Nathanos will live

The prepatch events haven’t come out yet; Nate was likely put in Marris Stead ahead of schedule because some devs were confused about the release date. Small Indie Company, after all.


This will never not be funny.

Anywho, I look forward to killing the undead freak in the near future.

yeah him being at marris stead was just a bug, That content is still coming when they release all the other shadowlands leadup content.

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Well we now have proof that Nathanos is going to die. SPOILER We saw a portion of his cinematic with him yelling “is this the best you can do?”

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Well he is going to die, but does it mean that it’s the end for him?

He will just be in the maw then


What do you know know. The boohoo NE fanatics were wrong again.

He’s probably going to die. Which is sort of the point; he wants to die. There is a plan involved for this.

He wouldn’t go back to his house if he wanted to remain hidden.


We don’t even know that for sure. Tyrande could very well use the power of elune to completely obliterate his soul.

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That seems the be the only way to make sure someone stays gone anymore.

If he’s simply killed, then I’m certain we can look forward to his presence in Shadowlands.


I’m curious to know now. Nov 10 can’t come fast enough

I was thinking about it. I could still see blizzard pulling stupid crap and having Nathanos slink away somehow. This isn’t evidence of that, OP presents a post hoc type argument.

What OP posted is evidence of blizzard missing something as they separated what was originally intended to be released all at once in half.

QA is the first victim of cost-cutting in the video game industry. This should be no surprise

nathanos and garrosh should team up to yell at the player

Don’t act like blizzard doing something like that is new, or the result of cost cutting. They made mistakes like that when they were the at the height of their popularity. It was an inconsequential bug that was promptly fixed.


Zahirwrite’s on a Blood Elf.

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i´m not a ne fanatic :wink: :wink: I only wrote what wowhead said :wink:

That was my point, yes.

And nowhere did Wowhead say “Nathanos will live” so you indeed did write something they didn’t say.

One does not need to post from a NEs, to boohoo about NEs in a fanatical way.

Sums it up.

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So i was wrong? And now? i have no problem to admit it if i´m wrong, can happen :wink:

Well you are bad and you should feel bad and stuff like that propably.
Can’t wait to camp that boytoy on literally every single spawn. Never camped one person that much how I will camp this bugger.