Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

Calia puts herself forward as representing to Forsaken in some way. What faction are the Forsaken, again?

You’ll notice I did call them ancillary Horde characters. Peripheral. Tertiary. Tangential. Etc. Draka is quite literally the mother of the playable Horde. Kael’thas gave permission to pursue relations with the Horde, even if he didn’t swear the Blood Oath himself. Sylvanas is ex-Warchief of the entire Horde, and ex-leader of a Horde race.


I mean, does that make Forsaken ancillary Alliance because they were citizens of Lordaeron?



I’m not even a NE player, I play probably the least played race in the game as my main. But I call it like I see it, and while some people do in fact go overboard, I only see one subset of people coming up with insulting nicknames, othering people, and throwing personal insults. And more often than not it’s not the NE posters you hate but those responding to them.

Consideration is a two way street, and insulting names and othering is not consideration. Reap what you sow.


I liked it. I appreciate that Tyrande is anti-simp.


I fully agree. That’s why I don’t give any consideration to the more extreme posters as I don’t expect them to give any consideration to my (or anyone else’s) opinion. Those that offer sound, reasonable discussion get it in kind. Very much an example of


When have I ever resorted to name-calling or othering?

Calia can put herself forward as whatever she wants. She was with the Alliance from bread to butter until Sylvanas hiked off. She is best friends with the Alliance. She is doing the Alliance favors. She had no interaction at all with the Horde outside of when she first met the Forsaken.

She is Alliance.

No, he didn’t.

Ranger general of the Alliance, too.

So you agree that Ardenweald is a night elf zone, then?


Not sure it makes a difference. Blizzard pretty much uses the horde as villains in faction wars. Then they ignore them. Telling Horde players they deserve to be ignored because they had to endure being villains in their own story is probably worse than just ignoring them for no real.


Not only that, but it’s pretty insulting to the players. Blizz is basically telling them they don’t matter, and they should enjoy any screen time their side gets, even if it’s detrimental.

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As an Alliance player I have literally never once interacted with her. I got some random quest to witness her talking to Derek and Jaina, but had literally never seen, heard of, or spoken to her before then. Nor since.(it was the exact same quest the Horde gets btw)

If you didn’t play a priest in Legion you had no idea she even existed until you get that random quest which is not explained at all. And you never hear from her again until Shadowlands at which point she is acting as part of the Horde council.

She might have belonged to the Alliance long ago, an old Alliance at that, but she is no more an Alliance character than Nathanos and Sylvanas are since they used to be part of the old Alliance as well.


She doesn’t have to interact with the Alliance player to be Alliance. She interacts with the Alliance on the regular. Jaina, Anduin, etc.

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druidic zone with night elf and troll themes. The campaign is focused on night elf stuff and troll loa.


Again, read every reply ridiculating night elf fans for wanting more than just this.

No, this is just how it happened in the story.

Blizz wanted to end our revenge plot in 8.1 already, now with this nathanos kill it’s absolutdly certain that Tyrande got her revenge, even if it’s meaningless.

“For Teldrassil”

Not a single source says he can’t come back either :woman_shrugging:

Besides blizz who wanted to end it in 8.1 already, and blizz who said that Sylvanas and the Horde aren’t to blame / are not evil, so there’s nobody left to have revenge against.

Tyrande has been absent both from 8.2 and 8.2.5, one was the Azshara stuff and one was the faction war conclusion. They literally forgot that Night Elves existed back then.


What troll themes are specifically in Ardenweald?
Not the Otherside. Ardenweald.
Nevermind that he proffered the idea that Draka counts as Horde because she birthed Thrall. Well, Elune sends her worshipers to Ardenweald, and Night Elves are her chosen race. What’s good for the orc is good for the tree elf.


You specifically called me out in this thread and can’t substantiate your claim.

This is how you’re interpreting the story.

So which is it? Was 8.1 the end of the revenge story? Tyrande killed Nathanos because of the role he played in the destruction of Teldrassil. Something you said would never happen. Now you’re moving the goal posts and saying this is all she and the Night Elves get.

I don’t expect you to understand the absurdity in that.

Sure, but no one is making baseless claims like you have. You insist he can come back but can’t prove it and, yes, burden of proof is on you because it is your (baseless) claim.

And then Tyrande killed Nathanos. It’s almost like the story is moving forward or something.


Not going to quote every single one here though. Expecting more revenge = unrealistic expectations, your words.

Not interpreting anything, everything the night elves do is suffer for Sylvanas, and they never even come close to putting Sylvanas at risk and they never will.

Sylvanas commiting genocide against the night elves is also not evil as we learned.

I said his permanent death wouldn’t happen, and seems like I was right.

Who is there still left to get revenge against when the Horde and Sylvanas have all been absolved of their crimes already?

Since Blizzard thought that 8.1 was enough already, they will definitely see it as resolved now with this pre patch. Also see above, there’s nobody that can be brought to justice at this point anymore, because nobody is guilty of Teldrassil anymore as everything has been either forgotten, forgiven or whitewashed.


You were mad because Tyrande didn’t beat Nathanos in 8.1 and you made a thread about how you’re mad that Tyrande did beat Nathanos. It had nothing to do with night elves wanting more and everything to do with how even when you get something you and others still kick and scream. Notice that the Night Elf posters that say they liked and appreciated the cinematic and what it meant aren’t being called out.

Nice try but, once again, you’re wrong.

Goal posts moving once again.

Who is Tyrande hunting in Shadowlands? Whose head did Thrall promise to Tyrande?

Just like it was definitely resolved in 8.1…

Oh wait…

Go ahead and quote the dev statement that Sylvanas is innocent of her actions regarding Teldrassil.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

Now, if you mean the “she’s not evil.” quote that keeps getting thrown around haphazardly please note that Blizzard also said in that same quote that she was just defending her people. This has turned out to be flagrantly false, no matter how much you kick and scream about it. Just like the revenge story ending in 8.1. The video you posted and everyone has seen proves that notion false as well.


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You do know how Noble Paladins generally act in the WoW Universe prior to the Scourge invasion right?

They are respected by the populace of Lordaeron yet are braggarts and bullies despite the populace treating them as being noble!

The people of Stormwind don’t want to admit that their so-called noble respected Heroes from Lordaeron are as arrogant as they come!

The only one they acknowledge as arrogant is Garithos and that is because he alienated the Blood Elves to the point where they joined the Horde!

Bring up the Worgen, and how it’s been 10+ yrs and they still haven’t gotten their revenge against Sylvanas… Gurantee she’ll BS some excuse how that doesn’t matter, because the Mythical can kill gods Kaldorei army didn’t get to exterminate the horde.


They’d probably bring up Storheim and how Genn broke the lantern.
