NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

So which Story route is Blizzard gonna take?

The “Leave no witnesses” route and just forget it ever happened, and never reference it?

The Purge route where any alliance character who brings up Teldrassil is painted as wrong for not being over it?

The Tarajo route where Tyrande eventually admits that Teldrassil was a legitimate target while kissing Horde boot?

I’m so excited to find out!


it not being directly stated doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, this is pretty dumb.


They do not…at all. Baine never even says the word Teldrassil. You are mistaken or have recency bias. Saurfang is the only Horde leader who ever even seems bothered by the burning.

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and he is literally a main part of the quest, do you guys literally think they removed quests, all pheandra is proving is people in these fourms cant read lol, I can tell you that in shadowlands, the burning the battle of lordaern all that stuff defs happened, cause all the stuff sylvanas did is a part of the plot lol

if blizzard decideds to limit the amount of lore told to a NEW player (cause if you are a vet player you can literally do the extact same KT and Zanda intros we have now) that doesnt mean stuff got retconned

Only Lorthermar and Thrall have uttered the word “Teldrassil” in this expansion.


The unfortunate reality is all of those quests were optional content introduced with each patch that most players just leveling up will never bother to see. Add to that with Shadowlands removing the sting of what dying means (and let’s be honest, they’re totally going to have us save the Night Elves that died in Teldrassil from the Maw) it dramatically changes the fallout from Teldrassil.

Blizzard introduced the concept of genocide while being unprepared to deal with the weight of the subject and then are watering down and declawing the rest of the lore in an effort to back-peddle away from it. They should never have gone in that direction if they weren’t prepared to deal with the consequences.


THey literally are, in shadowlands lol, its not retconed

I think this is a good moment to remember that trying to get Kat to have a logical and nuanced discussion is a lost cause.

If Blizzard supports or delivers something. Then he too would want it and support it.
No matter what it is.


Says the person, who typed the title “Ne genocide didnt happen.” -redshirt guy, when he never said any of that.

your just a clickbait troll

Cant have a logical and nuanced discussion when the foundation of it is based on lies.


I think you meant not to give new players a heinous, evil first impression of the Horde.

Teldrassil isn’t a massive ton of information, it is however an extremely damaging piece if information that would lead to less people picking that faction, especially if it was part of the new player intro.


its probably a big part of it specially if they are gonna turn the horde into good guys it would be weird to have players play the bad guys at the story only for them to turn good.

I dont think blizzard wants the “I joined the Sylvanas horde in bfa thats what I signed up for.” argument

Yep. It’s the worst possible direction they could have taken this faction in, the enormity of which I think is lost on them, but as you committed to it you should own it as well.


As others have said, it’s not being retconned or anything. They’re just…not mentioning it for some reason. Maybe Julia’s theory on why is correct. It certainly makes sense from a marketing standpoint.
But we know it still happened because we know the souls from Teldrassil are going to be part of Shadowlands’ story.


So… Whatcha sayin’ is… The Horde did nothing wrong.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ehm the thread title makes it seem like Igod is being hostile to NE fans. :frowning: please he is a friendly person.

its just pheandra being pheandra hopefully people read more than the first post.


They’re setting up the retcon boys and girls.

I wonder how Elesana is going to react to this.

The horde doesn’t have problems getting players. Playing Horde is starting to become a requirement for PvE those days.

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