Necromancer Class

Diablo 4 is a cash grab. I would prefer a Necro in wow.


Buy Diablo 4. It is a solid game. Their Necromancer alone is super FUN. One-man army.

In WoW, you are required to group with other players. If a Necro can have 10 minions and you put it to WoW, a Raid of full Necromancers would make the playground crowded. You wont see Raid and M+ Bosses’ poops. It will also kill/overload the current hardware. Maybe in the future.

I have Diablo 4 and un-installed it. I prefer Wow.


Too bad. Diablo’s Necromancer is awesome and super-fun. It’s like how fun WoW’s dungeons and Raid. Action-packed pushing your Adrenaline.

Sorry if you dont appreciate them. Well, you do you. Pray for Necro to come to WoW. Good luck.

My issue with Diablo 4 is not the necromancer class. It is the game itself does not hook me. Further more I don’t like all the good transmogs locked behind a cash shop. The class design was fine.


I feel like they are very different games. Diablo 4 is a hack and slash that is more dark and gritty. Wow is a tab target mmo that has some dark elements but is much more whimsical.


Yes and while I like dark themes I prefer the comical aspects that come with Wow.


Yeah I completely understand that. I prefer World of Warcraft for similar reasons.


Well, D4 got me hooked. Missed Seasons in Dragonflight for it but was able to play DF season 1.

Was a solid Necromancer Minions player in there. As Casual, i was able to beat Uber Lilith before the new Expansion was released. It was my ticket to leave D4 to come back to WoW. The game is very addicting but i prefer WoW.

I am not into dress-up like a Barbie game. I just used my old Diablo 3 Auction house battle net balance to take care of cheap Season Pass and got all in-game Tmogs and mounts from it. I was not paying monthly subscription there like in WoW.

I am glad you enjoy Diablo 4.


Don’t need to pay a subscription in wow either. Buy the tokens with Gold. Auction house has them.


I play Casually. Putting time to farm for gold to buy tokens is not my thing especially now that i am Casual. I can afford WoW… been with it since Vanilla with all Collector’s Edition on all expansions. I am okay with some grind. It’s how it is played.

On D4, $15 Season pass is very cheap. It so happened i sold some stuffs in Diablo 3’s Real Money Auction House giving me Bnet balance that i used for D4.

While we can complain and complement Diablo necromancer all day and all night I would much rather have a cult of the damned necromancer.

There’s something absolutely fantastic and unique about that fantasy culture that I really wish blizzard wouldn’t kill off.

Which honestly based off the new exploring azeroth: islands book. They are really trying to kill everything interesting.

Drust are dead, blood trolls are dead, etc.
So lame.


I’m an UHDK main, but even I wouldn’t be able to resist the call of a Cult of the Damned Necromancer.

Old WC lore was so much better

So much potential there, squandered.


I want them to come in as necrolytes. I been asking for that on the forums almost about since WoW came out off and on I been asking. Same spell names as in WC1. And to fit the lore better, only humans and orcs should be able to be them. And as a hero class they should come. Ive asked for it maybe a 100+ times over nearly 20ish years here…

Maybe someday. NOT Necromancer. The two are actually different.

My one caveat, instead of an army of dead 3 min cd or apocalypse ( summons 4 ghouls) on a 45sec cd, a necromancer should instead in a summoner spec should just be ENTIRELY focused on their summons. Instead of the unholy cds, you instead can interact and change how many skeleton warriors ( not imps as imps die quickly in melee combat but a beefy melee skeleton warrior who can tank a few hits but not as much as a voidwalker), you want it entirely focused on the summons, and you can switch some of these skeleton warrior’s for reduced melee tankiness for some skeleton mages ( maybe even undead nerubians :eyes: for diseases, anub’arak theme), Don’t need an abomination but instead do like a hulking beast formed from rotting corpses of surrounding enemies/beasts or just theme ( rat ogre if anyone’s seen it are awesome or maybe even parts of an undead dragon :eyes:) , pure summoner basically, would be different gameplaywise from unholy who mostly uses cooldown’s for summons.

Saw the title and read first sentence then stopped. This is WOW not Diablo.

I just have issues seeing Necromancers being a thing, both from a gameplay and lore perspective.

The OP’s example of Necro just seems like a Warlock, who already has a spec focusing on the three things advertised. Except this Necro requires a significant buildup (dead enemies) before it can do anything with it’s pet class which means it’s dead before it even gets off the ground.

Just seems like a 'Lock with a undead/frost aspect as opposed to demon/fel.

Lorewise, a lot of folks, both Alliance and Horde, really don’t like necromancy. Even the Forsaken often see it more as a curse than anything else, and Sylvanas herself, the poster lady for Undead, has said for ages, “What joy is there in this curse?”

That’s before she turned to necromancy herself and apparently found a lot of joy to be had in her curse, but that’s a different discussion.

The necromancer’s counterpoint is that there is none, because every necromancer is killed until they’re dead. Sometimes multiple times.

I just don’t see it working out in general.

Diablo 4 and Diablo 3 have a necromancer class. → that way.

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Here’s how I’d do it.

The way I envision it there would be a tank, heal and dps spec.

Tank (Death Binder) would use a beefy pet of some kind to facilitate the tanking process. This “pet” would give a big bonus to health(Stamina probably) and share damage with the character. Smaller summons would be used to facilitate cooldowns, defensives and damage to give the feeling of an army of the dead setup. I like this concept because it makes the necromancer feel like they’re regularly summoning and disposing of their undead the way I’d really like a necromancer to play.

The Dps (Necrolyte) would be using the shadowfrost and control type abilities. This is also where a lot of those Maldraxxus colored death magic would be. (though I’d expect those effects for most of the class as a whole.) I like to imagine that it has some of that support role setup that Dracthyr Evokers got just to make it a little more interesting. Dps that has a main focus of slowing down and reducing the attacks of enemies while still taking them down. Most of this would be direct damage setups that leave effects over time. Cast shadowfrost for instance and it leaves the enemy slowed on attacks or movement or somesuch. Still has the ability to summon undead of course but these would be more akin to the cooldowns and defensives type setup from the tank spec rather than a “pet”.

Healing (Flesh stitcher) would follow the use of Anima and flesh magics we saw in Maldraxxus because that was actually really neat. Stitching flesh and using the blood of the enemy to empower healing spells and also using the same summoning of undead for cooldowns and defensives cause…coolness.