Cult of the Damned Necromancer would be the way to go! Kel’thuzad is still out there. I think it can still happen especially with the focus on Northrend in Last Titan.
I think Necro would be a great way to introduce a “dark healer” archetype and like the Blood Binder idea.
Not sure how anyone could.
Here is Mine.
Damned Summoner Range Dps Summoning.
Playstyle: The Damned Summoner focuses on summoning and commanding undead minions to overwhelm foes while amplifying damage with dark curses and controlling the flow of combat with their mastery of death.
Summon Undead Minion: Selectable between Warrior, Mage, or Ghoul.
Raise Damned Raise the dead from fallen enemies in the area to fight for you as temporary allies. They will be weaker than your standard minions but will last for 15 seconds or until destroyed.
Wretched Harvest Harvest the souls of your slain enemies within a 25-yard radius, summoning them as temporary, mindless minions to fight by your side for 20 seconds. The number of minions raised depends on how many enemies were recently killed in the area.
Vengeful Shade Summon a powerful vengeful shade from the Shadowlands to fight alongside you for 20 seconds. The shade will target the enemies that have dealt the most damage to you, dealing moderate Shadow damage every 1 second and reducing their healing received by 30%.
Bone Prison Summon a prison of bones to trap a single enemy in place for 5 seconds. While trapped, the enemy suffers Shadow damage every second and cannot move. If the target dies while imprisoned, they burst into a cloud of poisonous gas, dealing damage over time to all nearby enemies for 6 seconds.
Ghastly Plague Release a wave of ghastly mist that deals AoE Shadow damage to all enemies within a 15-yard radius and applies Ghastly Plague, which reduces the movement speed of enemies by 40% and increases the damage they take from all sources by 15%. The plague persists for 10 seconds and spreads to nearby enemies if the target dies while afflicted.
Plague Cauldron Open a foul Plague Cauldron at a targeted location, releasing a wave of toxic fumes and diseased vapors in a 10-yard radius. Enemies within the area take Shadow damage over 10 seconds and suffer from Plague Weaken, reducing their damage dealt by 20% and healing received by 50%. The cauldron persists for 20 seconds and infects any nearby enemies who enter the area, prolonging the damage.
Bloodbinder Healer Spec
The Bloodbinder specializes in harnessing the life force of both their allies and enemies, using blood magic to heal, empower, and protect. Instead of traditional healing spells, they manipulate the blood of the living and the dead, often sacrificing their own life force to fuel their abilities or healing allies through shared suffering. The more damage the Bloodbinder absorbs, the more powerful their healing becomes.
Blood Bond: Link your blood with an ally. While the bond lasts for 10 seconds, any healing received by that ally is increased by 30%. If the ally takes damage during the bond, 10% of the damage is transferred to you, but you gain Vitality equal to the damage transferred.
Sanguine Surge Channel your life force into a surge of healing. You sacrifice 10% of your current health to heal all nearby allies within 15 yards for 100% of the health sacrificed. Allies also gain a buff that increases their critical strike chance by 10% for 10 seconds.
Blood Curse
Place a blood curse on an enemy, causing them to take 20% more damage from all sources for 8 seconds. For every 10% of the enemy’s health lost while under this curse, your Vitality is replenished by a portion of the damage dealt along with allies.
Hemorrhage Tear at the blood of a target enemy, dealing instant Shadow damage and causing them to bleed for 6 seconds. While the bleed persists, any damage they take heals you and your allies for 20% of the damage dealt.
Blood Sacrifice Sacrifice a portion of your own health to raise a powerful blood avatar (or revenant) that heals your allies for a portion of your sacrificed health over the next 10 seconds. The avatar absorbs 50% of incoming damage and heals all nearby allies within 10 yards for 15% of their maximum health.
Blood Shield envelop an ally and yourself in a shield of blood, absorbing the next 25% of incoming damage for 10 seconds. While the shield is active, it also heals the target for 5% of their maximum health whenever they take damage. If the shield is broken early, the remaining damage is converted into healing for all nearby allies within 10 yards.
Rite of Rebirth Use your dark blood magic to resurrect a fallen ally with a portion of their health restored. The resurrection comes at a cost, as you must sacrifice 10% of your own health to fuel the magic. The resurrected ally also gains a Blood Rebirth buff for 15 seconds, increasing their healing received by 50% and their damage output by 20%.
Sanguine Warden : Summon a Sanguine Warden a blood-infused guardian spirit that aids you in battle. The Warden absorbs incoming damage on behalf of you and your allies within a 10-yard radius. For every 10% of damage the Sanguine Warden absorbs, it heals all nearby allies for 5% of their maximum health.
Lich Dps Spec
This spec causes your character to look like a Lich. Lich forms are customizable in the Salon and look different for each race.
The Lich Spec brings a deadly combination of Shadow, Death, and Ice Magic to the table, alongside powerful summons that provide utility, crowd control, and healing. Whether you’re dispatching foes with Shadow damage, controlling the battlefield with Ice magic, or summoning minions to serve your will, the Lich spec combines devastating offense with tactical support, making you a fearsome presence on the battlefield.
Frozen Tomb Trap an enemy in an icy tomb made of necrotic energy for 5 seconds, rendering them immobile and unable to cast spells. During the tomb’s duration, the target takes Ice damage over time. When the spell ends their movement speed reduced by 80%.
Death’s Grasp Use the power of death to grip a target from a distance, immobilizing them in place for 3 seconds. Deals Shadow damage over time for 5 seconds after.
Necrotic Surge Unleash a surge of Necrotic energy that deals damage to all enemies in a line in front of you. Enemies affected by the surge are cursed, causing them to take increased Shadow damage for the next 10 seconds.
Summon Cursed Knight Summon a Cursed Knight to serve you. The Cursed Knight provides you with an Aura of the Damned, reducing all incoming damage taken by you and your allies by 15%.
Soul Siphon Steal the life force of an enemy, dealing Shadow damage and healing yourself for a portion of the damage dealt. If the target is below 35% health, this ability has a chance to summon a Soul Minion that will fight for you for 15 seconds, dealing damage and reducing enemies’ healing by 25% for the duration.
Spectral Legion Summon an army of Spectral Legionnaires, undead warriors who fight for you for 15 seconds. Each Legionnaire deals Shadow damage and slow enemies and provides a small healing aura that restores health to all nearby allies over time.
Plague of the Frozen Dead Unleash a Plague of the Frozen Dead, causing all enemies within a 15-yard radius to become infected with a deadly plague that deals damage over 10 seconds. If the target dies during the plague, a Frozen Wraith is summoned to fight for you for 20 seconds, dealing damage and freezing nearby enemies on death.
This is very cool! Needs Bone Storm added though.
Some cool ideas - you should go and look at the CoA necromancer highlight on youtube, I feel like they damn near nailed a standalone necromancer concept for WoW (and yes they have a lichform)
I miss my Diablo 2 necromancer something terrible, so I will always supports its addition to wow.
Wish they would just Rip the Necromancer from Ascension WoW. They did a really good job.
One concern I have with necromancers is how much they will overlap DKs thematically (a lot of the suggested abilities are very similar to DK abilities) and Warlocks gameplay-wise.
Necromancers are going to need a unique selling point.
It’s called warlock*
They created the first generation of Death Knights.
We merely need to rightfully-so give warlocks the skin for their spell abilities & minions to compensate a token-nod to the lore
One concern I have with necromancers is how much they will overlap DKs thematically (a lot of the suggested abilities are very similar to DK abilities) and Warlocks gameplay-wise.
Necromancers are going to need a unique selling point.
Aside from using Death Magic they don’t need to greatly overlap on abilities. Thematics sure, but thats no different than priests and paladins or Shaman and Druids overlapping on their general thematics.
One of the ways I’d personally say Blizzard could help with this is by using the Death magic colorations that we see in Maldraxxus rather than focusing on the same colors that DK’s use. This would also give them a nice place to use those neat newer Death magic colorations we’ve been seeing them keep to anyways with NPCs.
priests and paladins or Shaman and Druids
It’s worth noting that those are vanilla classes so Blizzard had to somehow make them distinct and make them work - they were already in the game and people have pours months into levelling them.
I doubt Blizzard would want to create a new class and struggle to make it distinct from existing classes.
I don’t have a wish list for new classes and am OK with whatever Blizzard decides to add next but frankly, I think it’s more likely they would add Witch Doctor than Necromancer. Voodoo Magic is under explored in WoW from the player’s perspective - although they show up a lot in mobs.
I doubt Blizzard would want to create a new class and struggle to make it distinct from existing classes.
They wouldn’t need to struggle though. They have a litany of new spells no one is using from Shadowlands that would fit perfectly.
I don’t have a wish list for new classes and am OK with whatever Blizzard decides to add next but frankly, I think it’s more likely they would add Witch Doctor than Necromancer. Voodoo Magic is under explored in WoW from the player’s perspective - although they show up a lot in mobs.
While I’m a long time fan of Necromancer, I don’t see it as an and or setup. There are a ton of potential classes that Blizzard could choose to do at any time and none of them are more or less deserving than the others.
We support the classes we like and live and let live the ones we don’t care for or about.
That all said, I like Witch Doctor and what the folks in that thread are doing. Sounds neat!
It’s called warlock*
It’s called Unholy DK*
It’s called Warlock*
We had necromancy before them.
Know your place, thrall.
Like I said →
They created the first generation of Death Knights.
In all honesty though, I don’t see why there can’t be the same aesthetic shared across two or more classes … We have priests who are caster-based light users and then paladins who are melee-based light users.
- Like-wise, we have frost death knights and frost mage.
- Additionally, the typical necromancers people generally refer towards are casters — Death Knights, are not … Nor can they even use staffs, lol
So whilst Death Knights use necromancy & death magic, they’re not the typical ‘Necromancer’ that people are referring towards.
Hence to why I ultimately said:
We merely need to rightfully-so give warlocks the skin for their spell abilities & minions to compensate a token-nod to the lore
Necromancer Vibes for Warlocks!
The first-place necromancers
If they give it to warlocks that would be… Sad.
Necromancer would be far better on its own.
I don’t know, from what’s usually described on caster-based necromancer ideas, it kind of just sounds like a re-skinned demonology …
That being said however, I also wouldn’t mind if warlocks got necromantic spell visuals & undead pet-skins — but then still released ‘Necromancer’ as its stand-alone class later on.
The original post of this thread shares some interesting prospects on a few things towards Necromancer being a stand-alone class in its own right, but that’s not to say there can’t be shared elements; albeit such goes both ways I suppose.
I don’t know, from what’s usually described on caster-based necromancer ideas, it kind of just sounds like a re-skinned demonology …
My version is not so similar imo.
The way I envision it there would be a tank, heal and dps spec.
Tank (Death Binder) would use a beefy pet of some kind to facilitate the tanking process. This “pet” would give a big bonus to health(Stamina probably) and share damage with the character. Smaller summons would be used to facilitate cooldowns, defensives and damage to give the feeling of an army of the dead setup. I like this concept because it makes the necromancer feel like they’re regularly summoning and disposing of their undead the way I’d really like a necromancer to play.
The Dps (Necrolyte) would be using the shadowfrost and control type abilities. This is also where a lot of those Maldraxxus colored death magic would be. (though I’d expect those effects for most of the class as a whole.) I like to imagine that it has some of that support role setup that Dracthyr Evokers got just to make it a little more interesting. Dps that has a main focus of slowing down and reducing the attacks of enemies while still taking them down. Most of this would be direct damage setups that leave effects over time. Cast shadowfrost for instance and it leaves the enemy slowed on attacks or movement or somesuch. Still has the ability to summon undead of course but these would be more akin to the cooldowns and defensives type setup from the tank spec rather than a “pet”.
Healing (Flesh stitcher) would follow the use of Anima and flesh magics we saw in Maldraxxus because that was actually really neat. Stitching flesh and using the blood of the enemy to empower healing spells and also using the same summoning of undead for cooldowns and defensives cause…coolness.
Necromancer has so much potential to be different than a reskin of warlock.
Also while warlocks have in the past used necromancy they really aren’t that way anymore and the class has become something different due to its inclusion in the world since WC3. Necromancer and warlock now are not the same things.
Hence why I said “usually” described, not always
But yeah, as stated — I wouldn’t mind if they simply did both
- Give warlocks some necromantic visuals as a token nod to prior lore
- but present a necromancer class as its stand-alone thing as an indication towards those who are wholly dedicated to such powers – and can hold a whole other avenue of abilities & potential with its power from such dedication
If they did both the above, it’d be interesting to also see the new Necromancer class get their own Soulwell of sorts that gives cookies of their own variety, lol – a good token nod that they both use, bend and shape life to their will.
… Additionally, having them share a few things here & there could create some cool banter; especially between main characters later on, like some friendly rivalry haha
Doing Exile’s Reach again on a new alt.
Boy, they really did tease us on all those necromantic visuals and effects out here.