How many reports does it take

So how many reports does it take to get actioned? Say for example an inappropriate name which I most recently posted about. 4 day ban , expires tomorrow around 9:30 AM EST. Lucikly though I have a WOW1 account that Ive been playing on so I wasn’t completely banned. :smiley:

It takes just one report to have something looked at, but the more reports the higher it gets moved up the line in priority.


Number of reports are not relevant, though it can take time more than numbers for reports to be actioned. As this is not a contact point for CS, and really a discussion forum, it’s really not known by your fellow players how long it takes, or the underlying process. What lead to your reported name could have come from reports weeks ago.

Not an employee, only speculation.


Thanks, sorry for the intrusion.

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It generally takes one, Luminatii, though the impact on the community, often judged by an increase in the number of reports we receive, can be a factor.

I should note that verified bad names will usually process faster, as our staff uses those already verified calls to help for new reports.

Beyond that, we’re not going to provide a lot of details on the ins and outs of our reporting systems. There are simply far too many folks out there who try to game and abuse it.

We tend to penalize the WoW license, not the entire account.


Hardly an intrusion. If you have questions like these, this is the best place for them. Anywhere else, it’s a lot of he said/she said/reddit said/streamer did this - and most of the time the information from those sources is way off base. Between the folks who hang out here in CS and our SFAs, we try our utmost to answer questions and get folks pointed in the right direction.


That was beautiful. Thank you! my day just got brighter.


If you have any other characters that might have names that might be questionable you can report the names and character yourself. If a gm agrees the name should not be allowed you will be given a chance to rename for free. Since you self reported there would be no suspension or any kind of action against you.


this has been proven false lol

Afraid it has not! More reports does not mean someone will get actioned. Only means will get reviewed before reports with just one or two. The number does not equal outcome


really then how do explain all the videos showing people getting mass reported into an instant ban?

by the way you literally just proved my point with saying this

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Simple. Those aren’t bans. It’s a squelch (or temporary silence) that is a consequence of someone being reported a certain amount for a chat violation.

If they do get some type of ban, it’s only after the reports are reviewed for authenticity.


Yet can get 30 reports and if you did nothing then nothing happens to your account!

Yet one report if you did something wrong you will get actioned. Just might take a little longer


That is and was a squelch not a ban or suspension


If you watch those videos after he gets disconnected he logs back in! Only difference he can not talk in game! So not a ban!


A squelch not a ban


That would be he got people to false report him to make his little video, wasting everyone’s time.


In the context

It’s basically the same thing as the blue post

The number of reports are not relevant, it only takes one.

This thread was primarily about name violations, likely not relevant to the system that your referencing.


I am sorry but in here we don’t perpetuate the nonsense “auto-ban” theories. Zack and Holger are two of the multiple online personalities that are responsible for the widespread fallacy that there exists some kind of auto-ban that can happen in this game.

Just because Reddit / Streamers say something doesn’t make it true. And, unfortunately, with all of the rampant confirmation bias out there, even when they actually get banned or suspended, they do so with the attitude that it’s because of some automatic system, and people believe it.

Zack got banned because he encouraged people to abuse the report system. So while he may have gotten momentarily squelched or even disconnected, that’s because he rallied people to abuse the report system. Ban deserved.

Whatever Holger did (I refuse to use these folks’ “stage names”; I personally don’t consider them artists) is likely the same thing. If that person got banned for doing AH shenanigans, then they got banned for that. Not because they had a hundred people report them.

It’s been proven tens of thousands of times in here that there is no auto-ban, and every so often, someone who has been misinformed by streamers, Reddit, “the internet,” “these guys I know,” “the video I saw on Twitch,” or the assumption that “everyone knows about the auto-ban,” wanders in here and tries to sell their - pardon the pun - “flat Azeroth” theories.

Welcome to Customer Support. The only home of unfettered truth here on these forums.