NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

of course they realized what they are doing, blizzard is moving foward with the new horde and they dont want the first experiance of a new player to be the horde burning teld. which isnt retconed

I was talking the event of Teldrassil itself not the act of glossing over it in new player experience.

well its a big part of shadowlands so to me it looks like they always planned this

I think their end game was ‘were gonna pin it all on Sylvanas’ but that clearly did not work.

So now they’re just stuck with a huge PR nightmare from both the alliance side and the horde side.


looking at how badly the general playerbase wants to kill sylvanas, seems to me like it did work.

No it dident. Last I checked many players are still screaming for reparations and more justice.

  1. You cant give that to the alliance, because again this is a game no crimes were actually committed. Nor did the horde player have any say in the story.
  2. If you do give those things to the alliance to massively tick off the other half of your player base. Very bad for the health of the game.

So either way someone is not happy. Hence PR nightmare.

If they truly did manage to ‘pin it all on Sylvanas’, you wouldn’t see so many arguments here on the SF about said topic.


A lot of the devs have always been fans of the more “metal” WC2 Horde. That’s why they tried to shift the horde into it during Cataclysm. Teldrassil was the rude awakening that made them realize that not everyone who played Horde was fans of it like them.

Remember how smug and proud of Bf’s story they were at the last two Blizzcons? Ironic.


Sure they are screaming about that, but the biggest thing I see is the death of sylvanas and nathanos, and one is comfirmed to be highly likely already and I saw nothing but cheers at the idea other than from the few people who want to be on sylvana’s side.

imagine beliving this when the saurfang cgi’s exist, those take a long time to make.

Really then? Why would so many topics still be about the issue if they pinned it ALL on her then? Why do so many threads STILL devolve into horde v alliance themes when to comes to talking about what should happen to who in the next expansion?

Just because people are excited about maybe killing her next expansion DOES NOT mean they ‘pinned it ALL on her’.

I will never understand this argument.

Fictional crimes were committed.
So it requires fictional justice to deliver a satisfying conclusion.

Unless you want to write a grim dark fantasy and let the reader enjoy the punishment.


Which is why it’s weird they started said new players off at Kul’tiras/Zandalar… dropping them off in say Stormwind or Ogrimmar would have entirely done the same thing without having to censor half the NPC chat of an entire zone or edit away cutscenes so said new players don’t see them.

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no and even I think the horde has to make up for what they did, doesnt mean that blizzard should say that war is good and that the alliance should destory the horde to make the world a better place, no people deserve genocide.

They want new players to do the newst questing first, its a tutorial dude, and instead of dropping them in stormwind where they can get lost they put them in bfa questing so they can experiance the best questing(newest questing)

It honestly doesn’t surprise me that blizzard are trying to Hide that massive botch up in the story. They know they could never resolve that story successfully so they are sweeping it under the rug.

I’m not gonna be surprised if the “resolution” in Shadowlands is going to be probably minor vague reference to it being sorted, while at the same time it’s probably never going to reference that the Horde is responsible for it.

Then we will get that Interview from a Dev saying “oh it was resolved in this minor quest, we are really proud of how it worked out”


Didn’t the whole burning thing ruin their leading lady? Didn’t that lead to the whole “Not my Horde” thing?

They’ve written themselves into a hole.


Maybe Elesana DOES have a point in what she has been saying… LOL <3


EVERYONE starts out at Exile’s Reach if you’re a new player.

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To be fair, that’s been on live servers since 8.1.


Indeed. See this: