It’s a decent idea though
you mean besides every single mmo that isn’t wow?
you can play as many accounts as you want, but the moment a software controls them for you then it’s cheating and most companies will act on that, Blizzard is the only one that is willing to accept the damage in exchange for the money.
I saw two different Druid boxing crew in Naz, although I’m pretty damn sure one of crew is botting though.
It’s time that Zin’anthid nodes were MASSIVELY increased in number and respawn time.
Clearly they were designed with multiboxing in mind - very few of them, long respawn time, and craploads of the herb needed to make even one flask. In other words, absolutely grind-worthy to find for the normal player.
End of expansion Blizz. Fix this already. If we can actually find the herbs ourselves the bots lose.
ANd no, it’s not “protecting the economy” to make them scarce. The only people in “the economy” who profit out of this scarcity are people running bots and the multiboxing druids (yes, even here on the Oceanic servers at 3am you’ll see a multiboxed druid strip-mine the herbs across the entire zone).
Download some fun addons called Routes and GatherMate2.
They they should be banned
Botting to me is one thing: Complete automation.
Well, they are a company that’s their goal.
I spent a few minutes googling and my results are FF and Rift don’t care as long as you are doing the button pressing (so not afk automation), ESO explicitly states it on their website that it’s not allowed though.
Yeah, except multiboxing software doesn’t control your characters for you. Not even a little bit. Each client window is still performing a single action in response to a single button press initiated by a human being.
And as for the money claim? Hilariously wrong.
Activion-Blizzard pulls in billions of dollars a year. There aren’t nearly enough multiboxers out there for Bobby Kotick to care about the piddly amount of extra income they bring in.
The reason multiboxing is allowed is very simple, because it doesn’t actually violate any of the rules set forth by Blizzard. Nothing more, nothing less.
As the dev team gets lazier and lazier and zones get smaller and more compact, multiboxers become more of a problem as they clean out whole zones like locusts.
I think the physics of it is pretty cut and dried though. They are paying to win and so they do win.
You might have to just wait until they are done with an herb tier to advance into its use.
Blizz doesn’t expect you to compete. Fairness isn’t even a consideration. The multiboxer exploits the game’s muti-tap design and its all above board and fine. Returning to a single tap model would ruin their day, but it would also give you gatherers a new(old) bushel of headaches.
Multiboxing isn’t cheating, because Blizz says so. But it also isn’t even remotely fair.
So multiboxers might pillage whole zones of herbs, control the market, manipulate the price of tokens, reduce their own pay-in to almost nothing at the expense of the rest of the population and negatively affect the game experience of other players outside of PvP.
But hey…
at least they aren’t bots.
But how do you identify a multiboxer vs a group of people? If any mistakes are made that would be bad.
The problem is we have a material that is still in high demand, but it’s only available from one zone. It’s also a zone from an older patch so it doesn’t have as much foot traffic as before. That means the gatherers are more concentrated across fewer shards, which makes the multiboxers stand out more.
Blizzard could solve this by adding more sources of Zin’athid. They should have added an Expulsom vendor like they had a Blood of Sargeras vendor in Legion. So you would be able to buy Expulsom with War Resources and then turn around and use that Expulsom to buy whatever crafting material you need, like Zin’athid.
Or maybe they could add an account-wide daily or weekly quest that awards a chunk of Zin’athid.
this right here. blizz caused the problem in the first place to keep people logged on and wasting time to pick enough herbs to make flasks. never before has it ever cost 20 herbs to make one flask. you think maybe they would of learnt something from anchor weed and the annoyance it was. there’s 5 druids on Proudmoore do it 24/7 good luck getting any herbs. there is only one little certain area that really has any herbs there anyway. glad i’m burnt out on bfa cause if it just keeps on going like this i could care less about making gold til bfa, i’ll just stay broke and unsub, tired of the stupidity that is bfa.
These are good ideas and well spotted considerations.
If only the people we paid to create these things could be similarly moved to inspect their own product.
If they are going to allow multiboxing, they should at least discuss its effects in their design and development meetings. But they treat it like some dirty secret or just ignore it as if it doesn’t exist effectively giving it free rein to wreak havoc.
The don’t have to support it, but since they know it is in the mix they could develop with its existence in mind.
Its like letting raccoons into your house and then being surprised when the dry goods are scattered all over the kitchen.
Well how could that have happened Mr. Dev? What a gee-golly mystery.
it’s not up to the player to identify, it’s up to blizzard.
if you’re suspicious, report them.
I keep reading these posts and then finding oodles of herb and ore nodes when I go there.
I find it unlikely that I am just that lucky on four different servers.
maybe if they had something like herb mode. you’d phase to a single instance of the zone, like classic layering, and not be able to do that again for an hour and you’d have to pick all the herbs or it wouldn’t reset and start the countdown timer. itd treat the zone like a dungeon that can only be run once per hour.
The form of multibox you see in wow is pure automation. The person controls 1 character and a software simulate keypress on others, that’s cheating, the person isn’t playing the rest of the characters, a software is allowing them to follow one, the only difference between that and full botting is that one character being controlled by the person.
You see, we have different definitions of automation. To me, if a human is performing an action and the characters (however many there are) are responding with only 1 reaction then that’s fine. If say I pressed one button and then my miner smelted 100 ore then opened trade with my blacksmith then my blacksmith crafted some gear that would be crap. Full automation would be like I open wow, open ‘Wow Bot 6000’ and click start then go out to The Melting Pot for fondue while my characters were farming herbs, which is also crap.
I think this is the problem you are going to run into with your current argument, what peoples definition of automation is.
I believe in freedom within the rules.
There is nothing in the rules that says people can’t multibox unless they are using an outside source to control the extra boxes.
Now obviously people break this rules and THOSE people should be banned. If they aren’t breaking that rule then I have absolutely ZERO problems with someone running as many boxes as they can within the rules and if they end of monopolizing the market, well more power to them.
What I am against is people who don’t like someone who decides they want to pay for multiple accounts to run multiple boxes to gather more materials faster because they want more of the materials themselves.
There are ways to work around the boxers gathering mats. You can go into warmode to change instances, you can simply jump ahead of the boxer a little and get to the nodes first, you can leave and come back later.
All of those are within the rules, JUST like his right to have multiple boxes within the rules.
This is absolutely wrong. No automation is occurring.
The software is not controlling anything. Each client is being controlled by the keyboard. Each character is performing a single action in response to a single button press initiated by a human being.
That’s not automation.
You’re wrong but I won’t bother to elaborate further than that, I’ve done plenty of tat already and I’m tired, look at my post history on other multibox related topics if you want.
I always say that cheaters will never admit they cheat, they’ll always find excuses to justify it and with multiboxing it isn’t different.