Nathanos will live

He should’ve died in Darkshore, but 2 yrs later is better than never right? :gift_heart:


Retracting misinformation would be a better start, i.e. title and initial post. As you point out, mistakes happen, they just need to be fixxed.

Living in the US, I have taken a very strong stance (maybe too strong) against misinformation in general.

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That should be “too” strong rather than “to” strong.

To strong, or not to strong? That is the question.
Whether 'tis bro’er in the bod to suffer
The bulks and cuts of outrageous cycles
Or to take supplements amongst a sea of himbos
And by spotting help them.


Don’t worry, I fired my editor. These types of mistakes are inexcusable.

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Well he doesn’t really die since he just goes where everyone else goes, the Shadowlands

That’s just an assumption on the players part.

Well, the counterpart to this would be that Tyrande obliterates his soul, which from the cinematic doesn’t look like it and we have never seen her do that.

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While true, we also never seen her as an avatar of elunes wrath either, so we don’t really know what her full capabilities as the Night Warrior are.

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Well to be fair, we have seen a pretty embarassing performance in Darkshore, from start to finish.

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Darkshore was poorly handled on blizzards part. I put the blame on how the writers handle that more than anything Tyrande did wrong or right.

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Well, the writers are still the same, and since they were so happy with BfA’s story, it’s on them to prove that they can do better.

These are the same people that did Legion, so we KNOW for a fact they’re capable of doing better. That is what pissing a lot of people off about how poorly BfA was mismanaged.

I don’t know about that, Tyrande and Malfurion were handled pretty poorly in Legion (Val’sharah and the whole Illidan thing) too.
And it all started really going downhill when the Sylvanas fanfiction was implemented into the actual story, and Shadowlands is an expansion all about that.

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Than there is truely no pleasing people like you. They can do every single thing you ask for and your still not going to be satisfied. Don’t know what to tell you.

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Have they ever tried to? No they didn’t. Give me the kill or punishment on Sylvanas and Nathanos and some kind of future for the Night Elves, simple.

Currently none of those are on the horizon.

TYRANDE HERSELF, the very Avatar of Elune is going to wreck Nathanos entire life and we get to watch her kill him. What more do you want? I mean, no wonder people no longer sympathize with the NE players and you’re mocked constantly. Nothing blizz does is ever going or will be good enough.

And least you forget, the Night Elves aren’t the only race who has a legitmate grip with the Forsaken or Sylvanas.

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Sylvanas permanent death or punishment, and Nathanos permanent death.

Then I also want Night Elves to get their zones back and to free their people from the maw, some sort of future for the race and acknowledgement that it still exists.

And I’m pretty sure nothing of this is too much to ask.

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i think the issue is more, that nathanos survived darkshore in the first place :wink: But thats only what i mean^^


Darkshore was handled poorly. I think everyone agrees on that. But I get what you mean :gift_heart: