Naming and Shaming rule

Naming and shaming fall under Harassment.

Being a jerk is against the ToS.

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Right and I can intuit that interpretation, but I am looking for any example of EVER any blue poster specifically saying exactly that:

“naming and shaming bad”

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Even referring to someone who is being a jerk as a jerk is against the ToS.

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I got a suspension once for doing that, and it wasn’t even particularly colorful language.
Very annoying.


Maybe this will help that?


Naming and shaming here would be great thing?

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Do you really think that though?

Oh boy, here we go…

That seems to cover it.

Here’s a couple supplementals:

(Forum Mod Edit - Less Obvious since technically anyone could edit their own post like this, but who would?)

(2007 Blue Post - Topic here is swapping to alts with the intent of trolling, but it pretty directly calls naming and shaming out as rule breaking behavior)


If they don’t believe you tell them to make a post belittling someone by name, heck they can insult my character by name.

Since they don’t think it’s a real thing they shouldn’t be afraid

Then that case 100% of everyone here is guilty. This includes Blizzard devs and Ion.


if the mods already infract for it…does it really matter? or are you gonna be one of THOSE people that challenges authority because it isnt expicity written down. because im really getting that “ITS NOT IN THE RULES YOU CAN’T ACTION ME FOR IT!” vibe from this question.

We know why they wont lmao. I think OP’s friend is trolling them with this. Strong cartman vibes.

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Here IT is!


Even if it doesn’t break rules the forum mods still erase posts. All it takes is people mass flagging it then it goes in the trash can.

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not neccesarily. i’ve seen posts restored after being flagged.

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95% of the time its a 404 deletion. Kinda like what this thread is about to go into shortly.

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I’m not entirely sold about “his friend.” I’m 50/50 thinking they’re feeling out if they can post something about someone else for some reason

Let’s check blue posts, then…