NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

people who actually buy into the retcon stuff are gonna be in for a big surprise

Could you imagine the story going out of it’s way to white wash your factions history and past, to make you seem like the good guy. God, imagine how crappy that would feel to the other “Team.”


I think its great for new players, its gonna be so much better to get less edgy people
so good for the horde too, no more disputes about whats the real horde, garrosh/sylvanas or thralls.

I did say ‘setting up’ not that that has happened, or is going to happen, but if I were orchestrating a retcon… Id prolly start with something like this.

Plus thats not something you should shove in a new players face.

Meh they already white wash a ton of alliance stuff, pretty much the norm at this point.

if they where setting up, they need to completely redo the maw lol

No problem! The souls in the maw? They are just the dead from the past few years whenever that whole ordeal started!

It was a simulation! Your memories aren’t real.

Am I real? Is the Naaru real? I’m so confused right now.

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They’d have to change more than that but ok.

You see? Everything is fine!! Everything is fine!!

Im very curious to see where they go with this. This just makes me even more interested in Shadowlands.

What force are we going to face in 9.3 that is so bad that we need the Horde/Alliance together… or even worse… what is coming in 10.0?

The alliance and horde have worked together more often than not

Katiera finally left the last Discord I shared with him. It’s so refreshing to only have to ignore him here now. Which also means there’s an open spot in Kyalin’s discord if you’re interested.

sounds like exaggerations to me.

i mean, i too wish that war of thorns wasn’t cannon but sadly, it already happened.
they can’t just erase it.


This doesn’t sound retconned yet.

Frankly, I’m more interested in how it’ll play out Alliance side as Red Shirt Guy says they’re removing all references to it.

I mean if you want to believe its retcon go ahead, theres tons more datamining that proves that all this is, is limiting lore information for new players

There is no war in ba sing se. You are safe. There is no war in ba sing se.


I have a degree in history and this is basically what the South did post civil war. They changed their history books to change why they seceded and what the true reasons for the U.S Civil War and began to call it, “The Lost Cause.” What Blizzard is doing is rewriting history to make the Horde sound better than a genocidal faction with three genocides on their hands.

It’s part of history. Night Elves were killed in such large numbers as to be innumerable. Those that survive are the last of a dying race and one that is unlikely to rebuild. That’s what the Horde did. To pretend otherwise is criminally negligent.

Every Horde player which was horrified and in protest removed their shoulder pads in solidarity with Saurfang. They make this irrelevant and moot. That’s not right. Just as it’s wrong to rewrite the Holocaust to portray Germany in a better light, or to rewrite the Apartheid in South Africa to make whites feel better or Jim Crow in the American South or the Civil War, or the Trail of Tears and the genocides of the Native Americans and the Australian Aboriginals. It’s wrong just because it makes the majority of Horde players “feel” better. That doesn’t make it right and future generations of Horde players deserve to know what the Horde did at the end of Legion and the beginning of BFA. They need to know about Theramore, the Draenei, the destruction of Teldrassil, the genocide of Southshore and the blighting of Hillsbrad and Gilneas. These things happened.

No apologists should rewrite history to a mirror version of the “Lost Cause.” It was wrong when the Dixie folks created statues and monuments to genocidal maniacs who enslaved thousands and pretend that it was just “for state’s rights.” The same is wrong for the Horde to create monuments and pretend their crimes and blood on their faction’s hands never happened. Anduin Wrynn ESPECIALLY shouldn’t be an apologist for the Horde nor should Baine.


I agree with you.

It just makes the story more nuanced and defines the Horde as the moral misfits.
The problem with BFA is that their characters did not address Teldrassil properly and did not try to allow the player to fix anything until it was far, far too late.

Teldrassil burning is not a problem.
Everything after it is.

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It’s doubtful they intend to outright retcon it, but it’s pretty obvious they didn’t realize the implications of what they were writing and just wanted to some sweet sweet pathos.