Naxx Isn't Unbelievably hard it's just extremely expensive, The game is dying Why can't we have pre patch right now?

I don’t think Naxx is hard per se, although the final 3 bosses are no pushovers. But the majority of it is just tedious. Its taken many people a while to get it all down.

Nonetheless it is definitely one of the most engaging raids I’ve seen. I’m in no rush to see TBC (at least not til I get all my BIS)


Where was it announced that the prepatch would be in April?

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If they offered an upgrade or transfer to BC servers with the BC prepatch, then folks who want that can experience it, and those who want to stay in Classic forever can continue progressing through Naxx, if they are doing so in WoW Classic.


I’m not actually responding to this. I just fixed it so it looks better.

I love it when Delimicus posts proofs and it makes other people mad.

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@Rozen This man brings up factual evidence that your previous statement was wrong and your only response is too REEEEE about not being able to ignore him. huge F to that rock you live under


In this thread, a level 35 retail alt trolls the forums by claiming Classic is dying.

Man, I really hate reruns.


Most guilds are also at 13/15. It’s fair to say that the majority have beaten the game

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No factual evidence has been posted. Not one single link. He is a known forum troll. It’s not evidence because he says it is. Delinicus says all kinds of bs on these forums without any actual evidence.

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Most guilds have beaten Naxx or are at least 13/15, On my server we got pugs going 10+ bosses on a run.

Naxx is just consume heavy to cover up for it’s pretty mediocre design. It’s not even fun, the funnest part is clearing 10+ bosses in one day so the next raid day you can focus on maybe getting out early.

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If my team kills KT this week, we’d be the 10th raid team on my server to do it.

https ://

So either my server is extremely behind the curve, or your stats are missing something.

It shouldnt

It isnt

No you dont.

Raiding Naxx with Pre-patch talents is basically like raiding Naxx on retail.
As soon as pre-patch hits it stops being classic.

Its 15 year old content… If you’re not “used to it” by now… :man_shrugging: And why are we in a hurry to rush INTO TBC so you ADD children can start complaining in a month because “its stale too” while clamoring for the next shiny thing.


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Don’t like it, don’t play it. Simple.

I am still progressing in naxx with our guild. Pricy, for sure. Worth it, totally.


Don’t forget Cata Classic and WoD Classic lol.

You will soon be reading how Cata wasn’t REALLY that bad, but retail still sucks.

Most of these people just wanted to start over, it really had nothing at all to do with actual Classic WoW.

Blizzard would be wise not to cater to this.


Wow3D-Classic is gonna be lit!


Heartseeker, for example, has 38 guilds that have cleared Naxx and only 18 guilds that are in Naxx that have not. I also believe a few of those guilds that haven’t cleared Naxx have fallen apart.

Correcting your misinformation is not trolling.

I’d say I post a significant amount more evidence to support my claims than this:

Naxx tearing up guilds and people dropping out is a part of the classic experience.

I have not even started on this toon :frowning:

((two weeks later))

The game is dying hurry up and release Phase 8 (assuming Phase 6.5 is pre-patch and Phase 7 is TBC-proper).

((two weeks later))

Game is dying, hurry up and release Sunwell.

((two week later))

OMGGAMEDED, release wrath, plz, hurry before to late.

If you want Retail so quickly, go play retail.