If someone didn’t like the name, and it wasn’t against the rules, it would not have been changed. It doesn’t matter if someone likes the name or not. Al that matters is if it falls within the rules of what is allowed.
I’m afraid you’re going to have to learn to live with disappointment.
Nope 15 years ago people had a sense of humor and if they didn’t like something let it go, walked away, or got involved and changed it. They didn’t try and preemptively change the world. Maybe it was bette then maybe it is better now. Kind of depends on where your sitting doesn’t it
It was reported. Blizzard reviewed it. It doesn’t take a lot of time to determine it violates the Code of Conduct. Whether or not someone does or does not like your name doesn’t come into it.
You got an answer from Blizzard already. Change the name.
I’ll spell it out for you since you seem to just not get it. No cut and paste. The name is a reference to a sexually transmitted infection (STI/STD). It doesn’t matter what your reason for the name is.
Funny. I remember players like yourself coming to the forum complaining about having to change their name. Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. People still have a sense of humor. That name isn’t humorous or original. It wasn’t 15 years ago either.
It is possible that players didn’t know they could report names like that. You have the streamers to thank for getting your name changed. They showed to all their viewers that the right-click>report system does do something.
An appeal of a name action is not an opportunity to “make a case” for the name.
Appeals are viewed by a different person than the one who originally made the call that the name violated standards.
That persons only concern will be “Does the name violate the ToU, or not?”.
If that person agrees that the Name is offensive, the decision stands. If they agree with you that the name is not offensive, the decision is reversed.
You can re-appeal until told to stop. Appeals made after being told to stop fall into GM Harassment which leads to a different category of penalties.
Frankly, a name that refers to the disgusting condition of a sexual body part, is not likely to be granted upon an appeal.
Preemptive measures in this case is the name filter that blocks a lot, but not all, inappropriate names when you create your character. Fix it later is the right-click>report system.
It is possible to make a humorous name without being offensive. Your current posting character has a cute name. You could play it up with the right transmog. Blizzard is removing most of the transmog restrictions in 8.3.
No, you THINK you have an entire guild that thinks the name is hilarious. For all you know one of them reported your name.
Oh wait, I know they didn’t report it, I asked right? Yeah cuz people always tell the truth int his situation. Jist as plausible as a random player btw.
One. It takes one report. If the name is inappropriate you grt flagged for a rename. I had questions on one of my names so I reported it myself. It was the right the call. GM said it may or may not be a violation, it was borderline. But because I was concerned they flagged it, and pinative as ction was taken against my account as I reported it myself.
If the name is not a violation, nothing happens. For all I know Mastadon had been reported 5942 times. It is not a violation so the report gets closed. But if we ever have a president Mastadon, one report will probably flag me for recharge, despite this being my original took, created a week or so after launch.
We look into reports. A name either is - or is not, in violation. By the way, this one most certainly is.
You are free to appeal the decision, but as already pointed out above, that isn’t what an appeal is for. It isn’t a discussion, it isn’t to present your side - it is for us to review the original decision to decide if policy was followed. That is all it is.
You seem to think 18 seconds is a short amount of time, it probably wouldn’t have taken me 1.5 sec to agree with the report - this name is not appropriate. “Cut and paste” responses are otherwise known as templates. This is quite a common issue for GMs to deal with, it would definitely not be efficient to specifically handcraft an original piece of correspondence just for you. Even if that wasn’t an issue - how many ways can you say - nope, violates our rules, sorry you need a new name?
Hi Jinglebells. I understand your frustrted with the forced name change. I can also be amused by a clever, bawdy name. I don’t personally find Rottencrotch amusing, but I personally wouldn’t have reported it. However, at least one person did. As the other’s have noted, it only takes one report to have the name reviewed. Multiple reports only move it higher in the list of names to be reviewed. But they all get reviewed eventually. In your case, it was reviewed and deemed inappropriate. You can appeal it, but (as Orylia noted) that’s not a opportunity to argue your side. It’s a binary decision (appropriate or inappropriate) at the sole discretion of Blizz.
Regarding you selecting a new name, you can submit a ticket with the name for Blizz to review. I did that with many of my names that seemed bawdy or silly or non-sensical. And the GM was able to verify that they were appropriate. But I’ve also had to change a name in the past, a character named Balls. I was disappointed, but after my appeal was denied, I accepted the ruling, changed the name, and moved on. (Don’t rely on my opinion, but maybe a name like Nastynethers might be deemed acceptable - but submit a ticket first to find out).
Your one day suspension for the name violation is unsusual. Typically, suspensions only come into play when there is a pattern or history of forced name changes or if a player changed the name to something virtually the same (like if I had tried to change my old name from Balls to Ballz).
It’s disappointing to lose a name you may have had for a long time. You admit that you felt the name was skirting the line. But from Blizz’s perspective, it’s over the line.
I just hope that the OP takes away an important lesson from this that humour is subjective. What one may find amusing, others will find it offensive. When the latter occurs, it is best ti walk away and move on in life. Arguments on this subject only lead to the frustrations of all parties involved.
And I have no problem standing by the descision, I do have a problem with what appears to be a slap slap slap approach and then the 6 emails poor in explaining everything. Don’t remember having a name change forced before so now I know.
Reporting used to be MUCH more difficult, however that name was always a violation.
In the beginning a player would have to jump through hoops to report a name, language etc. So it is not that it was acceptable then. It was more it was not egregious enough to warrant the time to make the report.
Now, I push two buttons. And I am done.
As to the process, there is no defending yourself. It is a simple binary decision. Is the name a violation. Yes or no? 1 or 0. That literally is it.
The EULA is intentionally vague to prevent people from trying to rules lawyer their way out of a situation. Do mistakes happen? Sure they do. That is why there is an appeals process. One that works btw as we have seen on this forum kn the past.
It is also possible of a response that fast. If the GM is watching the rename as it happens, or might have been wrapping up on the back end after the process, I could see this as a possibility.
And lastly the cut/paste is a standard template. They do use templates for common things. All businesses do. It ensures the same consistent message to each person.
I will, however, commend you for at least saying you accept the decision. A lot we see go down kicking and screaming. It usually does not end well for them.
Which is exactly what happened. Game crashes, come back in and name is garbage and says it needs to be changed. Changed it back sent a reports saying my name was garbage and why was that happening and then finished my pet battle then logged. Checked email when I went to bed and all this blasted thru. So jumped on the forums to see what was going on and this happened. Now I have learned that the name is a slang term I never had used in my world and instead of explaining I’m quoted name and verse (thanks btw Rufflebottom) until everyone calmed down for 2 seconds and explains.