Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

Reread my post. I didn’t list Azshara as land that Night Elves control. I merely said that, while we don’t fully know the status of Ashenvale, in-game we still see a ton of Night Elves in it as well as Azshara. That’s just a fact. Go to Azshara right now and you will find Night Elves.

Cool. You are comparing the Night Elves, a single playable race, to the entirety of the Horde. Try breaking the Horde down into individual races and see how they compare to the Night Elves. As a Darkspear player, I can only imagine what it’s like to have a whole zone all to myself.

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Oh honey.

No please. Don’t kill the guy that doesn’t want to be in the Horde anymore, the guy that kills more Horde than he does anyone else, the loa known for dying, and the loa we knew for three seconds before killing him. Oh and Thrall’s mom and the guy that’s been dead for a decade already. Though feel free to kill Calia and Sylvanas.

Did I do it right? Did I “it doesn’t count because I say so” the right way?


lol Didnt know it was real.


Then perhaps they should have taken storytelling seriously to begin with. That way they wouldn’t be playing damage control.

All the good will in the game doesn’t undo the damage BfA has done to the story and lore. And as usual, Blizzard is too proud to admit they screwed up.


Presumably. Now is this the part where I say that it doesn’t change the fact that they’re Horde, and thus however you might feel about them is invalid?


Go to the human starting zone and you will see orcs. that doesn’t mean anything and you know it. You’re using it to try to give your argument false weight by trying to conflate two entirely separate things and hoping people wont see through it. Azshara is a horde zone, having NPCs in a zone doesn’t mean anything, npcs are spread out in every single zone ever.


Compare Darkspear to the gnomes then.

Maybe I’m just projecting but I figure the “I hope Sylvanas gets redeemed” sentiment is a nuclear one specifically because there’s no honest investment attached to the story and it should be wiped away like a bad Etch-a-Sketch.

Like, go ahead and take the entire faction. It makes no sense for it to be around anyway. :man_shrugging:


I think it is because I’m supposed to gotcha with Sylvanas and Kael’thas not being Horde next and it wouldn’t make sense if you didn’t call them Horde. Then it spirals into nitpicking about what counts as Horde/Alliance and we derail the entire thread.

We did it!


Nathanos gets the bean bag chair while Sylvanas and the Jailer get the couch.


Night Elves have a holding in Azshara called Talrendis Point. They have towers, a hunter’s hall, a moonwell, a couple tents, and an army occupying the land. That counts, even if it’s in Horde territory. I don’t recall any orc holdings in human starting zones, unless you are referring to the Blackrock Orcs on Redridge Mountains, who aren’t even Horde. But even if there is a pocket of Horde orcs I had forgotten about in the human starting zones, that doesn’t mean the Night Elf holding on Azshara doesn’t count. It means they both count.

Better yet, I can compare the Gnomes to the Night Elves and really drive home why it’s hard to take all the “Night Elves lost everything!” stuff too seriously.

I’m sympathetic to the Night Elves. I hate what happened to them. I refused to take part in it. But it’s exhausting hearing about how terrible things are for only them from certain relentless posters. I appreciate all the Night Elf fans who retain the ability to look at the story from all sides and see that everyone suffered in BfA, even though, I’ll admit, the Night Elves suffered more than most.


Talonbranch Worgen ruined the Goblin lumber operation in Felwood by the end of questing there for both the Horde and Alliance.

Also interesting to note that the Cenarion Circle named their outpost in Felwood after Tyrande.

Malfurion is the leader of the Cenarion Circle, and Shadows Rising further confirmed that the Night Elves at large have come to live at Nordrassil.

This thread? Because in it the overwhelming consensus is that not only do the Night Elves have presence there while the Horde does not, almost all posts in the thread say that Winterspring should go to the Night Elves.

Lore wise this did change after the Siege of Orgrimmar, as revealed in A Good War that the Horde had removed themselves from Ashenvale in accordance with the treaty thereafter.

Speaking of said treaty, Tyrande did not cede Azshara to the Horde, only allowed them the use of its lumber:

    I am willing to allow the Horde the use of Azshara’s lumber if they abandon Ashenvale for good.

The Night Elves did not abandon Azshara, as was shown during the Legion Invasion pre-expansion events, where we saw the Talrendis Ancient had grown back, and Night Elf forces were still stationed in Azshara, and both helped the Goblins fend off the demons from the back gates of Orgrimmar.

Sitting down doing nothing whilst Alliance Jaina and Alliance Bolvar discuss the warmap until Alliance Calia and Alliance whatever Bolvar’s daughter’s name is arrive.

Neither of them speak. You do infact waste your time saving them.


Never our Horde.

Quite literally never any Horde.
But he was a member of the Alliance, once.

Quite literally quit the Horde.
If Sylvanas counts as Horde, Kael’thas counts as Alliance.


Draka wasnt part of ANY horde even when she died to be technically (since Frostwolf were ehm… AWOL? Idk the term but they were like forced to abandon the horde.

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I can see them thinking We dun screwed up soo many times…lets not ruin this by opening our mouths. While I am excited for Shadowlands, I get the feeling it’s going to be another alliance Vast Human Potential expac overall. I am looking forward to Maldraxxus and Ardenweald though. (Haven’t decided Convenant to join yet)


Speaking of Night Elf posters I appreciate. It’s like you knew I was talking about you. I was also talking about Aviala, even though I haven’t seen her post in a while. I just think you are both good at discussing the Night Elf perspective while also being considerate of other points of view. I salute you.


I might not always agree with Amadis, but I do respect him. He’s a pretty level headed dude overall :gift_heart:


