Necrolord WW is so broken man

If a windwalker with no cds doing 10% less damage can do 40k damage, with anything, then I don’t particularly want to imagine if he “used cds”. The highest I have ever hit with a chaos bolt with 2.5s cast time is 20k.

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perhaps the issue is that ww necro is too tanky to also have a 1 shot available, if it was a different covenant that had the 1shot it could be more balanced…

nah I haven’t played in weeks behind in gear. only got 1 win out of about 4 or 5 games. But it was literally just one shots in leg sweep lol

Not really but ok…

Lol that mog must be the reason why… amazing sauce

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No surprise… u have no gear

Necro ww is fine imo but I do agree they should nerf 1 shot dam by a bit and improve sustain dmg as well as maybe make Karama 80% and 100% dam

Prob cause u lost 5 easy peasy noobender easy. Gotta win eventually am I right.

I really think this is a you issue, but don’t tell anyone.


I had 1k more health than him so he had less gear.

This man is nothing but excuses. Got rolled and then blamed gear, blamed the spec, then blamed the fact that you have to use a trinket in a 5 second stun with cooldowns up. I trinked his first sweep and pre-defensived the second go and he either didnt trink first sweep or didnt pre-defensive and lost the duels. Hes casting vivify at 100% and getting his sweep parried by fists and then wonders why he lost.

I mean id take those changes, if we didnt have to rely on necro for defensives then id actually play Fae.

actually won the first one, would out kite all his cds. just one leg sweep landing is all it took.

and you’re delusional if you think having 7k health isn’t a huge advantage.
the fact you can go through FC and my entire health bar with just SEF and you dont see the problem with monk is very funny.

As a duel hero this sound really dumb. Should prob delete tbh
No troll I’m actually just looking out for you my g

ok? I remember a time that simply casting SEF wasn’t enough to need to trinket to live is the point

It was literally like that in legion. Even if it wasn’t, that is how the game works now. So could you explain the relevancy?

Yeah you won the warm-up and lost everything after that, you act like its hard to kite out cds, as i kited yours.

No i used bonedust, keef, alpha tiger and SEF in the sweep with full chi, something you would be more then capable of killing me with if your sweep wasnt pre-karmaed. Also don’t go challenging other people and expect them to come in handicapped for you. Also i did not go through FC, you would use it at akward times and it was never up during my sweep unless its the start. You made the challenge, hone up to it.

first season only before strike of the windlord was nerfed.

But you weren’t in risk of dying in legion unless the monk also popped Touch of Death with it too.
Unless you were already low, if you trinketed before touch went out you were dead as soon as dr was over