Necromancer Class

This exactly,you worded it a bit better.

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Thats called a Unholy Death Knight. They are different in Warcraft 3. Necromancer’s don’t use rune blades. Necromancer’s and Death Knights have different playstyles and Death Knights use significantly less magic. Death Knights are a martial class. Necromancer’s are not.


But,in your post you’re taking laid in stone UH abilities .

Theres no reason to tear apart another class so another class can do what a laid in stone class already does.

We don’t need DH 2.0.

Knowing this company thats exactly what they would do.

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People said those same things to warlocks to try and get them to accept demon hunters. But it still resulted in Demonology loosing is playstyle and aesthetic as a whole, as well as losing abilities.

I get that you want a necromancer caster class, but I genuinely don’t think it can happen without effecting numerous classes like DK and warlock.

Again you hit the nail on the head. Any of us can sit here and come up with a necromancer class idea that somehow doesn’t overlap, but I don’t have faith blizzard can.

We would just end up with dks losing half of their identity and a shoe horned spell caster.

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I Agree to disagree as Demon hunter feels different than Warlock and Priest feels different from Paladin. Also, it’s funny you are complaining about Demon Hunter but play it.

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Yeah I recognize the irony, but I love felsavior even if I don’t care for her class.

And I’m not so much complaining about the class, I am recognizing flaws in its inclusion. Demon hunter is here, and at this point warlock has a new identity that has been developed since they lost their original demonology identity.

But in legion that was a different story, demon hunters took the “transforming into a demon” part of demonology along with some of their abilities like Meta, the fire aura thing, etc…

I don’t want to see the same happen with DK, especially since that was my original main from when I started in Wotlk. I don’t want him losing abilities and themes to a forced in spell caster class.

Glyphs/green fire style quest is the best way to handle necromancers.

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When people think of Necromancer
In D&D and or most RPG and or MMORPG

They control or rise dead… Unholy DK :white_check_mark:

They use death, poison and or disease spells Unholy DK✅

Are undead themselves or aspire to be undead. Unholy DK :white_check_mark:

They only fiffernce is they are melee Instead of caster

I like the new Demonology better. Metamorphosis was a Demon Hunter spell in Warcraft 3 not a Warlock skill. Warlocks summon demons. Demon Hunters internalize that power.


Where is luxuria when you need them, they could fight this battle way better than me. Regardless, even if you were ok with it there were A LOT of warlocks not ok with it.

Warlocks did both up until legion. That’s why people didn’t like demon hunter coming in and taking part of what their class had been up until that point.

And I don’t want to digress with demon hunter semantics. My overall point is that glyphs/class skin quest for warlocks is a far better solution to necromancers than forcing in another class.

I think the biggest issue here is too many people are pulling from other PNP settings instead of drawing on the Cult of the Damned more.

The only people who care if there is ability overlap is blizzard, not the players. You, the player, dont care if its one ghoul or ten ghouls so long as your keys are getting cleared.

Dk can assume the form of a lich? They have a full spec focused around being a lich and commanding an army at the same time?


So I guess you missed the several years Metamorphosis was entirely Warlock ages before Demon Hunters were put into ptr.

I and several other old era Warlocks used Metamorphosis.

What would be the difference between a necro and a warlock? Seems very similar to me.

Raise Army is Unholy,it is literally right there if you look. Has been for ages.

You raise all kinds of skellies and scourge oriented army.

You can also pull out a Lich.

I use these all the time on UH.

I will never understand why MOP warlocks suck off demonology meta as if it wasnt a clunky, unbalanced, unwieldy mess. Youll get to relive how awful it was in mop classic soon.

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Don’t have to.

What we are reffering to is no further ganking abilities from other classes.

And no I won’t because that is literally the expansion that made me willing not resub for several years.

Then the issue here is blizzard not allowing class ability drift out of some insane philosophy that all classes need unique spells to maintain a core identity, something that no other fantasy game engages with.

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And majority of what OP is wanting for Necro is majority UH stuff.

Yes,classes should be unique.

If people want a free for all on classes with whatever ability Ascension is free and does just that.

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But what would a “Necromancer class/spec” bring thats not in the game without gutting current classes and or specs

These always sound like they’re written by AI cuz some of the abilities sound like they dont know what wow is