we got 2 whole versions.

Exactly my thoughts!! :joy:

Sure but no one is going to seriously look at a warlock and say its a necromancer. They’re two different things.

We have no necromancers currently playable in game.


Unfortunately gameplay-wise they overlap a significant amount.

Sounds like a knock off warlock.

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D3 is thataway :point_right:t5: