He’s trying to associate lady vashj as some sort of alliance character.
While Ardenweald does have night elf ancients. it contains loas. The Winter queen disgust seems more focused on a certain death loa who she has a history with.
That’s probably my second greatest fear about how the situation plays out, that she just becomes our Taylor to your Nazgrim. Especially if it’s done some sanctimonious “wanting justice for Teldrassil is bad, mmkay” way.
Ironic, coming from the guy who implies “loa and vol’jin being present means Ardenweald has troll/loa themes.” while the entire zone is modeled for night elf players and is canonically the (intended by Elune, who has chosen the night elves as her Chosen People) afterlife of all night elves.
No I haven’t. I’m associating lady vash’j as a former night elf.
Mention a Night elf zone is indeed a night elf zone and the alliance REEE!!! BUT THERES ONE SINGLE STORY ABOUT LOA’JIN SO IT DOESNT COUNT!!
Yeah, it’s just…really ugh. Like I’m imagining WoW’s trying to pretend to be deep and smart about justice VS vengeance but the plot bent over so completely backwards that it went up its own butt about how bad Sylvanas is (and/or the horde, really) that I can’t imagine a single scenario that could salvage or even rebuild the game’s story from here.
Maybe they could dodge the “question” altogether by changing it to sacrificing yourself in the name of justice? But that still feels kinda ugly to me. Or maybe it could be a message of not trying to shoulder everyone’s burdens alone (hence the splitting of the NW power), but that’s just a short term solution, I think.
They’re not going to villain bat Tyrande.
Alliance leaders tends to get whitewash within the same storyline, same patch, same expansion, same novel. “Elune’s Vengeance” is a joke that’s not even worth taking seriously.
Blizzard has done a terrible job of making Tyrande look impressive as a Night Warrior. Everything she’s done so far, she was already capable of as a normal priestess.
No way he is Erevien.
Prove it with any official source post-bfa launch. I dare you.
All she does is post her headcannon as if its fact, you’re wasting your time
The only source they continually reference (and misrepresent) is this one from before BfA launch.
Not if we off Tyrande first lol
Not sure it can really be worse. The only Horde character showing the slightest bit of remorse and desire to atone is the only one innocent of the whole situation. Succeed, partially succeed, or even fail and it doesn’t really change that.
No it isn’t. Stop with that. It has a kind of, vaguely similar aesthetic (NOT theme). This does not make it Night Elf.
To call it Maldraxas a Alliance favored zone. Look, the reach is just insane. She is actually more connected to Blood Elves. She was a highborne. You know, the same group the Blood Elves came from. She also has a more recent interaction, specifically when she helped them against the undead and Garithos. And, even then the connection is so small that it would be folly to call her a Blood Elf character. It is beyond insane to suggest she is a night elf character.
It is not one. The whole zone is about wild gods and loa. There are multiple loa.
Well the thing is, blizz often lets night elf players try and fail.
Also, they make stories where they build up Thomas Zelling for example and then that goes to waste.
As for the solution, I didn’t get that impression at all that we’ve found a definite solution.
She will die if we can’t find a way to save her, that’s a fact. And again it’s not looking too well on beta.
Yet Blizzard wanted to end the revenge story in 8.1, but then when everyone (even horde players) told them that this was bullsh*t, they decided to also give us Nathanos because it was convenient for them because Nathanos wanted to go to the Shadowlands too.
Because the writers literally said that she won’t be. Even that she’s not evil, and in doubt they can always pull their “Draenor is free”.
Here’s another poster claiming that we should be happy with Nathanos.
Then Silverpine forest is a worgen zone. Night Elves are a small part of Ardenweald, and only like 1 or 2 chapters of the entire campaign.
Funnily enough they have said Tyrande to be more evil than Sylvanas at this point. Sylvanas is not evil but Tyrande is consumed and blinded by vengeance, unable to think logically (despite having shown us the opposite in the actual story they wrote)
Says the undead Sylvanas fan lol.
Only your leader gets to commit genocide against an entire race, torture and destroy their souls and then be called “not evil” and get away unpunished.
He surely posts like him pretty often, the parallels are there. Especially when he said that genocide was just a tree and stupid stuff like that.
This is even about shadowlands, it says that she has a plan and her haters will either change their minds or be stubborn and believe what they want to believe
Sylvanas being evil is plausibly deniable and she won’t die and won’t be a raid boss
“BeCaUsE SyLvAnAs iS nOt eViL”
“She contributed so much to the whole of Azeroth that the title of ‘queen’ is suitable for her and well-deserved. She is Sylvanas”
And those are just a few I could find, there are also ingame sources stating that sylvanas wants to save us and set us all free.
Because well, genocide doesn’t matter as long as it’s only night elves.
We did find a way. And it is actually looking pretty good on beta.
We found a way to do it, we have some that have agreed to help, we have the best tracker in Ardenweald looking for the others that would be needed. It’s not completely resolved, but it is looking up.
And with all the build up, as solution presented, it is almost certain that Blizzard intends her to be saved. They would not risk the backlash of what will be two long cycles of work to just say, ‘never mind you were to late and she is dead.’
Or they went, ‘You know, we should probably resolve this properly.’
No, they literally did not. And you have no source to prove otherwise.
I posted the quote. Everyone can see you’re wrong.
From what I have seen, we are just trying different things out but haven’t found a clear solution at all. The last thing I remember was bringing some kind of gift to Ysera (from Alexstrasza?)
I’ll believe it when I see it, because
A) Many Souls are already destroyed
B) Sylvanas has been whitewashed and I can’t see an acceptable resolution where this is the case.
See all the sources I listed, do I need to find even more or? Maybe you start giving me proof that blizz saw that there needs to be actual justice for teldrassil and that they are planning to bring Sylvanas to justice, because so far nothing has pointed towards that. Not ingame and not in interviews.
The conclusion was that the power had to be split among different Night Warriors. Huln was sent to find the other Night Warriors of past.
That is fair. And I share concerns that they may screw it up. Their record with the Alliance in general has not been good. And this story line has had its share of fails. But, it is also not fair to conclude that they have before we even see it. And there has been some positive progression. And there is hope.
Yeah, including the one from before BfA even launched and the one from about 2 months after launch.
LOL! You even posted the statue description that was made by a 3rd party.
Did you even bother reading these? They don’t support your claims at all. Because the events of the game rendered them out dated and incorrect. Like the part about supporting Sylvanas being a real choice.
The April 2018 (you know? Before BfA launch) is the one you keep citing.
But what you always fail to do is post the end of that quote:
This turned out to be false because we know through the game that Sylvanas wasn’t trying to protect the Horde but get as many killed as possible.
Look at the wowhead interview:
Somehow, for you and the NEFPA, this means “definitely will be redeemed.”
As to your point about haters, no:
So, keep misrepresenting things. Keep exaggerating. Keep flailing.