Nathanos knew all along

We were heading into the Shadowlands. Night Warrior lore was previously about ferrying souls.

I don’t know how Blizzard completely missed the ball on that.


Tyrande: I will never forgive the Horde!
Horde PC: saves Tyrande from being killed by the power of the Night Warrior

Things like this make me wish I could drink.

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Doesn’t make up for Teldrassil.

Obviously not the player’s fault but it’s like expecting me to forgive you running over my dog because you saved me from drowning.

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Don’t forget when she was going to kill us while we’re carrying the soul gem full of NE souls.

What’s to stop her from taking the crystal when you die?

Given the Night Elves have multiple gods and there’s other forces out there, abandoning Elune doesn’t mean they’ll automatically go to atheism (which would also take major cognitive dissonance as there is no debate over the existence of Elune).

Back to Nathanos, I don’t think he knew the full scope of the Jailer’s plan and just followed Sylvanas like a good little yes-man. Also, I wonder if the writers will try to whitewash or retcon HIS culpability in her atrocities.

He is polarizing. I don’t think he will ever be white washed to “the haters”. But the people who enjoy Sylvanas and Nathanos probably don’t need much convincing, either.

Nathanos seemed down for Sylvanas. He wasn’t killed by Frostmourne. So that right there is a difference.

He realized taking his relatives… form… was bad, but he did it to please his lady. He was taken aback and almost aghast at her command to burn Teldrassil - but when she insisted, he went along.

Though, when Tyrande had him dead to rites, he thought he was going back to his Lady, and he was wrong. Even Ms. Know-it-all herself, Sylvanas, was surprised to be ignorant.

Blizzard could do a few things with this :

Sylvanas finds Nathanos. He is the same hateful spirit, and he thinks the kinder gentler Sylvanas is a mockery. He wants his Dark Lady Banshee Queen. So he dumps her. Which might add to her tragedy.


When she finds him, he grovels, and says everything he did, he did for her. And she accepts that. So they try to make it work, even though they are despised by most of the cosmos. And he continues being her servant, no matter her cause. Even if it is now freeing the same Night Elves he gleefully damned.

I mean, that’s why I like him.

(It also helps that the story hasn’t tried to make him sympathetic without putting the necessary legwork in for me.)

Nathanos is a wierd jerk who yells at birds and hates everything.


It’s one of the reasons I like him and always made being a forsaken back in the day fun. He’s unapologetic and like you said, hates Everything just because it exists.

I think it’s due to his incredible skill as a archer and that he’s the only human to rise to the top in the Farstriders that made him a incredibly arrogant. The hatred seemingly came after he was raised into undeath

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You’d think these kinds of Horde players would want to quest with Tyrande more, not less.

It’s the fact that he named a cute parrot “murderbeak” for me.

It’s how giddy he gets chucking rotten onions at birds in Drustvar.

I love this quirky man.


Most of us have a soft spot of ol’ Natty boy.

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Nathanos was consumed with loathing. He loved Sylvanas. Everyone else literally everyone else he literally despised. Alliance. Horde. Bird in a tree. Hates you. He had to be disturbed before he died to be THaT hateful in undeath. Remember that shivarra boss in tol barad who screamed about how she hated this and that and you and them etc. Pretty sure that’s his sister.

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Both of those endings make sense for Nathanos. Regardless of my feelings towards the guy, I hope he shows up before 9.2 ends.

His last name is literally “StormRAGE”.

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His parents were very creative.


Its… not supposed to?

My point was that I’m aiding Tyrande while she’s currently on her anti-Horde arc instead of just standing back and letting whatever happens happen. Same feeling I get while playing a Zandalari who has to save Jaina after Dazar’alor.

And thus:


I was surprising, because it felt like players had the choice to not quest with Tyrande by picking any Covenant but Night Fae, but then the Covenant Campaigns were merged and all players were funneled into Tyrande’s story.

Yeah, I thought they were going to leave it to the Night Fae like they did Vol’jin’s story.

It’s definitely a reoccurring trend, like Thalyssra convincing Lor’themar to work with the Alliance, and then them trying to stay on Shandris’ good side at Nazjatar and Orgrimmar respectively.

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