Necrolord WW is so broken man

Yeah it’s my first expac too. I’m not going to do mental gymnastics and lie to everyone though. You’re a moron and your arguements are bad

Post on your main. Karatekicku-Sargeras

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Trill is on top of the ladder every season because he’s the best WW, not because the spec is broken. Why is WW still heavily underrepresented in the ladder if its so broken?

No i mained WW in legion and back when SL launched and if enhance ever gets sham rage back then i plan to go back to maining enhance for good.

Port/mandatory ROP because good karma isnt baked in is nice but very weak defensively compared to other kits such as warriors.

Doubt you ever got hit for a 30k RSK, post a screenshot.

Also i doubt its your first expansion and i dont need to lie to some random losers on the forums that i don’t interact with. Could care less what you think lmao. Your just some salty loser and i will keep posting on whatever toon it has me set up to post on. Keep crying kid.

I’m not crying I’m just pointing out how ur desperately trying to justify current windwalker because without it you can’t win :wink: wouldn’t say anything if you weren’t posting paragraphs of bs

Nah you are a salty crying little troll, the fact that you keep replying just proves it to me, the fact that you so desperately want me to post on my main confirms it even more. Imagine playing rated pvp as long as you have and still unable to win and blame it on monks of all classes XD. Sad child you are.

I was doing it all last night, sometimes with 1 stack.

way to read

I said that in response to

So it’s telling me you didn’t bother to read all over again

This is how monk was originally designed for the majority of it’s life.
Sweep was never for kills, but for off cc

Also monk’s best defensive is their ability to dip out of trouble.
Start working on your spidey sense if you having trouble living as a monk

Not sure why a ret and warrior would be wearing cloth but if so that would not have been the best decision on their part

because monk’s like you exist who don’t know how to kite properly .

you are cooked, rop is the most versatile spell in the game imo

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I mean u got a 46% win rate in 3s so I highly doubt you were doing it all last night successfuly lol. Rest of your responses were just stupid and petty. Many classes got redesigned and as it stands a FoF stun buff wouldnt help if they nerf damage considering the fact that fists damage is so low that its better cancelled for a rsk-wdp.

“because monk’s like you exist who don’t know how to kite properly”
Ok mr 1749 46% win rate god. More like people like you who play rated since 4.0 and are still this suck are playing monk.


If you think I’m a bad WW we can duel right now creampuff

oh yeah I’m super bad, so should be an easy win right?

Duel means nothing in rated pvp, you talk like your some multi-glad when in reality your just some random trash with a bad record and terrible gameplay. When trillm says monks are broken and need nerfs then ill actually listen but the randoms on forums who only cry and then bums like you say it then its just another typical day.

true vs other classes, but a same spec v same spec shows who knows the spec better.

Also I’m not even going to bother with defending my w/l because it’s doesn’t matter with what we are discussing

More like who gets more spinning procs wins but ill duel u, send ur tag. You made some pretty snarky comments about how good you are and you been deleting people in arenas but the record says otherwise. You won’t defend it because you can’t defend it.

then take the talent off if that’s what you are worried about.

You disagree with me so you’re obviously a TROLL

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Putting all my 800g on Maladath. Post duel results plz.


I’m 1400 so obvo noob but sharing my exp;

Was against a WW monk 1v2 arena and he sent his Storm/Earth/Fire pets at me. Then he used Spinning Crane Kick. Both I and my partner died insta, even though the actual monk was no where near me, guess his pets did just as damage. As a demonology warlock gotta say i’m a bit jealous of that pet damage. Also for reference, 32% vers.

Why thank you biased rando monk #5433 who found glory this season due to his over tuned spec. Your insight is so wanted and useful.

So you died to a windwalker who intentionally decided to do 10% less damage?

Yes. The details said many little things and Spinning Crane Kick for 40k total.

yeah I wouldn’t bother looking at details there.

You should bother about a windwalker killing you without using any cds and doing 10% less damage to you by default