That is a great strawman argument you have here.
I even explicitly talket about having a treshhold around 185-195 ilvl average that i would consider to be logical, and fair.
And having this average, is indeed supremely easy to get, and there is zero logical reasoning against it.
If you insist, you can still hold onto your logic, that anybody somehow has the right to be first priority for a pug, even tho he barely played the character at level 80.
Im fine with that, to everyone their own opinion, and if you want to open a pug where such people are favored, you go deathknight!
But creating a strawman to force your botched logik onto others, thats a no go.
And how many heroics/dailies does it take to get every rep piece you would want? Because it’s also a timesink.
It takes less heroics then you would need to get
you used in your example. I dont know why you like do disprove yourself, but hey, you go Deathknight!
Player a)
-Unknown skill
-Unknown character
-Unknown performance
-bad gear
Player b)
-Unknown skill
-Unknown character
-Unknown performance
-good gear
As the first 3 aspects are exactly the same on both players, you literally have no other options to judge those 2 players besides gear. Its as easy as that.
You DO recognize that blue items in wotlk can be itemlevel 200, do you ?
If not, you should definitly start doing research, otherwise the discussion can not lead to anywhere.
Also, he never wrote about that he wants to gatekeep people that where in the same gear he was. He wants to gatekeep people that are below the standart he set for himself, which is a completely different story.
Your “metric” is way below his metric.
your “metric” is:
Maybe the random player is a hidden god at playing wotlk.
Maybe he can performe better than mathematically possible.
Maybe the good geared player is a total slacker and is horrible at gaming.
You see, you dont have to agree with his metric being the best, but at least he has a metric.
You dont have anything.
Another strawman argument.
Im to lazy to scroll up, but im pretty sure never had it been claimed you have to do all heroics every day, in fact the opposite rather had been.
And Thirtysix literally disputed with me about wether or not PVP would still be in a timeframe that is considered low effort.