Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

It’s like arguing with a brick wall bud. :gift_heart:


If brick walls could whine about humpty dumpty.



Which is basically what they’re doing. And complaining about the people who tried to help :gift_heart:

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I was thinking he was flirting with some of her Court, and she caught him in the act was probably was like “Do you mind?”. Eyir I’m pretty sure he was dating at some point

I complain about the fact that sylvanas death is impossible because the writers said thaz not only it won’t happen, but also that she’s getting a redemption or rather doesn’t need one because she’s not evil.

See above.

And yet we don’t know if his death actually matters in the long run or not. What if Nathanos just comes back to azeroth ?

They can still come up with that.

What? On beta she’s torturing and obliterating those souls she already killed. Not she alone, but her friends and her.

She WILL die if we don’t save her, and currently it’s looking very bad for her as we can’t find any way to save her on beta.

And again I’m saying that this is not enough revenge for Teldrassil, yet you and the other Horde posters claim that it is, and that nelf players aren’t owed more and should stop complaining.

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My expectation is that the Night Warrior stuff gets shared among the gajillion night elf souls rescued from the Maw. I think the story has no reason to tease the possibility of rescuing someone, showing that doing it with just one person isn’t enough, and also conveniently dumping tons of nelves into Ardenweald if they weren’t going to go that direction to save Tyrande.


The quote says she won’t go out as a simple raid boss. This is you misrepresenting the quote.

They literally have not said as such and you have no proof to support this claim.


You can’t genocide something that’s already dead. Just saying.

Oh gosh! It’s almost like the entire story of Shadowlands isn’t in the beta… like the story has to move forward before more things happen…

No, your saying this will be all you get. Which is a claim that gets flimsier as time goes on.

You still haven’t provided a quote of me saying that you are only getting this and that you should be happy. Because I never stated as such. This is you flailing about.



I wish I could pin a friendly reminder to all NEPFA posts, that us worgen players have been waiting 10+ years to get revenge on Sylvanas for Gilneas.



Maybe, maybe not, it could very well have a tragic ending too.

Things they said are that she has a plan, will set us free, is NOT evil despite teldrassio and won’t be a raid boss.
Those are just the things that I know of so far.

What else would you call the obliteration of the night elf souls en masse then?

So? You still have no proof that Tyrande will survive, just like I don’t have prove that she WILL die but given that we seemingly couldn’t find a solution for her, it is likely to eventually happen.

Prove me wrong then, again there’s nobody that we could have revenge at this point anymore that hasn’t been either whitewashed or called innocent. Revenge against the jailer would be bs.

This is literally what Horde players have been going on about for the last few days.

Yea, the genocide and torturing and oblitersation of souls part doesn’t matter, why don’t you just post on your undead character instead, or blood elf called Erevien?

  1. I don’t have any blood elf toons and haven’t touched my forsaken toon since cata.

  2. I’m not Erevian besides what you claim.

  3. I never said I liked the alliance nor am I pro alliance, I am strictly a Worgen fan. That’s all.

And I never said it didn’t matter, it’s called sarcasm, try it some time

Man the reach is impressive. don’t strain your arm.

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Okay, let’s be fair here. We did find a solution. Where it stopped on beta was looking for the ‘supplies’ for the solution. And it was pretty clear that the story continues.

With the build up it is unlikely it will come to nothing. That is typically not how Blizzard does it. Coupled with the massively negative feedback they have gotten for their failures so far, it would be a monumentally stupid choice to have her die after all that. While it is still possible, I would bet heavily against it happening. It may still be an unsatisfying result, but I am pretty confident she wont die.


He’s not wrong from a certain point of view when looking at the zones

Except I’m not claiming one way or the other what her status is going to be. You are insisting she will die. You claim she will. Not that she can but will.

See the difference?

I don’t write the story. But what you have been wrong about is that the revenge story was done in 8.1. Tyrande killing Nathanos is proof that you were wrong.

See? This is another of your claims that is unfounded. You insist that Sylvanas will not be called to account for her actions ever because she hasn’t been called to account for her actions yet.



Even if she does, it still wont be good enough, because she didn’t account hard enough for her crimes. The victim complex is god tier with this NEPFA poster


It’s what my money’s on. I honestly feel like they’re just going to tone her down and possibly shelve her for a while, either after Sylvanas’ story is resolved (in whatever way), or the Night Warrior stuff is resolved in an unrelated story arc.

Which, if I’m being totally honest, in some ways I’d rather she died than have her tone softened. Like, I don’t consider myself exceedingly woke by any stretch of the imagination, and even I’m prematurely cringing at the possibility of a “savage, exotic Amazon is tamed and brought back into line by the blue-eyed, blonde, male protagonist” story beat between her and Anduin. But that’d be my bet.


Don’t forget human. Gotta make sure peeps understand the potential.


Or worse, soothed by the symbol of the faction that originally abused her people to get her to this point in the first place. This is why I’m quietly hoping Thrall’s promise to deliver Sylvanas’s head from Shadows Rising falls through, even though it reflects even worse on the horde than it already is. It’d seem like exceptionally poor taste to basically echo what happened to Sylvanas’s character onto the other oldest female racial leader.

Edit: Had another line that came out way worse than I intended.


I don’t think there’s any way it will happen. People are still mad to this day about Thrall “kill-stealing” Garrosh. I can’t see them doing it again, especially not with the same character.


I’m just pleased that ol’ cool eye patch elf correctly calls Nathanos a braggart and a bully. He’d know, after all.

Whatever happens, exist or die, vindicate and/or condemn, he’s a pompous, donkey butt with a near single minded devotion to a genocidal nutter. The Horde is better off without.