Nathanos knew all along

I wonder if Sira might return to the NE’s now that Tyrande knows Elune did not mean to abandon the NE’s.


I hope Delaryn and the other Undead Night Elves rejoin the rest of the Night Elves. And that we get Dark Warden customization for Night Elves.

Blood Elves should have gotten Dark Ranger customization options by now already, too.


That would be really cool and I hope we both get that for our respective races.

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All of the nonsense surrounding this needs to be excised from the Horde ASAP. Those night elves getting magicked from the grave and willingly signing on with their murderers was perhaps the stupidest thing to come out of an expansion that ran on stupid.


I hope I get a chance to help Sira attempt to slake her boodthrist. She doesn’t seem to care against who, and frankly, as a Murder Hobo, neither do I.

I just want a little Experience and Gold. Or some Herb. Or an Augment Rune to sell on the AH.

You got friends on the outside, Sira.

As of Shadows Rising, Sira has the right attitude.

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They were really unnecessary, yeah. Without them the Darkshore Warfront introductory quests would have been fine enough. Even more annoying that Blizzard seems to not have had any plans of what to do with them next.

Much like the obliteration of some of the souls while saving the Night Elf souls from Torghast, Blizzard seems stuck on adding stabs to moments that are supposed to be rectifying things for the Night Elves.


Her bloodlust was so extreeme never Nathanos thought it was excessive, that’s saying a lot coming from him.

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They might double down on this if Tyrande, or someone else, spreads the word about how Elune couldn’t stop the Night Elf souls from going to the Maw. She could try to spin it well, but we may see a rise in Night Elves abandoning Elune. Sira had doubts about Elune before she died. Atheism=evil?

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As an atheist in real life, I hope not.

However, hard to be an atheist when Elune is real. Might not have faith in her any more because she’s fallible, but would be difficult to not believe she exists in the setting.


“Alatrism” is the correct term, the acknowledgement of the existence of a deity, without worship.

Although, while thinking of Night Elves abandoning Elune due to the Burning, it does remind me of people doing the same with Gods in real life, and becoming atheist. Could be an allegory.

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I had read an article a few years back that indicated the opposite was more likely to happen:

    The data showed that people who had been more intensely affected by the violence of war were more likely to join or participate in religious groups and practice religious rituals. The data, collected in 2010 and 2011, came from previously published work by other researchers.

    The more profound the impact of war on an individual — such as the death, injury or abduction of a household member — the greater the likelihood grew of that person turning to religion.

Not that others don’t lose their faith for the same reason. Plus, Highborne Night Elves were abandoning their faith in Elune for the arcane way before it was cool to blame her for not preventing genocides.

Though, I wonder if that could explain the Farstriders and other non-Mage Highborne that were exiled with Dath’Remar.


I honestly think Blizzard thought they were going to be well received (somehow). Like I legitimately think Blizzard thought the line “I’ll help you, but my reasons are my own” was enough to get people on board to see where this goes.

Turns out, you can in fact cut yourself on that much edge. They cut’em straight outta the story.

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Blizzard doesn’t even let Sira explain herself, having Sira say that she never chose to be an undead in Shadows Rising, only for Blizzard to turn around as say she was probably just saying that to save her own skin from Tyrande.


The best Elune could do is put Night Elves in nap time as their corpses burned to mulch, and their souls went to the Maw.

I would not be surprised if Sylvanas showed Sira, Delaryn, and their ilk, what had occurred. How “Elune’s Wisdom” was guiding the fallen to Ardenweald… but then being diverted to the Maw.

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I honestly can’t say I’m shocked. No one I’ve interacted with have seemed to have liked the Undead NE and very, very few people have even seemed to have been willing to give them the time of day to see where it goes.

I think I’m more annoyed that they wasted words in a book on them myself.

I originally was, too:

One of my most liked posts on this version of the forums.

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Another off topic point that this got me thinking of: My greatest dislike of the Forsaken didn’t even come from Sylvanas, but from the Val’kyr. I’m glad at the very least that the Nine are dead dead now and can’t subject more people to the malign of necromancy.


I did the like the war in Hillsbrad though. When you had the worgen converting people and Sylvanas being desperate to raise new forsaken as quick as she could, because the worgen were largely immune to every trick the forsaken normally used on their opponents

Going to miss The Nine for that reason

I think her undeath is the kind that will not forgive, she’ll likely make another excuse to rage. Trust me, the list to rage against Elune is growing by the patch.

Necromancy is how the Forsaken exist; without it they will die out. I tell ya cdev really had some awesome storylines that just kinda fizzled out and replaced with mustache twirling. I really love the plight of the Forsaken, as a player it made me feel like there was a serious problem. I felt that vanilla like immersion. I would rather follow that story than “killing hope” or w/e it was.

I don’t mind losing the 9, but I hope they don’t sweep the plight storyline under the rug. It was really cool and awesome.


Xal’atath implied that Cordana turned centuries ago and hid her lust for power under a cloak of suffering in righteousness. Sira is probably the same.

The Wardens are filled with Power lust and feign that they suffer in righteousness when in fact they probably chose to become Wardens just so that they can have power over someone!