Name Archive

I have the following names for trade or sale


See latest post.

I have a few names currently on CD, and am taking offers. Am willing to listen to all offers due to the cool down:
Neil - Moon Guard
Balto - Moon Guard
Cohen - Moon Guard
Joshy (WRA, no cooldown)

BNET IS/ Amanda#13362

hey! i’m assuming you’re only looking on moon guard but i have the name carrot on wra if you’re ever interested!

I’ve got some names for sale on ally Moon Guard. My bnet is Lezzy#11873. Most of these I’d probably charge around 30-50k give or take. I just want to be rid of them.

  • Bloodmary
  • Uwued
  • Uhauled
  • Cultastic
  • Felacious
  • Apocalyptia
  • Bloodmancy
  • Underdog
  • Devilchild
  • Devilbabe
  • Fightclub
  • Melter
  • Tenderized

Sent you a discord request couple days ago, lookin to get into cntact with you about two names on your list. Thanks.

Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Awe-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade Only: :gift_heart: / Gold: :purple_heart: / Only Special Trades: :cupid:

💝Messy     💘Dusk     💘Awe     💘Armor     💝Quote    💘Hate(WRA)
💘Elk       💘Filthy   💘Mania   💘Wisteria  💘Scythe   💘Spirit(WRA)
💝Stop      💘Bane     💝Stray   💘Ether     💜Spear    💜Fatality(WRA)
💜Shi       💝Humor    💜Screamer💜Spire     💜Hallow   💜Easy(WRA)
💜Tfw       💜Exiled   💜Slum    💜Sunder    💜Savvy    💘Risk(WRA)
💜Boast     💜Harmed   💜Sickened💜Mourne    💝Reset    💘Salt(WRA)
💜Crushed   💜Observe  💜Slammed 💝Strain    💜Quarrel  💘Zeal(WRA)
💝Paced     💝Sever    💜Sullied 💘Prism     💜Wis      💝Bovine(WRA)
💝Hiss      💘Easy     💜Trite   💜Alas      💜Curl     💝Seethe(WRA)
💜Whacky    💜Barn     💜Groggy  💜Call      💜Boil     💜Surfal(WRA)
💝Tale      💝Realm    💝Loathe  💜Rank      💜Found    💜Beastly(WRA)
💝Sear      💜Hone     💝Fever   💝Fatality  💜Aye(WRA) 💘Cutie(WRA)   

I’m seeking generally short names that fit with my naming conventions. Example, names with: :cupid:or :gift_heart: (Dream names: Death, Demon, Love, Hate, Lynx, Rat, Sad, Myth, Sun, Moon, Blood, Zeal, Spirit.)(Some of these I have on WRA and would love to have on MG! Otherwise, I would like them on either realm.)

I will entertain most trade offers, but do know that names with :cupid: are unlikely to be traded unless you come to me with one of my dream names, and even then it would depend on the name you seek. I list all of my names so that people know which ones are taken, and so that maybe we can trade!

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

LOOKING FOR (on Moon Guard)
Nix or Nyx

If you have/know who has these names, even if they aren’t for sale, please let me know. Closure helps to move on from an otherwise taken name. <3

If you spy a name I’ve received from you on this list, it’s most likely because I ended up not using it for my previous intention. Please forgive me, and do have faith that I am truly trying to find it a better home. :heart:

My discord name is ‘wynira’. It’s the fastest way to get ahold of me. :slight_smile:

All these names are on Moon Guard:

Eternos, Ottuk, Outskilled
Chitter, Famish, Favored
Modicum, Rockfang, Votann, Vorquin

A friend is trading/selling the following names, and asked me to post for them. I can ask about their prices if you’re interested in a specific name.

On Moon Guard
Portaldaddy, Portalmommy

My friend has given me control of their PALWORLD names on Moon Guard, so I’m having a SALE on them all! Each name is 75k, and if you buy two you get a third for free! :smiley:

Astegon, Azurobe
Fenglope, Foxparks, Frostallion, Fuack
Grintale, Grizzbolt, Gumoss
Lamball, Leezpunk, Lifmunk
Ragnahawk, Relaxaurus, Reptyro

^Again, all of the above names are on Moon Guard.^

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:I HAVE A SPECIAL TRADE DEAL!:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
Navi on Wyrmrest Accord for Navi on Moon Guard!
If you are or know the owner, please message me and let me know if you are or are not interested. <3

Sorry friend, didn’t see this until now. You might not have included the period in the name. Added a note there now, it seems to happen often :pensive:

Looking to buy the name Esther on Moon Guard. Please add me on discord at highlordthoranis, or on bnet at Vilefin#1866, thank you!

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Lydia posted in this thread back in August about selling the name Esther in case you haven’t already seen it! Should get in contact with her ^^

Looking to buy the name Herran on Moon Guard.

Please send me a Bnet Friend Request at Heemi#11205 or a Discord friend request at heemi to contact me about a sale, or just to say you’re not willing to part with the name.

There’s a couple names I’m seeking on Moon Guard:


Names I have to offer:
Moon Guard - Phanessa, Stormscale (I also have Laesel but it’d have a cooldown and it’s not the exact BG3 character spelling so I imagine it’s less appealing)
Wyrmrest Accord - Venomlash

I would not be opposed to discussing a price if the names I have to offer are not compelling enough.

I am wolfaelan on Discord or you can ingame mail Liraelan

didn’t get either of your friend requests :confused: added you on discord Sarond

FIXED: my battletag was wrong re-add me please

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DO NOT send mail to the character names some people have them on starter accounts you cannot delete them unless you buy a sub i contacted blizzard and they said this "Thank you for taking the time to reach out to Blizzard Entertainment.

Game Master Gleduelhun is here. I’ll be the one helping you today with your request.

What I could gather by reading what you wrote us, is that you’re unable to delete the charater. Worry not, will check that for you.

We apologize for the inconvenience, I know that you’ve tried everything you can to be able to delete the character.

Starter accounts cannot delete the mail as it’s considered as trial accounts, we apologize for the inconvenience.

If you need assistance with anything, face any issues, or even have a small question. Feel free to contact us at any time.

Best regards,
GM Gleduelhun.


Hey I sent you a message on awe MG, interested in a few of your names!

btag: KEVIN#113701
discord: bigmankevin
in-game mail: Kevin

If it’s just looking, window shop away!
I prefer gold but do trades depending on the names. :fire:
Message anytime.

:point_down: Moon Guard Names :point_down:

A: ambience - antacid - ape - apparel - appendage - arachnid
B: baldurian - bayside - becoming - biome - bogo - bpi - bugbear - bulky - bungie
C: chew - chromatic - clock - congestion - conscience - corps - corridor - costume - crossbow
D: deject - deku - deluxe - deteriorate - devolve - dicaprio - diy - duane
E: earring - effect - exclamation
F: fiancé - filament - finnish - flaky - forlese - former - franchise
G: gein - gilgoblin
H: herring - hoarse
I: ifc - ikiss - imminent - implicate - individual - ingest
J: jamel - jarring
L: labret - ligament - linen - lumber
M: mailbox - mindblowing - mindflayer - miniature - missile - mky - mmo - mordhau - mutation
N: naga - newcomer - neltharus - nerubian - nke - nook - nothin
P: pedipalps - performance - peril - plagueheart - profound
R: radioactive - raspy - reanimated - relative - release - resilience - revilgaz - rural
S: sepsis - skeletor - slc - smock - specimen - speech - spotless - stevia - structure - suitor
T: tarragrue - tedious - terokkar - thermometer
U: ufc - uncommon - unisex - unread - untidy
V: voyager
W: watchman - weight - wildebeest
Y: yoggsaron
Z: zbd - zky

Op!! Sorry, I didn’t see that! I’ll check that very soon! Thank you for responding to me here! I’ve been playing WRA characters a bit recently so I don’t see the mail icon hehe

Greetings all. A lot of people have been asking me about the name Julia. My original posts said the name would be ready on Oct 30th but that was for the Julia I have on Area 52. The reason the sale is listed as “pending” is because Julia on Moon Guard wasn’t a name I was planning on selling so that one wouldn’t be ready until Nov 19th.

Atm, I’m planning on selling it to the person that asked me about it first and I will update my post on Nov 20th to “the name has been sold” or “it’s for sale.” No need to send me more letters :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you.

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Looking for various names:

  • Alicia
  • Guinevere
  • Gwenhwyfar
  • Towa
  • Seele
  • Stelle
  • Lumine
  • Belle

Have for trade:

  • Frey (30d)
  • Gran
  • Aesc (30d)
  • Atri
  • Athanasia
  • Kazuki
  • Yukari
  • Brielle
  • Becca
  • Konoha

bnet: Aliciel#11686