I agree frost nova should be removed. They could add an exploding frost skeleton or something though. It is a cool concept.
Said it a bunch - new classes have tended to go with the general theme/background of their expansion. Death Knights (who cares what pre-WoW was, they do not matter) were introduced in Wrath. The next ‘death’ expansion was SL, no Necromancer introduced. The next two expansions we know of do not look like they are heading down a ‘death’ theme so I would not hold my breath. Besides, we have Unholy DK’s already
Are you one of those Tinker fans? They have nothing to do with Midnight. Unholy dk is boring. Blizzard does not need a entire expansion focused on death to release it. Its not that hard to come up with a simple justification.
Love this!
Very true.
Love this man!
I made one a few years back. This is my concept:
1. Gravecaller (DPS - Pet Mastery)
Focus: Undead Summoning and Damage Over Time (DoT)
- Playstyle: The Gravecaller uses a mix of damage over time spells, direct spells, and a variety of undead minions to overwhelm enemies. They use summoned undead to deal damage, debuff enemies, and control the battlefield.
- Spells:
- Summon Undead Servant: Summons an undead minion to fight alongside you. The minion’s abilities and stats vary depending on the chosen talent. Options could include a Skeletal Warrior, Banshee, or even a Wight.
- Rotting Touch: Deals a small amount of damage and applies a poison that ticks for additional damage over time.
- Necrotic Chain: Deals instant damage to a target and chains to additional enemies, spreading a debuff that causes them to take more damage from your undead summons.
- Siphon Essence: Steals essence from an enemy or ally, replenishing your own Essence pool.
- Undying Legion: A cooldown that summons a large number of skeletal warriors to fight by your side for a short duration.
- Plague Cauldron Description: Summon a vile, bubbling cauldron of necrotic plague to the battlefield. The cauldron releases a toxic cloud that spreads disease and decay in an area, weakening enemies and empowering your undead minions.
- Skeletal Hand Summons a large skeletal hand from the ground, immobilizing a target for 5 seconds. The target also takes minor shadow damage each second while immobilized. If the target is killed during the effect, they will rise as a temporary skeletal minion for 10 seconds.
Deathweaver (Healer - Life and Death Balance)
Focus: Life Manipulation and Healing via Death
- Playstyle: The Deathweaver walks the line between life and death, healing allies while using death magic to support and control the flow of combat. They are a hybrid class that can sustain allies with their eerie, life-draining spells.
- Spells:
- Necrotic Infusion: Transfers your own life force to an ally, healing them for a percentage of your missing health.
- Vampiric Blessing: Heals an ally while granting them a damage buff that converts a portion of their damage into healing for you.
- Revitalizing Corpse: Revives an ally at reduced health, but instantly restores a portion of their health upon revival.
- Bloodbond: Creates a link between the Necromancer and an ally, where a portion of the damage they take is redirected to the Necromancer, while you passively heal them over time.
- Necrotic Harvest Drains the life from an enemy, dealing a small amount of shadow damage while restoring health to you and your allies within a 10-yard radius. The amount of health restored scales with the amount of damage dealt.
- Eternal Resurgence Brings a dead ally back to life with 40% of their health and 40% of their mana. The ally suffers a debuff that causes them to take 25% more damage for 6 seconds. Summons a swarm of spirits in the area around the target that attack enemies and boost healing. Can be used in combat.
Lich (DPS/Control - Death Magic and Frost)
Playstyle: The Lich is a master of both Frost and Death Magic. They control the power of the cold, the afterlife, and the manipulation of souls, using their abilities to sap the vitality of enemies, manipulate the environment, and freeze enemies in time while draining their very essence.
- Necrotic Frostbolt Launch a bolt of necrotic frost magic at your enemy, dealing frost damage and slowly draining their life force. It heals the caster.
- Chill of the Grave Release a burst of necrotic frost that freezes enemies within range and drains their vitality over time.
- Death’s Call deals frost and necrotic damage over 6 seconds. Each tick of damage restores a portion of the Lich’s health. If the target dies during the effect, the Lich gains an additional burst of healing.
- Soulfreeze Freeze the soul of your enemy in place, causing them to become encased in ice, rendering them immobile while draining their life energy.
- Frozen Phantom Summon a Frozen Phantom, an ethereal undead spirit of ice, to harass your enemies with both frost and shadowy magic.
- Chilling Echo Summons a Chilling Echo that lasts for 12 seconds. The Chilling Echo copies 15% of the damage taken by the Lich and reflects it back at the attacker as frost damage. If the Echo dies before its duration expires, it releases a final burst of frost damage to all enemies in a 10-yard radius.
- Frostwrought Chains Summon Kel’Thuzad’s chains of frozen death to ensnare and bind an enemy, freezing their movement and actions for a time. Also Prevents spell casting.
- Frost Scourge Creates a Frost Scourge at the target location, dealing large frost damage to all enemies within 8 yards over 4 seconds. Enemies affected by this spell are frozen in place for the duration of the spell and take necrotic damage instead of frost. This causes a frost debuff that reduces their healing by 25%.
I know it could use work but that is what I have. I will update it when I have more time.
Necromancer is one of if not the most requested class.
Hopefully they’ll add it to the game eventually.
DPS, ranged tank, support specs.
Before Wow was a thing it was a Demon Hunter spell in the RTS game warcraft 3. I have been a Warlock main since classic. Metamorphosis never made sense.
I would rather have two dps specs and a heal. I am not sure ranged tanking would work well.
I suspect it is the most requested.
If you say so but hard disagree.
In Warcraft 3 Demon Hunters had Mana Burn, Immolation, Evasion, and Metamorphosis. Warcraft 3 is way older than Wow.
No really.
Use all the arguments you want.
You don’t agree with my opinion and I don’t agree either and thats fine.
It is a fact Warcraft 3 was released on the 3rd July 2002. Wow was released on November 23, 2004.
Also a fact Wow is based on Warcraft 3. Not the other way around.
Well aware
That would be why blizzard changed Demonology. It made perfect sense.
While I agree, we should stick to talking about necromancers.
My favorite in Diablo 3 and 4 is the Necromancer. I dont need a Necromancer in WoW. I just switch to Diablo if I feel I want to play Necromancer again.
People that don’t play that game do.