As an Undead Dwarf, I find offence with this. True I was raised into Undeath by Arthas and not Sylvanas, but I am rather enjoying my second chance at life. Mind you I have to keep myself incredibly cold to slow down any “rotting” that takes place.
Then there is that little voice in the back of my head telling me to cause suffering. I could do without that 24/7.
I was talking about datamined material, not necessarily the (questionable) ‘leaked’ material. While certainly both point to dragons, what has been datamined points to Emerald Dragons specifically, which are tied in very closely to Night Elves - which might point toward the Emerald Drakes working to fix things for them.
Less funny, more depressing. It points to an overall lack of agency that our characters have that pretty much shatters any illusion of the fourth wall.
Heroes of the Horde shouldn’t have any issue with questing with Tyrande. Heroes of the Horde should be eager to make things right by her for what happened at Darkshore.
You could actually see their personalities change before they die, in Sira’s last words before she splits off from the party sent to find Tyrande her words as she was dying, and in Delaryn’s final rejection of the visions she saw just before dying. Rejections as it turned out to be totally justified has the soul of her lover went to the Maw.
Sira was not a raging nutcase, and Delaryn wasn’t a despondent who could only talk about feeling cold. Even in the face of blaming Elune at the end of their lives their personalities were different than immediately after being raised as undead.
Did you ever played the Horde side of that event which Nathanos kills her.?.. facing her death, she goes into a complete meltdown of being betrayed by Tyrande and Elune.
Did you read Elegy? Her last thought was to refuse the sector of her dead lover as her own delusion.
Both of them gave up on those they had believed in in their last moments of life.
I’m arguing that given the trauma and circumstances they went through in both their deaths and being raised as undead, their perceived attitudes as Horde figures represent a logical extension of the evolution of their personalities. Sira was bitter with the feelings of betrayal at the moment of her death. And Sylvannas had made an extreme effort to break Delaryn at her’s.
Given Warcraft’s fantastic conventions, it’s more than plausible.
It just all-around comes across as shallow how the the night elves have been through things infinitely more horrific and come out unwavering, but between Delaryn and Sira more recently, and Leyara back in Cataclysm, they keep trying to ram this idea down our throats that losing millions to the Legion and Sundering, the worgen curse turning their friends and families against them and a seeing their fellow night elves eaten alive by giant bugs was all nothing compared to…the other faction winning.
There’s this fake-feeling, arbitrary effort to lend the faction war gravitas by insisting that losing it is the worst thing that can ever happen to someone, even though it’s really not. Basically everything else in the World of WarCraft is more nightmarish and heinous than one faction or the other winning a fight, yet we’re supposed to swallow this tripe where knowing the other side has won is so traumatic it shatters thousands of years of faith and resolve while getting torn to pieces by werewolves, smashed into jelly by anubisaths and dragged screaming into the gullets of poisonous bugs the size of houses was just another day at the office and didn’t even register.
Which is honestly funny as she was the one who went all leeroy jenkins on Nathanos and company. Her orders were to scout and report back. Sira only has herself to blame for her death.
There’s a big difference to losing something in a distant battle like the War of the Burning Sands, a battle in Pandaria, Northrend, or even Nordrassil, considering how distant it was.
But having the Horde march through Ashenvale, Darkshore, to end with the Burning of Teldrassil itself…that’s loss being taken right at your door. That’s a hell of a lot more personal.
I am not a star trek fan but when I saw blatant weird writing in Star Wars I called it out too.
Quit normalizing bad writing. They are both bad and worthy of ridicule.
Anyway if you want truly see awful writing go watch the Flash. Its so bad… its not even good. its still bad.
Countless night elves losing their families as the Legion depopulated their cities, followed by even more being lost to the Sundering wasn’t personal? Why is it only personal when the guys butchering their families happen to be wearing a Horde tabards?
They certainly should not get a free pass for choices they made.
Though, Delaryn hasn’t really done anything. You can walk right passed her in the Alliance side of the Darkshore Warfront, if she even decides to spawn before everyone’s already on Sira’s ocean platform. Then Delaryn fled for Tirisfal and hasn’t been seen since.
You get a bit of interaction with her as a Hordie, but not terribly much more than doing a couple of quests for her which include recruiting some of the Kaldorei fallen as Dark Rangers.