Necrolord WW is so broken man

i’ve given up on trying to debate here

half the posters here still think bm hunters kill you through LoS like it’s legion separation anxiety bm with titanstrike


No they kill you by pressing cobra shot over and over


Debate? All you do is cry and whine while playing a class that does the most sustained damage in the game and requires the smallest brain in the game.

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ww monk main checks out

you can acknowledge that your class is broken when it is in fact blatantly overtuned rather than shifting the argument to “you play x class so you can’t complain about other broken things”

it’d be like me actively defending venthyr bm by saying “oh you can just 1shot with crane kick so shut up” when BOTH those things need tuning

literally all i’ve said this season is something along the lines of acknowledging bm is overtuned but no more than the rest of the meta and the main counterargument i’ve gotten is “you play bm your opinion is moot”. nothing like “yeah melee are overtuned and need nerfs but so does bm” literally just “sthu you play x class”

dying to cobra shot annoys me but i actually don’t know how it annoys people more than dying through prepopping cds to a monk or warrior burst in a single stun

edit: posted in wrong thread but point stands


Best part of tbc is still no disgusting monks or dhs.

Imagine mop arena with no monks, what a dope game.

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Someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance.


Kiteflyer is the hunter I ask to duel to to get practice fighting good hunters, and if you want to call me bad I can log in and show you don’t really know anything about monk.

The way monks are interacting with conduits right now is 100% overtuned.
Not everyone who says something about a class is struggling vs the class, they just have the ability to recognize when stuff is stupid.


No monks are not broken at all, if that was the case then the 3s ladder would be nothing but monks. Monks are something that a brainless standard BM hunter like you fears, they are viable. If you actually watch trill you can see that spinning doesn’t 100-0 any good players, he lost 100 cr in his last set of matches because good players dont sit there and allow themselves to be killed in an obvious set-up like bonedust.

BM hunter is the most overtuned spec in this game right now and you try to soften the blow by adding in the last part about no more so but thats not true. In a standard dampening game BM hunters are pulling in over a million more damage at least then any other dps in the game. The worst part is the entire spec is braindead. Monk requires tracking your haste buff/keef and the spinning stacks while managing your energy regen. Hunters literally press 2 buttons while their AI pets do an overtuned amount of damage.


You’re right if you are just talking about their defenses/self healing they aren’t that bad.

But when my max potential SCK is 5k a tick (3 ticks) outside SEF (that’s 2250x3, with coordinated offense that’s 2850x2+2250) that ends up being 15k from that hit and since gcd comes back before SCK stops spinning you can cast RSK and it hits at the same time as the final SCK tick.
Rsk, my max hit I seen so far is 17k (with coordinated that’s 7650+(9690x2) totalling 32k dmg no SEF, with SEF that’s 50,880.

That’s not even including adding xuen (but that is with BDB but with zero procs from it) so tell me how monks dmg isn’t insane?

Disclaimer only way to get max SCK is with 6 unique targets and regardless of what they say SCK is still stacking on some totems, I submitted bug reports about totems giving stacks but it’s still there.

Tldr WW main since 4.0 says current WW does too much dmg, conduits needs to be nerfed and only compensation needed would be FoF stun back and would be perfectly balanced.


the irony of this is that in one of the recent skillcapped videos the monk section literally features a clip of Trill 100-0ing vanguards and smexxin, that’s what i was referencing lmao

just acknowledge that your class is broken like i am with mine, bfa line the bolt vibes


I think they’re pretty balanced

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lmao this was funny


The irony is that it happened one time on a cloth wearer with no defensive used and you literally cannot find another clip of him doing that to anyone so you keep bringing that up lmfao. Just acknowledge that you are not very good at the game and move on. Crying on the forums wont get viable classes nerfed.

bro I literally gave you a break down of how dumb the dmg is, are you just now trying to attack people?

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If you go on defensives/self healing then they are one of the weakest classes out there.

You are talking max potential while ignoring armor values/vers and assuming you can keep 6 stacks up and line the proc with keef. Spinning doesn’t proc that often and outside of procs its a useless ability for pvp and the scenario you described is only when it lines up with keef because even with procs it doesn’t do that much on its own. More realistic scenarios will see defensives/cc/kite during the 6 second keef window where spinning does a decent amount of damage into our rotation.
Idk who you are fighting but RSK does not do anywhere near that amount of damage to people equally geared, yes you may hit 32k with coordinated on a 210 ilvl players but thats really it. Your damage values are way overtuned for your examples and not realistic in the slightest bit for players of equal gear/experience.

Lastly (overtuned variables aside) monks do a good bit of damage because the class was designed with more emphasis on damage vs other things. Do you want the class to be squishy with little CC and subpar damage? As it currently stands this is how the class is built and going into future expansions can see some of their damage reduced and put into other areas like defensives or CC but as for this expansion its all damage.

I dont have to keep 6 stacks, I only mentioned 6 stacks to show a point.
even with 3 stack if BDB procs they are gone with that combo

I already said that

man it’s like you didn’t even read

notice how i say fof stun needs to return?

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Why don’t you post on your main? karatekicku-sargeras and tell everyone how Windwalker is totally not broken when you fotm rerolled and are currently at your highest rating ever because you’re just a gifted windwalker player


“I dont have to keep 6 stacks, I only mentioned 6 stacks to show a point.
even with 3 stack if BDB procs they are gone with that combo”

You said with max potential which includes keeping 6 stacks up. With 3 stacks and our covenant ability they are not gone. With 6 stacks and our 1 minute keef proc assuming no defensives are up then yes they are gone if followed up with a RSK and again thats all on perfect conditions.

“If you go on defensives/self healing then they are one of the weakest classes out there.”

No you said they aren’t that bad when in reality they are bad. A 15% wall every 3 minutes and a 1.5 min cd 50% absorb that gets damage/immuned off into a leather wearing class means it is one of the squishiest classes out there especially given the fact that none of it is usable in a stun.

“notice how i say fof stun needs to return?”

So your answer is to get Fists stun which will Dr off our sweep? And how will an extra DR address the fact that our best defensives come from borrowed power? Maybe next expansion they can give para a cast time and make it like cyclone/sheep and give us fists stun back with buffing kharma but since none of that is happening now they can keep the damage values the way they are.

U say trill only does it to bad players but he’s doing it to the top of the ladder hmmmm.

U fotm rerolled windwalker hmmm

You didn’t mention port/rop when discussing your defensive toolkit hmmmm

You said 30k rsk is not possible on geared players but I’m fully geared and get hit for 30k hmmmmm

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Lmfao more like its the first expansion i actually played any rated pvp and even then its still not much Mr. forum crybaby.