Name Archive

Selling names on Moon Guard and a single name on Wyrmrest that I will have at the end marked! Technically open to trade but it’s unlikely, but no harm in inquiring! Add me on Discord: slaptimus

  • Diego
  • Graham
  • Rayden
  • Kaiden
  • Mansen
  • Tatum
  • Joaquin
  • Sonny
  • Gustavo
  • Vicente
  • Zakai
  • Lennon
  • Winston
  • Phil
  • Sweete
  • Barret
  • Barrett
  • Garrett
  • Stanley
  • Hart
  • Starke
  • Ekko
  • Aislinn
  • Cayne
  • Elliot (Wyrmrest Accord, the only name on the list that’s WRA.)

See latest post.

Hi everyone (:
I am looking for the name "Arlo’ on Moon Guard. I’ve been searching on the armory, Check PVP, and /who-ing but they don’t seem to exist or played as a character.

I can pay a good amount of gold for it.

You can send ingame mail to Avast-MoonGuard, or DM me on twitter @Luvdorei

Hey again! Sent you some mail to both Awe-Moon Guard and Hate- WrA with my btag and discord for some potential name swaps or just gold if needed! Hope all is well!

Added you on bnet! Sorry, I’ve been so busy with my semester!

Dream names to obtain are Kat and Clouds/Cloudy.

Selling for gold:

Scarce, Linsey, Ancestry, Yen, Reverend, Aberration, Dishonor, Imprint, Sundaes, Panics, Blemish, Hydroxide

I prefer to trade these but I am open to selling as well:
Rust, Hermit, Femur, Fashion, Weave, Kh

I also have the name Kiki but will only trade it for other short word names.

Discord - adyne. (period included)
In-game mail - Elistare

Looking to buy the name “Woof” on any high pop realm looking to trade the following names send me your list on discord: wwwooofff

Trade Only
Moon Guard:
Jon (cd)
Dev (cd)
Carrot (cd)
Piggy (cd)
Cataclysm (cd)
Boytoy (cd)

i am looking for the name milk!! anyone got any leads?!?!

Please read These are my terms:

  • Gold must be paid before I release the name.
  • My prices are firm. No, I won’t go lower.
  • Not really interested in trading since I have all the names I want.

Price at 1mil
Area 52 - Janet, Greta, Isidore, Maren, Verna, Alessandra, Marianna

Priced at 500k
Moon Guard - Marjorie, Malina, Dinah, Glenda, Nola, Sonnie
Wyrmrest Accord - Peta

Priced at 300k:
Moon Guard - Flossie, Etta, Darina, Kenna, Senga, Sheena, Agad, Leizu, Nollie

Priced at 100k:
Moon Guard - Edalyn, Kexin, Nissel, Coilette, Bisa



Lottie to Ivy/Falcon! Transaction went very smoothly.
Thank you Ahab for selling me “Dulcinia!”
Sidney to Sleepy! Another smooth transaction.
Sibyl to chillmaw! Thanks for another smooth transaction.
Thank you Naam for purchasing Threat!
Julia, Venal, and Vixey to Devilbiter! Thank you too for a smooth transaction!
Unfair to Sm0lbean! Tyvm!
Georgette to bunny! Tyvm!
Foreboding and Poisoning found a home with Wayward.
Harmful to Bitter! Tyvm
Bertha to Royalty! Thanks dude.
Betsy and Ronda to Mjopix! Tyvm!
Woeful to Retro! Tyvm

Looking for the name Caliginous. Please send an in-game mail to Darkfeather if you’d like to negotiate!

Still looking to buy for gold the name “Lasciel” on MG or WrA. Feel free to send me a mail at Masril on WrA or Noxisa on MG. Thanks! If anyone knows who has it I’d greatly appreciate the help getting the word out.

Holding out for a hero/heroine who has any of the following.

Khara, Reed, Goober, Goofball

Send a letter in game :dracthyr_love_animated:

WTS the following names:

Moon Guard Afflict, Anderson, Bank, Bye, Cin, Clever, Clicker, Dawg, Dealer, Declan, Dom, Doxx, Exorcist, Flow, Harem, Kryptic, Legend, Lich, Oni, Outfit, Primal, Roman, Rough, Speak, Tyler

A52 Bank, Dominant, Legacy, Prime, Prodigy
Tich Pika, Prime

Discord: gunnor
Please message me offers!! I do not have set prices

Someone really needs to take ownership of this thread and update the OP with current available names. Kind of hard to scroll through everything and figure out what is taken and what is available.

Either that or make a web page for people to browse.

Yeah but that’s more of a hassle. Normally everyone that posts is pretty good at updating their list’s shortly after a trade/sale. Unless you’re looking at old posts with people who are probably inactive or no longer doing name trades.

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Don’t scroll through every thing. Do a curl+f and/or scroll down o the bottom.

Released the names:


Selling some names on Moon Guard.

  • Sinister - selling for 2 mil (firm on price)
  • Jocilyn - selling for 500k (negotiable)

Send me a request on discord, the username is very_cozy or add me on bnet @ Cozy#12446

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See updated post.

Looking to buy the name “Woof” on any high pop realm looking to trade the following names send me your list on discord: wwwooofff

Trade Only
Moon Guard:
Jon (cd)
Dev (cd)
Carrot (cd)
Piggy (cd)
Cataclysm (cd)
Boytoy (cd)