Nathanos knew all along

Sylvanas fans say they love that the Kaldorei are getting “renewal” because they know that means Tyrande isn’t going to behead Sylvanas.

It has nothing to do with them being empathetic with the Kaldorei or Kaldorei fans.

Because the Kaldorei are robbed of their power, robbed of their agency, robbed of their home, robbed of closure… and we get told that we are “renewed” because Tyrande gets blue balled by Elune, and forgives a War criminal.

To hell with that mess.


It’s more like a mother letting her child make their own mistakes, but not letting them suffer any serious consequences for their actions at the same time.


No, its not like that at all.

Killing the person who nearly killed your husband and slaughtered your people is not a “mistake”

it is justice that the Kaldorei were denied. Along with their agency and any closure.


I think so too. It seems like Elune didn’t want Tyrande to die over this.

That’s twice she’s intervened to keep Malfurian and Tyrande safe. They must have a big destiny to fulfill. At least that’s a postive reinforment that Elune does actually love them like children.


No mother wants their child to die, no matter the reason behind it.

The fact that you aren’t satisfied with the story doesn’t change anything.


Tell that to everyone who died at Teldrassil.

The one responsible was being choked out, and Elune withdrew the power from Tyrande when she made the choice several times by that point. Hell, that in itself could have resulted in her death. Elune was not protecting Tyrande.

This is not about Elune’s motivations. Elune gave Tyrande the choice and Tyrande made that choice multiple times. This is about the writer’s once again making promises to the Kaldorei fanbase with no intention of following through.




Malfurian makes so much more sense >.< I’ll have to trick my brain or something. When I say Malfruri-on it doesn’t sound right. It’s too brutish, if that makes sense.

It’s funny we don’t get to see the other Night Warriors that did die have an opinion on Elune’s favoritism.


In WC3 he was called Furion. I wonder when and why they added the Mal.

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See that bothers me too I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be the other Night Warriors watching Elune Give Tyrande a choice they never got.

They changed it in The Frozen Throne in Warcraft III.

He was Malfurion in Warcraft III as well. Furion was like his nickname that didn’t stick in WoW.

Hmm it seems to be a take on “furious” maybe if I just call him
Mal-furious it will stick in my brain.

No, he was Furion in Reign of Chaos (the base game), but his name was changed in The Frozen Throne campaign.


Rhymes with Cenarion.

Furious Furion Stormrage sounds like a stuntman name.


It actually doesn’t rhyme though.

Malfrurious it is! That rolls off the tongue much better.

Was always Malfurion:

Skimming through, I saw “Furion” a couple times. Where does it say “Malfurion?”