Ret is still broken and needs nerfs

This is completely unplayable. Worst pvp balance yet


says the op hunter


They always post on an alt too lol


Seenax, hunters are LITERALLY beside paladins/warriors/mages/etc., in almost every game, and Shamans are usually the healers in every group as well. I don’t want to be rude but learn how to play your class, Seenax.

I PVP’ed 17 years and quit because it angers issues (too competitive), but I personally know you must put in the hours to go up in the ranks.


I dunno, as an enhance shaman, rets still seem broken to me and not just because enhance needs a buff.

Still seeing rets in blues doing crazy burst and wrecking other classes and topping overall damage and kills.

Yes, BGs are not all about kills or dps but you can’t capture or defend objective s if you’re dead.

The number of rets still in every bg alone is an indicator that they’re still OP. Players will always tell you which class is broken because fotm rerollers always over represent the new broken thing.


Oh geezus, not this $#!+ again…

Wait, wait…you’re playing a Hunter, a Hunter, and you’re asking for the nerf of another class??



With all due respect, I can’t even begin to comment on how wrong this statement is.

Let’s start with, HOW is Ret OP? We do no more damage than Warriors, Rogues and DH. Our survivability was seriously nerfed recently as well.

So how in the h#ll are we OP???


Not expecting support for claiming ret is OP in the Paly forum, but my “what happened to me?” Combat log that explains in detail why I just died again to multiple paly abilities doing my whole health pool in damage in a few short seconds along with my, albeit anecdotal, experience of seeing palies topping both damage and kills in almost every bg I’ve done since 10.7 dropped.

Enhance Shaman had similar burst early on this expec with double fully charged up ele blasts but they rightly nerfed that very quickly. It’s not healthy for the game.

Never had the sustain or consistent burst I’m seeing from palies though to get the total damage output I’ve been seeing them do consistently in BGs and SS and often with less gear.

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Yeah it definitely has nothing to do with the fact that blizzard just reworked the entire specialization. Why don’t you go to the shaman forum and start fighting for the same treatment instead of whining like a baby.


Then why are you here? :thinking:

Wait, wait----your proof of Ret being OP is your anecdotal experience?? That you got your @$$ beat by a Ret Paladin? Are you serious??

sigh You just can’t make this $#!+ up…


Posting from my SV Hunter, but as I told someone else, players were use to most Rets being a free kill. Some still thinks so and are surprised when the RET fights back and take a chunk of damage of their HP bar. Then they panic, and RET stuns and proceeds to take more chunks. Now they go into oh crap mode, try to run, and find they cannot escape the slow Paladin like before. Then they die, and come immediately to the forums crying about RET is OP.

Lesson learned, stop thinking classes are free kills, and learn to actually play your class. Its more than hitting keys on the keyboard. The only true bad thing with the Paladin rework is that now, people come straight for the paladin. So always be prepared to fend off multiple players!


To say what is another point of view than yours I guess. Do you want this to be only an echo chamber of people who agree with each other?

Everyone’s experience is anecdotal. It’s their own subjective experience, that’s what makes it their experience. Your experience is no different. You say rets are fine, very well, but it’s not only me saying rets are OP. You can find any number of posts saying the same if you care to look.

When lots of people’s experiences line up, maybe there’s something there that needs to be looked at and an open minded person will do so, whether or not they come to the same conclusion in the end.

I understand rets point of view in wanting to defend their class and spec but honest rets will probably be okay with a little needed nerf for the overall health of the spec and game. Let the fotm players move on to the next thing.

If you want objective “real” evidence go look up the leaderboards somewhere on whatever sight you care to and tell me where rets are currently in numbers/representation for pvp.

Never thought rets were a free kill but there’s a reason so many people rerolled and started playing rets right when 10.7 dropped and still are. It’s not because they like the lore so much suddenly. It’s the same story every time a class is overtuned and this time is no different.

I don’t want rets to get nerfed into the ground. I want them to be competitive and peopel who like them to enjoy playing them but not be playing them just because OTHER specs/classes are “free kills” now and they get get free rating in SS.


I mean how’d you expect it you go when you let a RET, and yes you let them, walk right up to you and smack you with a gigantic hammer and what did you think would happen? you Watched a RET load up a cannon and did nothing to stop it. all you had to do was run for 30secs, he can’t burst again for 2 freaking minutes. YOU GOT PWND.


I can see this is pointless. I’ve said my piece, so later.

Not gonna reply again and go back and forth with someone not reasonable enough to have a mature conversation.


You need a nerf.


absoloutely, class out performs in all areas.


Your experience in getting an @$$whupping from Rets is NOT proof of us being OP. What part of this sentence do you not understand??

Give us actual data/numbers WHY we’re so called “OP”. You can’t do it because others such as Hospitaler and others have shown WITH DATA that Rets do no more damage than other classes which would refute any claims you may have.

We get it; you got an @$$whupping from Rets and now you’re butthurt. Git gud or get stomped and get used to the new order.


I’ll also point out here that the difference between full blues and full epic PvP gear is very small in comparison to other expansions; we’re talking about 411 to 424, a whole 13 item levels higher… this results in approximately a 12 - 15% increase in stats. In expansions of old I would agree with this statement as the item level disparity was usually 20 - 30 item levels.

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enh has super high healing output right now coupled with good damage as well.

I unfortunately those 13 ivlls are large enough to give an advantage.