Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

They left the Shadowlands, they however are not leaving the Maw which is where Nathanos gets sent to.

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Giving criticism = whining when you’re alliance, but every tear soaked thread by horde fans is valid.


But his head still is on the corpse :stuck_out_tongue:

“I don’t want Tyrande to end up a raid boss”

“Tyrande should’ve tortured him”

You can only choose one.

I feel like they did this because they didn’t really explain it well that the Night Warrior power grows with time. That and it got ignored often even when people pointed it out to others. Hopefully this time it will get through.


Haha, right? That’s Blizzard writing for you. They’ll go to great lengths to create “epic moments” even when it doesn’t make sense. Though it could be that Nathanos was trying to bait Tyrande into coming to Sylvanas since their kidnap attempt failed. I didn’t see all the content leading up to the cutscene, so I’m probably missing some information.

However, I think the main goal was to try to appease the Night Elf fans that were furious that Tyrande couldn’t kill Nathanos on the Broken Shore. Nathanos killing himself quietly off-screen would likely only infuriate them further. They were obviously trying to create a moment of catharsis for the Night Elf fans while also showing the Night Warrior to actually be a power worth the price.

Where they messed up was in thinking those players could ever be appeased. But it wasn’t all for naught. I still enjoyed seeing Tyrande slice his stupid head off.




Because the Horde lost lordaeron on their own terms. That is the problem. If for example, the Alliance was the one to momentarily retreat from lordaeron, and then blew it apart with everyone in it still inside, there wouldn’t have been any complaints. It would show that the Alliance can give as much as they take.

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Stahp Morghel, that would be morally grey.


Having the moral highground is absolutely worthless if it costs us everything else in the process. Let the alliance have teeth. We’re lions, not teddy bears.


Oh I’m behind that idea, I was just being sarcastic.

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Yeah its a wonder your character is still alive and able to post, sort of expected all night elves to be gone, why is tyrande even alive? I mean Night elves have that connection to teldrassil that makes their lives tied to it so when that tree goes POOF you are gone as well kinda like a targeted Thanos snap at double the effectiveness, All night elves have been reduced to atoms. And now are nothing but air and dust.Noone has seen a night elf since the war of thorns.


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Finnibas, you see a lvl 10 female night elf with a name that finishes with “ana” and you just ignore it.

There is no point arguing or using things like reason or facts.


I am aware of the night elf posters knowing only how to complaint. Its not a surprise to me.

Simulated Hypothetical Alliance Post:

So wait, the Horde manages to beat the Alliance back so badly our only option was to blow it up? The point was to TAKE Lordaeron back not BLOW IT UP, ffs Blizzard can’t help themselves by having every Alliance ‘victory’ come at the cost of something, this is spitting in the face of players who wanted to WIN something for once after Teldrassil, not end up with a pile of rubble. And Sylvanas GOT AWAY.

There is no appeasing some people, and I do not welcome their displeasure but I also do not see a need to try and avoid it, if they are so keen to spoil things for themselves.


One thing that struck me when I did the quest on a Horde toon was Lor’themar’s dialogue when you hand in the quest. He says something along the lines of Nathanos having been a bully and a braggart in life and undeath only accentuating these negative traits. I don’t recall previously seeing anything that painted a negative picture of Nathanos during his time as a living human. Is this new or have I missed something?

That was absurdly one-sided win against Nate. He was completely bodied. What you wanted was for Nate to act out of character, and not be the cynical sass machine he is; and scream out in pain despite the fact that he is undead. Or, you wanted the constantly grim, stoic, lacking in wit Tyrande to act witty to counterbalance him. So, since it doesn’t pander to you enough 
 it doesn’t count.


From what I heard, it’s a retcon and that nothing actually portrayed him that way in the past. It was actually the elves that crapped all over him and made him feel unwelcome instead, since it was only thanks to Sylvanas that he even had the opportunity to train with them in the first place.

It’s basically one final, posthumous twist of the knife to ensure everyone got the message that Nathanos is bad.


RIP Nathanos’ dogs. They were the goodest of doggos. May their afterlife be filled with endless head pats.


I came back to this post because there’s a part here I find kind of odd: ‘Facade’

Nathanos has been many things, but from his first incarnation he’s been a non-stop snarker, curmudgeon, and stone-cold soldier. He hunted his hunters, snuck into Stormwind to finish off a pursuer, and lived alone in WPL with naught but two dogs - and fought all comers as a semi-infamous quasi world boss. He’s thrown himself into war and personal challenge again and again, in life and in unlife, and showed no fear. He’s a super competent combatant and a motivated champion of his queen.

For all his flaws, he’s never been a coward or someone afraid of death. What ‘Facade’ do you think there is to break? He’s never been anything but himself.

I think (and correct me if I’m wrong, this is a guess) that what you want is for him to be shown as totally without virtue. His stoicism, courage, and gallows humor are positive traits amidst an otherwise fairly rotten persona, and him getting to display them is contrary to your conception of your enemies as totally iredeemable and corrupt. That’s why you perceive his long-standing traits as being false; It’s not in your concept of him that he could retain his dignity in the moment of his fall. It’s an understandable expression of your understandable contempt, but surely you can see that that’s not how stories should be written.


It’s new as far as I’m aware.

She’s a monster. :sob:
