lol naxx hard? bliz pls fix!
You have no argument to dismantle. Your opinion is just bad.
Keep seething though.
I would rather fresh servers with all raids unlocked (except AQ)
Have a world first green/blue Naxx competition.
Let people gear up in ZG in their 50s and then try MC>BWL>Naxx
If Naxx is hard, people will need to unlock AQ again (please change the mats. The preppers ruined that whole phase)
If Naxx is easy, the experiment is over in a few months and people can play TBC/retail until the next fresh server cycle.
He posted a direct image link of the progress of all guilds across all servers in Naxxramas.
The majority of guilds still raiding have fully cleared Naxxramas. The two biggest hang ups for progression are Four Horsemen (993 guilds stuck here) and Sapphiron (1097 guilds stuck here), with KT holding up about as many folks as Loatheb/Gothik. 10,599 guilds have cleared all of Naxx.
1.0003% - 1 boss
1.2085% - 2 bosses
1.2952% - 3 bosses
2.0990% - 4 bosses
2.3129% - 5 bosses
2.5674% - 6 bosses
1.6191% - 7 bosses
1.6942% - 8 bosses
1.8908% - 9 bosses
3.2728% - 10 bosses
3.6313% - 11 bosses
5.7477% - 12 bosses
6.3432% - 13 bosses
4.0303% - 14 bosses
61.2872% - Full Clear
Put another way, 77.4083% of all guilds in Naxxramas have made it to 4HM or beyond.
An overwhelming majority of guilds have substantially cleared or completely cleared the instance. Sapphiron will die in greater numbers as more people just suck it up, buy ever cheaper Frozen Runes, and don the appropriate FrR gear.
Glad to see I’m still living rent free. Well… its kinda sad too tbh. Slad?
Cope harder.
I am a pvp’r in classic but I tried to get into some PVE since it is so popular on classic. The amount of gold needed meant I WOULD have to buy gold to participate so I passed.
I can’t play 24/7 to farm to be able to raid a couple of times per week.
It depends tbh. If you’re progressing with a raid then yea… its gonna be expensive. Once you have it on farm, its pretty cheap though. I think pot wise I’m down to one shadow on Loatheb and maybe another on Sapph and a Frost Resist for KT if I’m feeling unlucky.
7768 of the guilds are from china lol, you should prob look at the stats for US/EU instead
At this point okay. But when things first come out aside from MC the expense was crazy.
((two weeks later))
The game is dying hurry up and release Phase 8 (assuming Phase 6.5 is pre-patch and Phase 7 is TBC-proper).
((two weeks later))
Game is dying, hurry up and release Sunwell.
((two week later))
OMGGAMEDED, release wrath, plz, hurry before to late.
If you want Retail so quickly, go play retail.
I don’t think you guys understand how big TBC is gunna blow up when it’s released. Go read in the discoords, check reddit ect…
PVP is a train wreck in SL probably the worse it has ever been. TBC is going to pull 90% of the pvp’rs in.
Just check Google Trending for the Hype. TBC and classic as well blew the doors off of Shadowlands.
That’s true, if you’re only talking about US realms, the majority have not cleared Naxxramas.
lol…if the pvpers think TBC is going to be any better with PVP. They’re in for a rude awakening.
Ah, the immortal bears. Frolicking across the AB fields with half the enemy wailing on them.
But I digress.
It doesn’t matter how much hype there is for TBC; there was hype for Vanilla, too.
All that’s going to happen is about a month or so into TBC, there’ll be calls to release the next phase. You Content Locust blow through everything then sit there complaining you have nothing to do. We’d be in Wrath by Q1 of next year if you had your way.
Then you’ll sit there and whine that you want Cata because “it’s better than nothing”.
Eventually, you’ll drive Classic to ‘one expansion behind Retail’ and wonder why the project went belly up and most left.
Maybe…just maybe. You lot should play more than one game if you clear this game’s content so quickly. You know, so the rest of us can actually play to enjoy it.
Yep. And servers like mine have a TON of guilds progressing still and just over 30 who have cleared.
If we were going for Blizz-like, we wouldn’t see the BC pre-patch until mid-May.
1.11 came out on June 19, 2006. Prepatch for BC came out December 5, 2006: 5 months, 16 days apart. 24 weeks 1 day, or 169 days.
Phase 6 released on December 3, 2006. 24 weeks from then would be Tuesady, May 18th. That’s when the BC pre-patch should launch.
Why would we not only repeat the mistake of Naxx being too short in Vanilla, but making it even shorter in Classic?
This is only relevant when we consider China. The data isn’t relevant to the average WoW player. It’s pretty well known if you are at all involved in this community, when looking at trends in this game you separate US/EU/Oce from China servers. They are run by different organizations, and have some interesting differences in both the way the game is approached, and the the way systems work in the game (Automatic Hourly Dragonslayer, and the WoW token come to mind).
If you look at US/EU logs it is a little under half of guilds that have cleared. My own just cleared last week, and yea if I went and looked back over our logs from Aq40/naxx we are roughly just above average as a whole lol. Being the 10th horde full clear on our server.
We dont need a prepatch, and no, the majority of US/EU guilds, which is the relevant microcosm the vast majority of us experience, have not cleared Naxx.
According to this forum, Blizzard does everything for profit. China makes up the majority of Classic players (more than US and EU combined) and probably brings in a larger profit margin due to operating costs in China.
I don’t think there would be a good reason to speak as if the clear rates in the US are somehow more relevant to the conversation than China’s clear rate.
If Blizzard does everything for profit and nobody cares about us, then why do folks continually talk about these things on a Blizzard forum that is moderated by Blizzard?
I don’t think there would be a good reason to speak as if the clear rates in the US are somehow more relevant to the conversation than China’s clear rate.
Because their are enough differences to not be ignored.
lol…if the pvpers think TBC is going to be any better with PVP. They’re in for a rude awakening.
Ah, the immortal bears. Frolicking across the AB fields with half the enemy wailing on them.
But I digress.
It doesn’t matter how much hype there is for TBC; there was hype for Vanilla, too.
All that’s going to happen is about a month or so into TBC, there’ll be calls to release the next phase. You Content Locust blow through everything then sit there complaining you have nothing to do. We’d be in Wrath by Q1 of next year if you had your way.
Then you’ll sit there and whine that you want Cata because “it’s better than nothing”.
Eventually, you’ll drive Classic to ‘one expansion behind Retail’ and wonder why the project went belly up and most left.
Maybe…just maybe. You lot should play more than one game if you clear this game’s content so quickly. You know, so the rest of us can actually play to enjoy it.
First off, classic was never very good for pvp’rs. Its a PVE hero one shot fest. Phase 2 was the most fun I have had in wow in years.
TBC arena was amazing. I do agree the min/max elite crowd killed the pve scene pretty quickly. They should have removed world buffs.
Botting and hacking is a gigantic problem that actiblizz has not been able to solve. Classics economy revolves around botting and gold selling 100%. This needs to be addressed in some fashion before TBC is released.