Name reservations? This is a first

Ummm….what? It is part of the subscription. You are paying for a “World of Warcraft subscription”, not paying for a “retail subscription” or a “classic subscription”

You can’t play two games at once…

I see the disingenuous rationalizing continues. They literally decided to gift classic to current subs because sub numbers for retail were plummeting. Who do you honestly think you are fooling with this garbage?


Honestly I’m never going to be able to contend with such obvious bias.
If you want to play WoW you don’t buy a “classic WoW subscription” you buy the same subscription as anyone else who is currently playing WoW, retail or otherwise.

Everyone is in the same boat. There is no favouritism, everyone has the same access as everyone else.

Except so much of it is wrong. The first day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is always June 20 or 21 – you are showing dates as late as June 25. The only reason it varies at all is the quarter day that floats around each year eventually making a leap year.

And it’s a solstice not an equinox for summer.

Also, when defining your summer by monthly temperatures, it’s as you say if comparing temps in calendar months. How could it be anything else by definition? But if you look at the warmest 90 days regardless of when calendar months end I bet it’s different.

Do name reservations open on that date and then are left open until you claim three characters or does it cut off on that date as well? So if you miss it, you miss it?

I’m thinking they will cut off on the same date.

I dont even want Legolas, but why not try for it first go around since the names I take certainly wont be the first to go.

Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn…well crap, I’d probably actually use Gimli and Aragorn.

The point was that some places define the beginning as when it’s been X temperature for more than 7 days. It doesn’t matter, to them, what the historic value is. They see seasons as transient, and not strictly consistent year-to-year. This is the swedish/finnish way. They don’t give a hoot about which months summer is in, or what the solstice literally falls on. If it hasn’t been warm for 7 days it’s not summer yet as they observe it.

As for meteorological seasons, I believe the point of meteorological seasons is that they’re approximate enough. Meteorological seasons aren’t aiming for perfect accuracy (or they’d use astronomical seasons), they’re aiming for being as accurate as possible while being as simple to use as possible.

This is correct, I failed to recall the actual word.

Having done further research, you’re correct - to a point. The solstice can occur on three days. The 20th, the 21st, and the 22nd. The 22nd last occurred, as far as I can see, in 2015. 2015 was not a leap year.

It varies because of our own planets “wobble”. Because we’re not at the same axial tilt every year in the exact same place along our orbit, the precise date of the solstice is not precise, and the leap year can interfere with this further. Which means that the technical solstice can occur in any of three given days in non-leap years.

Leap years occur because our complete orbit around the sun does not line up precisely with the day length into perfect increments. It isn’t strictly to do with the wobble of our planet, and as such the change isn’t solely down to leap year.

Which is very true. Except that’s not what meteorological seasons are trying to do. They’re trying to line up with the calendar and describe seasons as we expect them.

So, for example, summer is warm, winter is cold, spring is “warming” and fall is “cooling”.

On average, June, July, and August are all “warm”. It’s true that it gets warmer the deeper into summer you go, but if we needed that level of precision summer would basically be a month or so for the warmest part.

Fall, however, is when it starts cooling and weather patterns change from summer. This cooling, and weather patterning, can be seen in September already. So it’s September, October, and November. It is consistently cooling during these months, and it starts in September.

Winter is cold. Like summer, it has a coldest part but we define the whole thing as being “cold”. It has different air and weather patterns from fall. This ends up falling on December, January, and February.

Spring is getting warmer. The weather patterns are changing, and the air temperature is rising. This covers March, April, and May. Then we transition back to summer, where new weather patterns begin to unfold, and the temperature really starts going up.

Meteorological seasons aren’t just about the temperature per se. They’re also about weather patterns, and how the temperature behaves. Trying to find an average over time is precisely how meteorologists came up with these periods.

They said “opening” so I would assume it will stay open.
Otherwise they would have said something more like “available on August 13th”

I was just wondering if we will have a server list available before hand so we can plan w friends?

Yea this thing is starting to explode, I have friends appearing out of the woodwork who want to play Classic.

The early character creation seems a nice way to coordinate our setup. Hope the realm is something we can all select at that time.

Honestly, I think this is primarily geared towards players who are seeking to play under the same name the did back during Vanilla. Sure, players can absolutely put any name they want (that’s acceptable and available) on as one of their 3 reserves, but I doubt many sane people who are also reactivating dormant subs, are going to be put out by the extra $7.50 (you’re resubbing 2 weeks earlier than you would have f or launch, not a full month) in order to secure their original Vanilla name.

If someone is butthurt over the prospect of paying that $7.50 for a solid opportunity to secure a name just because they think its the edgiest of edgelord meme names, I guess they have to decide which is more important to them… the name, or 2 weeks of game time.

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Will this be available as soon as the servers come back up that morning?

Fixed that for you.

It is no more a “solid opportunity” as it would be if everyone were fighting for names on release day. With a “lean list” of servers with each server having many times the players at launch (3k per layer x number of layers, all of which have to fight over the names) name claiming will be just as messy on reserve day as release day would have been.

It is not worth 2 weeks of game time toward a horrible game.

This will give Blizzard an estimate of the number of players at launch.

What would the point of that be if you had already charged people to reserve names for specific servers?

nobody listen to this fake peridot anyway. what a CLOD

I’m thankful we’ll be able to reserve our names early. Get our characters how we want em to look, names saved etc.

Right when launch happens, don’t have to worry about names being taken and cosmetic options. Click play > boom in

This is correct. And, if you do get into a layer you don’t want to be in, have your friend invite you into a party (or vice versa). Voila, you’re with your buds. Couldn’t do that with sharding, but can using layers.

Fast forward to afternoon on August 13th when the forum is full of people with pitchforks and torches because they did not get the names they wanted to request because someone else took less time customizing their looks and having a choice of bloated layered populations on “lean” realm list. That is, if they are actually able to get past the login queue when millions of players are trying to simultaneously log in for character creation.