Nathrezim Alliance Reconnections

Howdy! I remember you too. Looks like Oneiros found you haha. I have Herrm on my friend’s list. I need to holler at him to see if he’s going to play some Classic and I’ll let him know you were looking for him.

Howdy! I have Herrm on friend’s list, so I’ll let him know you were looking to reconnect. I’m IRL friends with Rallos, and so is Sparedaddy who responded to your post below, so I can also try to get his attention and let him know.

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I was a little kid who pretty much kept quiet so you probably wouldn’t remember me but I was a NElf Rogue named Urar. That was exactly the memory… Poor Calolan…


Caedmon sounds familiar but I didn’t know Civixer. I’ll share a link to our discord after work tonight.

Omg Rentesh!!! It’s Brion HU mage from resurrection how’s thing been man. Still slaying with your rogue?

anyone else from SnD around?
Eatit - NE Hunter
was in Midnight Realm Assassins, All Else Failed, Stack and Die

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Ya, we’re still playing actually. We’re with Netherguard.

Grador here!

Netherguard, Exiled, Ara Veritas, Rune Soldiers!

Netherguard is still alive and kicking and we’re rolling alliance on a PvP Realm!


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Are you Constantine, the warlock from Exiled?

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Hey there Oneiros. I played as druid Baelvan in Maquis and then last moved to Ara Veritas. I was nub so not memorable but I remember you!

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Yep, Me, Hang, Nerine, and quite a few others are still playing with Netherguard. Cant remember all of there original names though.

We’re all originally from Exiled also.

Mosha/Are/Detrimental from The Maelstrom (RIP).

Would be great to catch up with some of the ghosts of the past.

I still talk with a few previous members quite a bit… Stamyna/Thelrad/Asteria/Krief/Oti

Seeing the names Netherguard, Divine Sentry, Stack and Die, WLPH, TheCore, Chaos Factors and many more familiar guild names does bring back the memories.


Cib is coming back to play with us in classic!

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Baelvan NE druid I was in Maquis then Ara Veritas

Heya, I was in Exclusive Souls and Cloak and Daggers back then, joined a few months before TBC launched.
Edwiddlem - Gnome Mage
Smallfighter - Gnome Warrior

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Tabula, played a bunch of mages on Nath (Gnome -> Undead -> Human)

Raided with All Else Failed toward the end of vanilla in Naxx

Hit me up


Hey Neo, Remember a certain Gnome Warlock with you since Guardians with Jaime and Cinderella? - Darkseraph

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Darkseraph - Gnome Warlock
Whiteseraph - Night Elf Priest

Guardians of the Faith, Synergy

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Erv - NE Hunter.

Shout out to my Netherguard, The Core, and Stack and Die peeps!

Anyone remember that epic 15 Hunter AB we did one night?


Etox Dwarf Warrior

I see some familiar names here boys!

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