Ne1 else dropping like a fly

since these rets have been in it seems like people got pushed down 200 points


Rets can’t klepto your CR if you don’t queue. :brain:


206 to be exact. i took Kennie’s advice and stopped queing


The way I see it is it’s just points. But it is frustrating playing with rets who are most obviously ruining the ladder more than rogues did or dhs. And the rogues and dhs were bad enough.

I mean we really won’t know how bad things are until the future when we can look back and reflect but I think this patch will go down as one of the worst ever.


rets are still very broken. They will get nerfed again no doubt. They cant stay like this if blizz want people to stay subbed

Careful now, don’t say that in the ret forum.

They will try to tell you how rets are totally not broken even though they always come out on top in BGs in damage and kills and in SS in rounds won, damage and kills.

Don’t worry, its fine. Ret players said so.


World of retcraft now. really considering unsubbing for a couple months or until they nerf that spec this is getting out of hand.


Rets are literally flat earthers. They are trying to justify something that is completely false and refuse to accept the truth.


Also, they tried to tell me how enhance is OP lol.

Can’t make this up.

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i like all the rets in the paladin forums trying to defend ret rn, like it’s not way out of line

check out this gem from a completely good faith poster, trust me he’s totally looking for a discussion

I think there are over 1000 rets above 2400 in solo shuffle right now, while no other spec has that number and many aren’t even at 100 (such as Enh lol). It would be interesting to see the timeline as to when those ratings were achieved…

Human nature decrees people defend their bad takes even when wrong.

The man needs more jesus than the rest of us.

btw nerf ret range ty

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You can’t argue with stupid. Which is what you’ll get on the ret forums.

I leveled warrior specifically to play with a buddy who has a ret. Seems the only way to have fun right now is play ret or something that fits well with one.

I just looked in that forum and the amount of low level fotm rerolling ret paladin players that are saying “you got beat by a ret and now you’re mad” is astonishing…


They made a battle mage in full plate called a pally. I got hit out of melee range for over 400k in a the blink of an eye in full plate conquest gear. seem fair

yeah idk why ret has the best damage in the game, the best defensives in the game, and the best utility in the game on top of being a melee? with like 25 yard range on every single ability

it’s absurd

qing into DF ret/x is by FAAAAR the least fun i’ve ever had on this game and i lived through mopgodcomp wodwwdk legiondestrofdk bfadoublefire sloutlaw/x


Draenei stealth buffed next patch. 25% HP gotn op

Yeah plate definitely blocks holy damage. This makes no sense at all.