Loss and the Faction Conflict

The only way to re-balance is by having the horde suffer an equally devastating and well deserving defeat.

Otherwise the problem will remain forever.
of course that i am not going to accept that “the purge and taurajo make the alliance as bad as the horde” when you have literal cities and civillians reduced into dust or ash.

To me it seems like blizzard is scared to actually kick the horde’s teeths at the hands of the alliance.


At one point, I might have agreed with you, but not anymore. It would only serve to keep the cycle of toxicity between players going. At this point, they and we just need to walk away and hopefully focus on rebuilding stories.


watches the lit match sail into the gasoline-soaked dumpster

That didn’t take us long, did it.


I don’t think it’s possible to fix this issue anymore, at least without pissing off a big majority of players.

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The issue with that, if you remember my post, is that it’s impossible in the Hordes current state without destroying the faction outright. The Horde doesn’t really have towns you can destroy that aren’t racial capitals. The Horde was never as developed as the Alliance was, probably do to the belief horde players just want military camps.


I like how Etheldald refuses to count Siege of Lordaeron, where the Horde is utterly defeated and forced to retreat, and Sylvanas is forced to blow up Lordaeron. Also, you know, Siege of Zuldazar. It’s never enough. It will never be enough.


This is a subjective matter and where would you drawn the line?
Because “victory over the Horde” can be twisted at many different shapes and it is not going to be enough for many groups or even make happy a good chuck withing the alliance playerbase (looking at you)

No, you just don’t like the way the victories over the Horde are handle to you which is totally different.


Yeah maybe we should define what “develop” really means because as far as i know, the ones with most focused lore is horde. Cata, MoP And BfA proves that.

utterly defeated? or more like “losing on our terms” that’s a beneffit that the alliance never really had after literally FAILLING the main goal of capturing both sylvanas and the city itselft.
Meanwhile when the alliance fails to defend something is never really under their terms.

Same issue, hell you guys could even beat 2 ally leaders in a raid fight. remind me again, when the alliance could get a complete victory without any “but”.
just 100 % victory like the horde had.

No, Blizzard refuses to give the alliance totally victories over the horde. that is a fact. And of course that we can’t have the victories on screen or better portrayed because it may hurt the horde playerbase too much. But what about ally players?. Screw them right?. thats my point.


(sigh) Not this again.


Our terms is still losing. We were forced to retreat to Orgrimmar. We were still forced to destroy the Undercity.

“bawwwwwww the Horde beat two characters. it doesn’t matter if they lost.”
You lost a character designed to be killed. We lost one of the most important trolls in all of Azeroth’s history.


I don’t think we hit em hard enough.

Need to kill off afew of their leaders.

Shake up the totem pole.

I mean that’s objectively a fact.

Cant get kicked in the teeth if blizzard removes all of your teeth beforehand. The horde cant suffer a horrendous loss because we have nothing left TO lose, blizzard has already utterly gutted the horde and removed anything of worth.


We still have Lor’themar and Thrall. :frowning:

depends on what they do with thrall. Return Vanilla thrall? alright

Keep “im a sad stay at home dad who lost his mojo” thrall? he can stay in outlands.

Also Lor’themar has always and will always be a nothing-burger. Like, you could just remove him and all references to him from the game one day and virtually nothing would change.


I don’t consider either of them to be “of worth” anymore. Thrall is sad and depowered. Lor’themar seems to have been lobotomized somewhere along the way.


Bruh you didn’t lose Zekhan. He’s still alive.

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I don’t think that “inability to react appropriately to the Villain-Sue” is indicative of lobotomy. No one can react appropriately to Sylvanas. It’s not allowed. She has more plot armor than (Big G) God.



He’s focused on an heir to his regency.


its hard to take Zappyboi as a legitimate character.

but then again, i think tink-tink should be the leader of the forsaken (mostly due to a lack of better options) so im not one to talk.

Bonus points if she never talks and communicates by smacking the ground with her flag.